Chapter 9. Good Test Habits for New and Legacy Systems

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Something is better than nothing
  • Coverage isn't everything
  • Be willing to invest in test fixtures
  • If you aren't convinced on the value of testing, your team won't be either
  • Harvesting metrics
  • Capturing a bug in an automated test
  • Separating algorithms from concurrency
  • Pause to refactor when test suite takes too long to run
  • Cash in on your confidence
  • Be willing to throw away an entire day of changes
  • Instead of shooting for 100 percent coverage, try to have a steady growth
  • Randomly breaking your app can lead to better code


I hope you have enjoyed the previous chapters of this book. Up to this point, we have explored a lot of areas of automated testing:

  • Unit testing
  • Nose testing
  • Doctest testing
  • Behavior Driven Development
  • Acceptance testing
  • Continuous integration
  • Smoke and Load testing

In this chapter, we will do something different. Instead of providing lots of code samples for various tips and tricks, I want to share some ideas I have picked up in my career as a software engineer.

All of the previous recipes in this book had very detailed steps on how to write the code, run it, and review its results. Hopefully, you have been able to take those ideas, expand, and improvise, and ultimately apply them to your own problems.

In this chapter, let's explore some of the bigger ideas behind testing and how they can empower our development of quality systems.

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