
The fourth tool in the management system is a discussion between manager and staff called the One-on-One. These are regular meetings, perhaps weekly, depending upon circumstances, to ensure that goals will be achieved. They should take no more than five to 10 minutes (they’re not designed as a general discussion forum), but they’re a very powerful goal-focused tool.

The One-on-Ones are intended to keep everyone focused on their goals, and they are conducted in an informal yet structured way. For every One-on-One, there are five questions that should be convincingly answered by the team member. You can ask the questions in your own words, but here they are:

- Did you achieve your goals since we last spoke?

- If not, what corrective action will you take to get back on plan?

- If you did, what will you do to stay at this high level of achievement?

- What are your goals for the coming period?

- Are there any obstacles in your way?

- What will we do to remove the obstacles?

You’ll notice that the last question involves “we.” The action step taken here is an agreement between the manager and employee as to what will be done to remove any barriers to success. If the barriers are removed, the manager should expect the goals to be achieved.

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