Building UI navigation and gesture recognition with Kinect

In this recipe we will create interactive GUI controlled with a Kinect sensor.


Since the Kinect for Windows SDK is available only for Windows, this recipe is written for Windows users only.

Building UI navigation and gesture recognition with Kinect

Getting ready

In this example we are using the InteractiveObject class that we covered in the Creating an interactive object that responds to the mouse recipe from Chapter 10, Interacting with the User.

Download and install the Kinect for Windows SDK from

Download the KinectSDK CinderBlock from GitHub at, and unpack it to the blocks directory.

How to do it…

We will now create a Cinder application controlled with hand gestures.

  1. Include the necessary header files:
    #include "cinder/Rand.h"
    #include "cinder/gl/Texture.h"
    #include "cinder/Utilities.h"
    #include "Kinect.h"
    #include "InteractiveObject.h";
  2. Add the Kinect SDK using the following statement:
    using namespace KinectSdk;
  3. Implement the class for a waving hand gesture recognition as follows:
    class WaveHandGesture {
      enum GestureCheckResult { Fail, Pausing, Suceed };
      GestureCheckResult checkStateLeft( const Skeleton & skeleton ) {
        // hand above elbow
        if ( >
          // hand right of elbow
          if ( >
            return Suceed;
          return Pausing;
        return Fail;
      GestureCheckResult checkStateRight( const Skeleton & skeleton ) {
        // hand above elbow
        if ( >
          // hand left of elbow
          if ( <
            return Suceed;
          return Pausing;
        return Fail;
      int currentPhase;
      WaveHandGesture() {
        currentPhase = 0;
      GestureCheckResult check( const Skeleton & skeleton )
        GestureCheckResult res;
        switch(currentPhase) {
        case0: // start on left
          res = checkStateLeft(skeleton);
          if( res == Suceed ) { currentPhase++; }
          elseif( res == Fail ) { currentPhase = 0; return Fail; }
          return Pausing;
        case1: // to the right
          res = checkStateRight(skeleton);
          if( res == Suceed ) { currentPhase++; }
          elseif( res == Fail ) { currentPhase = 0; return Fail; }
          return Pausing;
        case4: // to the left
          res = checkStateLeft(skeleton);
          if( res == Suceed ) { currentPhase = 0; return Suceed; }
          elseif( res == Fail ) { currentPhase = 0; return Fail; }
          return Pausing;
        return Fail;
  4. Implement NuiInteractiveObject extending the InteractiveObject class:
    class NuiInteractiveObject: public InteractiveObject {
      NuiInteractiveObject(const Rectf & rect) : InteractiveObject(rect) {
        mHilight = 0.0f;
      void update(bool activated, const Vec2f & cursorPos) {
        if(activated && rect.contains(cursorPos)) {
          mHilight += 0.08f;
        } else {
          mHilight -= 0.005f;
        mHilight = math<float>::clamp(mHilight);
      virtualvoid draw() {
        gl::color(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.3f+0.7f*mHilight);
      float mHilight;
  5. Implement the NuiController class that manages the active objects:
    class NuiController {
      NuiController() {}
      void registerObject(NuiInteractiveObject *object) {
        objects.push_back( object );
      void unregisterObject(NuiInteractiveObject *object) {
        vector<NuiInteractiveObject*>::iterator it = find(objects.begin(), objects.end(), object);
        objects.erase( it );
      void clear() { objects.clear(); }
      void update(bool activated, const Vec2f & cursorPos) {
        vector<NuiInteractiveObject*>::iterator it;
        for(it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) {
          (*it)->update(activated, cursorPos);
      void draw() {
        vector<NuiInteractiveObject*>::iterator it;
        for(it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) {
      vector<NuiInteractiveObject*> objects;
  6. Add the members to you main application class for handling Kinect devices and data:
    KinectSdk::KinectRef          mKinect;
    vector<KinectSdk::Skeleton>   mSkeletons;
    gl::Texture                   mVideoTexture;
  7. Add members to store the calculated cursor position:
    Rectf  mPIZ;
    Vec2f  mCursorPos;
  8. Add the members that we will use for gesture recognition and user activation:
    vector<WaveHandGesture*>    mGestureControllers;
    bool  mUserActivated;
    int  mActiveUser;
  9. Add a member to handle NuiController:
    NuiController* mNuiController;
  10. Set window settings by implementing prepareSettings:
    void MainApp::prepareSettings(Settings* settings)
      settings->setWindowSize(800, 600);
  11. In the setup method, set the default values for members:
    mPIZ = Rectf(0.f,0.f, 0.85f,0.5f);
    mCursorPos = Vec2f::zero();
    mUserActivated = false;
    mActiveUser = 0;
  12. In the setup method initialize Kinect and gesture recognition for 10 users:
    mKinect = Kinect::create();
    mKinect->enableDepth( false );
    mKinect->enableVideo( false );
    for(int i = 0; i <10; i++) {
        mGestureControllers.push_back( new WaveHandGesture() );
  13. In the setup method, initialize the user interface consisting of objects of type NuiInterativeObject:
    mNuiController = new NuiController();
    float cols = 10.f;
    float rows = 10.f;
    Rectf rect = Rectf(0.f,0.f, getWindowWidth()/cols - 1.f, getWindowHeight()/rows - 1.f);
    or(int ir = 0; ir < rows; ir++) {
     for(int ic = 0; ic < cols; ic++) {
      Vec2f offset = (rect.getSize()+Vec2f::one()) 
       * Vec2f(ic,ir);
      Rectf r = Rectf( offset, offset+rect.getSize() );
       new NuiInteractiveObject® );
  14. In the update method, we are checking if the Kinect device is capturing, getting tracked skeletons, and iterating:
    if ( mKinect->isCapturing() ) {
     if ( mKinect->checkNewSkeletons() ) {
      mSkeletons = mKinect->getSkeletons();
     uint32_t i = 0;
     vector<Skeleton>::const_iterator skeletonIt;
     for (skeletonIt = mSkeletons.cbegin(); 
       skeletonIt != mSkeletons.cend(); ++skeletonIt, i++ ) {
  15. Inside the loop, we are checking if the skeleton is complete and deactivating the cursor controls if it is not complete:
      if(mUserActivated && i == mActiveUser 
       && skeletonIt->size() != 
       mUserActivated = false;
  16. Inside the loop check if the skeleton is valid. Notice we are only processing 10 skeletons. You can modify this number, but remember to provide sufficient number of gesture controllers in mGestureControllers:
    if ( skeletonIt->size() == JointName::NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_COUNT && i <10 ) {
  17. Inside the loop and the if statement, check for the completed activation gesture. While the skeleton is activated, we are calculating person interaction zone:
    if( !mUserActivated || ( mUserActivated && i != mActiveUser ) ) {
        WaveHandGesture::GestureCheckResult res;
        res = mGestureControllers[i]->check( *skeletonIt );
        if( res == WaveHandGesture::Suceed && ( !mUserActivated || i != mActiveUser ) ) {
            mActiveUser = i;
         float armLen = 0;
            Vec3f handRight = skeletonIt->at(JointName::NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT);
            Vec3f elbowRight = skeletonIt->at(JointName::NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_ELBOW_RIGHT);
            Vec3f shoulderRight = skeletonIt->at(JointName::NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SHOULDER_RIGHT);
            armLen += handRight.distance( elbowRight );
            armLen += elbowRight.distance( shoulderRight );
            mPIZ.x2 = armLen;
            mPIZ.y2 = mPIZ.getWidth() / getWindowAspectRatio();
            mUserActivated = true;
  18. Inside the loop and the if statement, we are calculating cursor positions for active users:
    if(mUserActivated && i == mActiveUser) {
        Vec3f handPos = skeletonIt->at(JointName::NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT);
        Rectf piz = Rectf(mPIZ);
        piz.offset( skeletonIt->at(JointName::NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE).xy() );
        mCursorPos = handPos.xy() - piz.getUpperLeft();
        mCursorPos /= piz.getSize();
        mCursorPos.y = (1.f - mCursorPos.y);
        mCursorPos *= getWindowSize();
  19. Close the opened if statements and the for loop:
  20. At the end of the update method, update the NuiController object:
    mNuiController->update(mUserActivated, mCursorPos);
  21. Implement the draw method as follows:
    void MainApp::draw()
      // Clear window
      gl::setViewport( getWindowBounds() );
      gl::clear( Color::white() );
      gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowSize() );
      if(mUserActivated) {
        gl::color(1.f,0.f,0.5f, 1.f);
        gl::drawStrokedCircle(mCursorPos, 25.f);

How it works…

The application is tracking users using Kinect SDK. Skeleton data of the active user are used to calculate the cursor position by following the guidelines provided by Microsoft with Kinect SDK documentation. Activation is invoked by a hand waving gesture.

This is an example of UI responsive to cursor controlled by a user's hand. Elements of the grid light up under the cursor and fade out on roll-out.

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