Using Pyccuracy to verify web app security

Applications often have login screens. Testing a secured web application requires us to capture the login process as a custom action. That way, we can re-use it repeatedly for as many scenarios as we need.

Getting ready

  1. If it isn't already running, start up the selenium server in another shell or window by typing: java -jar selenium-server.jar.
  2. If the satchmo store application isn't already running, start it up in another shell or window by typing: python runserver.


    NOTE: This must run inside the virtualenv environment.

How to do it...

With the following steps, we will exercise a web application's security and then see how to extend Pyccuracy by creating a custom action that does the same:

  1. Create a new file called recipe37.acc to contain this recipe's scenario.
  2. Create a story for exercising Django's admin application.
    As a system administrator
    I want to login to Django's admin page 
    So that I can check the product catalog.
  3. Add a scenario that logs in to the admin application.
    Scenario 1 - Logging in to the admin page
        I go to "http://localhost:8000/admin"
        I fill "username" textbox with "gturnquist"
        And I fill "password" textbox with "password"
        And I click "login" button and wait
        I see that current page contains "<a href="product/product/">Products</a>"
  4. Add a scenario that inspects the product catalog, using the custom login action.
    Scenario 2 - Check product catalog
        I am logged in with username "gturnquist" and password "password"
        I click "Products" link and wait
        I see that current page contains "robot-attack"
  5. Create a matching file called containing a custom defined action.
  6. Code the custom action of logging in to admin action.
    from pyccuracy.actions import ActionBase
    from pyccuracy.errors import *
    class LoggedInAction(ActionBase):
        regex = r'(And )?I am logged in with username ["](?P<username>.+)["] and password ["](?P<password>.+)["]$'
        def execute(self, context, username, password):
            self.execute_action(u'I go to "http://localhost:8000/admin"', context)
            logged_in = False
                  u'And I see that current page contains "id_username"', context)
            except ActionFailedError:
                logged_in = True
            if not logged_in:
                self.execute_action(u'And I fill "username" textbox with "%s"' % username, context)
                self.execute_action(u'And I fill "password" textbox with "%s"' % password, context)
                self.execute_action(u'And I click "login" button', context)
  7. Run the story by typing pyccuracy_console -p recipe37.acc.
    How to do it...

How it works...

The first scenario shows the simple steps needed to exercise the login screen. After having proven the login screen works, it becomes cumbersome to repeat this procedure for more scenarios.

To handle this, we create a custom action in Python by extending ActionBase. Custom actions require a regular expression to define the DSL text. Next, we define an execute method to include a combination of application logic and Pyccuracy steps to execute. Essentially, we can define a set of steps to automatically execute actions and dynamically handle different situations.

In our situation, we coded it to handle whether or not the user was already logged in. With this custom action, we built the second scenario, and handled logging in with a single statement, allowing us to move on and test the core part of our scenario.

See also

Installing Pyccuracy

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