Learning about the FC switching mode

Similar to LAN connectivity, UCS Fabric Interconnects support two types of switching modes: FC EHM and the FC switching mode. The default switching mode is an end-host mode where UCS appears as a number of hosts attached to the upstream switch. This is also known as N-Port Virtualization (NPV) and requires an NPIV-capable fabric switch for providing the fiber login services.

The other option available is the native FC switching mode where UCS Fabric Interconnect appears as a native FC fabric switch. Switching between FC modes is a disruptive process and hence should be arranged in a scheduled maintenance window.

In order to configure or verify the end-host mode for the Fabric Interconnects, perform the following steps:

  1. Log into UCS Manager.
  2. Click on the Equipment tab in the navigation pane.
  3. In the Equipment tab, click on Fabric Interconnect A (as shown in the following screenshot).
  4. The Status area in the work pane shows the current FC Mode configuration, which is End Host.
  5. In the Actions area of the work pane, the currently configured FC Mode, which in this case is End Host, will be shown grayed:

A Fabric Interconnect reboot is required in order to change the FC mode from End Host to Switch and vice versa.

In order to change the FC Mode from End Host to Switch, perform the following steps:

  1. Log into UCS Manager.
  2. Click on the Equipment tab in the navigation pane.
  3. In the Equipment tab, click on Fabric Interconnect A (as shown in the following screenshot).
  4. In the Actions area of the work pane, the currently configured FC Mode, which in this case is End Host, will be shown grayed and cannot be selected.
  5. Click on Set FC Switching Mode in the Actions area of the work pane.
  6. Click on Yes on the pop-up warning message to restart the Fabric Interconnect:
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