Creating a backup job using CLI

In order to perform the backup using CLI commands, follow these steps to create a weekly scheduled backup job to export a file using the SCP protocol to a remote server. Connect with FI CLI using SSH and run these scope commands:

  1. Select the organization scope:
        FI-A# scope org /
  1. Select a backup policy:
        FI-A /org # scope backup-policy default
  1. Select a remote hostname:
        FI-A /org/backup-policy # set hostname server
  1. Select a protocol for the backup job:
        FI-A /org/backup-policy* # set protocol scp
  1. Set the remote server username:
        FI-A /org/backup-policy* # set user username
  1. Set a password:
        FI-A /backup-policy* # set password
  1. Select a remote server filename:
        FI-A /backup-policy* # set remote-file /backups/full-state1.bak
  1. Select the admin state of the job to be enabled:
        FI-A /backup-policy* # set adminstate enable
  1. Select a schedule:
        FI-A /backup-policy* # set schedule weekly
  1. Optionally add a description:
        FI-A /backup-policy* # set descr "This is a full state
weekly backup."
  1. Execute and save changes to the configuration:
        FI-A /backup-policy* # commit-buffer
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