Because the max function is non-continuous and differentiable, the partial derivative of the above equation is problematic. Here, we introduce an approximation function to overcome this problem.

We define a generalized p mean for the data (a,a)=[(a1,a1)(a2,a2),,(aN,aN)]:

Mp(a,a) is a good approximation function [53] for maxi(ai,ai)andmini(ai,ai), and has the following properties.

Lemma 1.2 [53]





(5)For each variable (ai,ai),M0(a,a) is continuously differentiable. The partial derivative of Mp(a,a)with respect to (ai,ai) is

Supposing p > 0 and approximating maxi=1N(ai,ai)withMp(a,a). (1.39) can be written as

In summary, DFRL can be used to generate or modify dynamic fuzzy rules Rl in a DFMLS. The algorithm can be summarised in Algorithm 1.4.

Algorithm 1.4 DFRL algorithm


Output: (R,R)=[(rij,rij)]N×M

(1)Initialization: Select an initial dynamic fuzzy relationship (R,R) that can have a random initialization value;


(2a)Set k to an initial value of 0. This parameter can be determined according to the scale of the learning and the requirements of the system.

(2b)Calculate the influence coefficient of the step i learning on the step n + 1 learning;


where is the error generated by step i learning;

(2c)Calculate (1.38);

(2d)Calculate (1.42) from (1.40) and (1.41);

(2e)Modify the current dynamic fuzzy relationship matrix (R,R) according to (1.42), (1.15), and (1.16);

Until Convergence

1.5.4Algorithm analysis

Comparing the DFRL algorithm with the AL algorithm [52], DFRL accounts for the influence of the k th step of learning on the n + 1th step. Although this increases the time complexity, it ensures the learning results are more credible and the error is smaller. In addition, DFRL solves the problem of possible noise interference in the observed data and overcomes the disadvantages of the lateral method. In general, the DFRL algorithm is superior to the latter. It is not difficult to prove that the DFRL algorithm is convergent.


In this chapter, we have presented a DFMLM and its related algorithms based on DFSs. We have discussed a DFMLM and DFML algorithm, DFML geometric model, DFMLS parameter learning algorithm and MLE algorithm, DFMLS process control model, and a dynamic fuzzy relation learning algorithm.


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