Common mezzanine adapter error messages

The following is a list of some common adapter issues and recommended solutions to troubleshoot and fix adapter issues. This information is an excerpt from the Cisco UCS Faults and Error Messages Reference guide available on the Cisco website at

Some other common mezzanine adapter error messages and recommended solutions are as follows. For a detailed list of UCS error messages, follow the preceding link:

Issue Recommended solution

The adapter is reported as inoperable in Cisco UCS Manager

For a new installation, verify that the adapter is compatible with the blade server.

In case of a UCS Manager firmware upgrade, verify that the adapter has the required firmware version to work with the version of Cisco UCS Manager.

Verify that the adapter is seated properly in the slot on the motherboard. Reseat to ensure good contact, reinsert the server, and rerun the POST.

Verify that the adapter is the problem by trying it in a server that is known to be functioning correctly and that uses the same adapter type.

The adapter is reported as degraded in UCS Manager

Reseat the blade server in the chassis.

The adapter is reported as overheating

Verify that the adapter is seated properly in the slot. Reseat it to assure good contact and rerun the POST.

Verify if there are any server/chassis airflow issues and correct these issues.

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