Operational policies

The last page is the Operation Policies page and has a number of configurations. Policies that are configured on this page are as follows:

  • BIOS Configuration: Configure BIOS settings
  • External IPMI Management Configuration: IPMI configuration
  • Management IP Address: Configure a static IP or an IP Pool
  • Monitoring Configuration (Thresholds): Configure monitoring thresholds
  • Power Control Policy Configuration: Configure Blade Power control
  • Scrub Policy: Configure data scrub settings

Now we will configure the operational policies one-by-one:

  1. The first policy is the BIOS Configuration policy. You may select an existing BIOS policy or you can create a new BIOS policy by clicking on the + sign. If no BIOS policy is selected, default values from BIOS defaults of the platform will be used:
  1. The next policy is the IPMI and Serial over LAN (SoL) configuration. Select an existing IPMI user access profile or create a new IPMI access profile by clicking on the + sign. If serial over LAN redirection for the server is required, configure a new SoL policy or select an existing one:
  1. The next policy is Management IP Address. It is possible to create a management IP pool and IPs will be automatically assigned to the servers. The other option is to assign a static IP to the server management console. In this example, we selected the Static option for the Management IP Address Policy field:
  1. The next configuration is Monitoring Configuration (Thresholds). It is possible to create a customized threshold policy with granular settings for server components. Mostly, a default policy is recommended, so this configuration can be skipped:
  1. The next configuration is Power Control Policy Configuration, which determines the power allocation for the server. Typically, this policy can also be skipped unless it is a situation where power management is required. The default setting provides maximum power to the blades. For the server's power control, it is possible to create a new power policy or use an existing one:
  1. The last operational policy configuration is the selection of the server Scrub Policy. The options are to select an existing scrub policy or create a new scrub policy by clicking on the + sign:
  1. The last KVM Management Policy configuration is the selection of the vMedia encryption policy. The options are to select an existing KVM management policy or create a new KVM management policy by clicking on the + sign:
  1. Click on Finish to complete the service profile configuration.
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