accountability, 178


avoid the trivial many, 175

focus on the vital few, 41, 175

Apple, 86, 124, 125, 127, 176

autocratic management style, 102-103

BMW, 124, 125

boundaries, establishing, 154-157

business plan outline, sample, 55-56

business plan,

metaphors for teaching the value of, 47-48, 49-51

why business owners don’t want to create, 48-49

Business Planning Map, 67

business strategies, create successful, 61-62

buy-in, 178

Calvin Klein, 124, 125

candidates, methods and processes for identifying and interviewing, 93

Chair, duties of, 184

clarity, importance of, 177

closing, 134, 137, 138

coach the right people, 75-111

three steps required to, 85

two major activities needed to, 76


essence of the manager as, 102

how to be a great, 100-102


as a manager’s focus, 99

the right people, essence of, 85

commitment, importance of, 178


importance of, 177

using the Daily Huddle for close, 193

company goals,

appropriate, three categories of, 29

challenging, 25

comparing actual performance to, 186-189, 194

effective, six characteristics of, 24-27

inadequate, examples, 28

individual vs., 196-197

measurable, 25

near-term, 24-25

reasonable, 25

three flavors of, 16

three overarching, 25-27

yearly, 27


assessing prospective employee, 168-169

importance of employee, 168-171

three components to, 170

corporate stewardship, 21

Costco, 122, 123

culture of non-accomplishment, signs of, 174


constantly build your firm’s, 145-146

changing the company’s, 146

create a customer centric, 115


satisfaction, 31

service, 128


delighting the, 118

serve the right, 113-146


perception, importance of, 125

true needs, your, 116


building your company around your, 116

five steps for, 117-146

clarify or identify characteristics of the right, 114

create a sales process to secure and serve your right, 134-140

create the right strategies for your right, 120-134

dealing effectively with your, 115

define the right, 117-120

design operations to best serve your right, 140-145

generic strategies to acquire, 121-132

barriers in practicing all three, 131-132

identifying prospective, 134

satisfy and delight your, 120

small vs. big, 118-119

specific strategies to acquire, 132-134

three major categories of potential, 136-137

track your potential, 134

two types of strategies to acquire, 121

undesirable, 117-119

your ideal, 117

Daily Huddle, 192-194

differentiated customer-service company, 127-131

difficulty in being, 128

distinctive characteristics of, 130

two major ways to distinguish your firm as, 129

differentiated products company, 124-127

characteristics of, 126-127

importance of innovation in, 127

doing the right things right, importance of, 173-198

80/20 Rule, 118

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 48

employee and managerial styles,

aligning, 102-104

employee empowerment,

enabling real, 153-160

three conditions for, 160-162

three steps to ensure, 161

employee reliability, importance of, 166-167

empower your team, three steps to, 153-160

empowerment process as diagnostic tool, 171-172

financial success vs. customer success, 17

find the right person, 93-100

one significant thing you can do to, 93


a manager’s primary, 99

an employee’s primary, 99

generating leads, 134

GMT, 180

critical topic for, 186

six tools of the, 182-198

GMT Meeting,

three roles involved in, 184

sample agenda for, 185

six major topics as the focus of, 183-184


financial health, 29-31

manager’s route to a, 154

sales or revenue, 30

strategic, reasons for using a, 32-33

using net profit as a, 29

goal achievement, early steps to, 157-158

Goal Management Team Leading, 71


and boundaries, clear, 76, 171

and company vision, 24

and strategies, relationship between, 63-66

as a part of the Position Description, 191


business-related, 16

appropriate, three categories of, 29

challenging, 25

comparing actual performance to, 186-189, 194

effective, six characteristics of, 24-27

inadequate, examples, 28

individual vs., 196-197

measurable, 25

near-term, 24-25

reasonable, 25

strategic, 32-33

things that distract us from our, 40

three flavors of, 16

three overarching, 25-27

yearly, 27

hamster cage as metaphor for managers, 41

hamster wheel, say no to the, 40-41


firms, using, 93

the right people, 76, 79, 84


four guidelines for incubating new, 72

survival of the fittest, 71-74

identifying and interviewing candidates,

methods and processes, 93

individual goals, 33-36

clear criteria for establishing, 36

inadequate, 37

individual performance, rewarding, 196-197


four major categories of, 57, 61-62

engage everyone in collecting, 59

modify strategies in light of new, 66-69

Kelleher, Herb, 92

Kennedy, President John F., 64, 65

Kodak, 58, 86

lead generation, 13

leadership, providing sound, 174

Lombardi, Vince, 101

losing sight of the big picture, reasons for, 85-86

low-cost company, 123-124

low-cost firms, common characteristics of, 123-124

management styles,

autocratic, 102

multiplicity of, 102


crisis in, 150

four phases of, 150-152

hands-off, 75, 102, 148

cautions regarding, 104

transitioning to people, 152

management-crisis dilemma, 158

managers, introverted, 148

meetings, weekly One-on-One, 35

micromanagement, 75

cautions regarding, 104

micromanager, the autocrat as, 103

Miracle on the Hudson (U.S. Airways Flight 1549), 52-53

natural abilities,

allowing a person to exercise their, 102

get candidates to reveal their, 94-95

needs, your customer’s true, 116

new developments, be on the lookout for, 61

One-on-One, 191-192

operational activities, 141

operational process,

creation of a firm’s, 143

designing a, 141

operations process, 140-145


continuously improve your firm’s, 145

using a diagram to illustrate your day-to-day, 142-143

plan, reasons most businesses lack a, 47

planning, traditional annual, 54-55, 56

planning process,

adaptability as an important component of, 57

conditions requiring an excellent, 50-51

creating a, 51-73

definition of, 51

examples of building, 51-53

five fundamental steps for creating, 53

never-ending nature of, 67

strategies and the, 63-66

two ways to conduct your, 54-59

value of, 44, 48

Position Description,

authority section of, 191

five most important parts of, 91

sample, 88-90

key components of an effective, 87

traditional job description vs. 87

using two different versions of, 92


example, 164

importance of shared, 162-164

inviolability of, 163


empowerment, 171

focus on the, 43-73

outcomes vs., 147

reliability, importance of employee, 166-168


as an inaccurate predictor of success, 108-111

cautions regarding, 108, 110

importance of truthfulness of the, 110

revenues, contracted vs. new, 136

reward program, company-wide, 194-198

objectives of, 194-195

rewards, advantage of backloading, 196


funnel, 134-136

process, 138-140

continually refine the, 140

important part of the overall, 137

sample, 139

two major activities in, 134

training programs, 138

vs. revenues, 136

sales-driven companies, 134

Spider Diagram, 62, 63, 68, 71, 133

strategies and goals, relationship between, 63-66

success, create clear vision of, 16

SWOT analysis, 57, 58

system of managing,

employ a, 175

six tools to assist in creating an effective, 180-198

three benefits of a proven and effective, 176


empower your entire, 147-172

how to create a high-functioning, 106-107

Team Resourcing, 189-191

two very important attributes to, 190

unreliable employees, two types of, 167



misconceptions regarding creating and communicating, 22

process of creating, 20

process of creating your, 21-23

strong, purposes of a, 20, 21

three areas of focus for your, 18

your, functions of, 19

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