Updating the project-level script to run this chapter's BDD tests

In this chapter, we have developed several tactics to write and exercise BDD tests. This should help us in developing new projects. An invaluable tool for any project is having a top-level script used to manage things like packaging, bundling, and testing.

This recipe shows how to create a command-line project script that will run all the tests we created in this chapter using the various runners.

Getting ready

For this recipe, we need to have coded all the recipes from this chapter.

How to do it...

With the following steps, we will create a project-level script that will run all the test recipes from this chapter.

  1. Create a new file called recipe34.py.
  2. Add code that uses the getopt library for parsing command-line arguments.
    import getopt
    import logging
    import nose
    import os
    import os.path
    import re
    import sys
    import lettuce
    import doctest
    from glob import glob
    def usage():
        print "Usage: python recipe34.py [command]"
        print "	--help"
        print "	--test"
        print "	--package"
        print "	--publish"
        print "	--register"
        optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
               ["help", "test", "package", "publish", "register"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        # print help information and exit:
        print "Invalid command found in %s" % sys.argv
  3. Add a test function that uses our custom nose plugin BddPrinter.
    def test_with_bdd():
        from recipe26_plugin import BddPrinter
        suite = ["recipe26", "recipe30", "recipe31"]
        print("Running suite %s" % suite)
        args = [""]
        nose.run(argv=args, plugins=[BddPrinter()])
  4. Add a test function that exercises file-based doctests.
    def test_plain_old_doctest():
        for extension in ["doctest", "txt"]:
            for doc in glob("recipe27*.%s" % extension):
                print("Testing %s" % doc)
  5. Add a test function that exercises doctests using a customized doctest runner.
    def test_customized_doctests():
        from recipe28 import BddDocTestRunner
        old_doctest_runner = doctest.DocTestRunner
        doctest.DocTestRunner = BddDocTestRunner
        for recipe in ["recipe28", "recipe29"]:
            for file in glob("%s*.doctest" % recipe):
                given = file[len("%s_" % recipe):]
                given = given[:-len(".doctest")]
                given = " ".join(given.split("_"))
                print("%s: Given a %s..." % (recipe, given))
                print( "===================================")
        doctest.DocTestRunner = old_doctest_runner
  6. Add a test function that exercises lettuce tests.
    def test_lettuce_scenarios():
        print("Running suite recipe32")
        lettuce.Runner(os.path.abspath("recipe32"), verbosity=3).run()
        print("Running suite recipe33")
        lettuce.Runner(os.path.abspath("recipe33"), verbosity=3).run()
  7. Add a top-level test function that runs all of our test functions and can be wired to the command-line option.
    def test():
  8. Add some extra stub functions that represent packaging, publishing, and registration options.
    def package():
        print "This is where we can plug in code to run " + 
              "setup.py to generate a bundle."
    def publish():
        print "This is where we can plug in code to upload " + 
              "our tarball to S3 or some other download site."
    def register():
        print "setup.py has a built in function to " + 
              "'register' a release to PyPI. It's " + 
              "convenient to put a hook in here."
        # os.system("%s setup.py register" % sys.executable)
  9. Add code to parse the command-line options.
    if len(optlist) == 0:
    # Check for help requests, which cause all other
    # options to be ignored.
    for option in optlist:
        if option[0] in ("--help", "-h"):
    # Parse the arguments, in order
    for option in optlist:
        if option[0] in ("--test"):
        if option[0] in ("--package"):
        if option[0] in ("--publish"):
        if option[0] in ("--register"):
  10. Run the script with no options.
    How to do it...
  11. Run the script with –test.
    (ptc)gturnquist-mbp:04 gturnquist$ python recipe34.py --test
    Running suite ['recipe26', 'recipe30', 'recipe31']
      Scenario: Cart getting loaded with different items      # recipe33/recipe33.feature:22
        Given an empty cart                                   # recipe33/steps.py:6
        When I add a carton of milk                           # recipe33/steps.py:50
        And I add a frozen pizza                              # recipe33/steps.py:54
        Then the first item is a carton of milk               # recipe33/steps.py:34
        And the second item is a frozen pizza                 # recipe33/steps.py:58
        And the first price is 2.50                           # recipe32/steps.py:69
        And the second price is 3.00                          # recipe33/steps.py:66
        And the total cost with no taxes is 5.50              # recipe33/steps.py:70
        And the total cost with 10% taxes is 6.05             # recipe33/steps.py:74
    1 feature (1 passed)
    3 scenarios (3 passed)
    21 steps (21 passed)
  12. Run the script using –package –publish –register.
    How to do it...

How it works...

This script uses Python's getopt library.

See also

For more details about how and why to use getopt, reasons to write a project-level script, and why we are using getopt instead of optparse, see the Writing a project-level script that lets you run different test suites section from Chapter 2.

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