
  • α-certainty type 1
  • α-explanatory type 1
  • Action Choice 1
  • Agent mental model 1
  • And/or tree 1
  • Approximation function 1
  • Asymptotically stable 1
  • Attribute-value learning 1
  • Auto-evaluating 1
  • Auto-knowledge 1
  • Auto-monitoring 1
  • Autonomic Learning 1
  • Autonomic Learning Space 1
  • Autonomic Learning Subspace 1
  • Batch algorithms 1
  • Bayesian Logic Programs 1
  • Belie 1
  • Belief Revision 1
  • Capacity 1
  • Classification 1
  • Cluster Assumption 1
  • Concept Lattice 1
  • Concept Learning 1
  • Connected graph 1
  • Cooperative multi-agent learning algorithm 1
  • Cost minimization 1
  • Critical Value Pruning 1
  • Curse of dimensionality 1
  • DF Concept Error Boundary 1
  • DF concept lattice 1
  • DF concept lattice critical layer construction algorithm 1
  • DF Concept Lattice Reduction 1
  • DF Concept Learning Space Model 1
  • DF Concept Sample Complexity 1
  • DF concept tree 1
  • DF Error Bound Model 1
  • DF Galois connection 1
  • DF hypothesis space 1
  • DF match 1
  • DF production 1
  • Direct graph 1
  • Disconnected graph 1
  • Discretization 1
  • Distinguishability 1
  • Distribution grid 1
  • Distribution number 1
  • Division 1
  • Dundant separation point 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy association rules 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy background 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy binary decision tree 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy character 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Concepts 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Data 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy decision tree 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Decision Tree Learning 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Distribution 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy graph hierarchical relationship learning 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy graph hierarchical relationship learning 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy hierarchical relational-learning 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy hierarchical relationships 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy information system 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy lattice 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy learning controller 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy logic relation learning algorithm 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Machine Learning 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Machine Learning Model 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Machine Learning Space 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Machine Learning System 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy matrix 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy matrix hierarchical relational learning algorithm 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy mean 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Multi-Task Learning 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy partitioning grids 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy random probability 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy relational learning 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy relations 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy rules 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy semi-supervised adaptive learning algorithm 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy semi-supervised learning model 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy semi-supervised multi-task adaptive learning algorithm 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Semi-Supervised Multi-Task Learning 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy semi-supervised multi-task learning model 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy semi-supervised multi-task matching algorithm 1
  • Dynamic Fuzzy Task 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy tree 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy tree hierarchical relation learning 1
  • Dynamic fuzzy variance 1
  • Error-Based Pruning 1
  • Estimated error rate 1
  • Evaluation function 1
  • Expectation output 1
  • Extraction of DF concept rules 1
  • F-direct graph 1
  • Failure-Adjusted Maximization 1
  • Flexible rule 1
  • Generative models 1
  • Gradual rule 1
  • Graph 1
  • Graph Based Relational Learning 1
  • Graph-based approaches 1
  • Hierarchical Relational Learning 1
  • ID3 algorithm 1
  • Immediate return 1
  • Improved locally linear embedding 1
  • Increment algorithms 1
  • Inductive logic programming 1
  • Inductive semi-supervised learning 1
  • Inferential 1
  • Information entropy 1
  • Intention Revision 1
  • Isomorphic 1
  • Iterative operator 1
  • Knowledge base 1
  • Knowledge transfer 1
  • Laplacian Error Estimation 1
  • LDA 1
  • Learnability 1
  • Learning Space 1
  • Learning Subspace 1
  • Least-squares error 1
  • Linear ordered set 1
  • Locally linear embedding 1
  • Logic Hidden Markov Model 1
  • Logic relation database 1
  • Low-density division 1
  • L-type DF matrix 1
  • Mahalanobis distance metric 1
  • Manifold Assumption 1
  • Markov Logic Network 1
  • Maximum Likelihood Estimation 1
  • Metric 1
  • Minimal Cost Complexity Pruning 1
  • Minimum Error Pruning 1
  • Multi-agent learning algorithm based on DFL 1
  • Multi-Agent Learning Model 1
  • Multi-task learning 1
  • Non-direct graph 1
  • Nonnegativity 1
  • Order model of DF concept learning 1
  • Overfit 1
  • Parameter estimation 1
  • Partial order relation 1
  • Pessimistic Error Pruning 1
  • Post-pruning 1
  • Pre-pruning 1
  • Probabilistic Logic Programs 1
  • Probabilistic Relational Model 1
  • Probably approximately correct 1
  • Programming In Statistical Modeling 1
  • Q-learning algorithm based on DFL 1
  • Q-learning function based on DFL 1
  • Reactivity 1
  • Reduced Error Pruning 1
  • Regression 1
  • Regression coefficients 1
  • Reinforcement learning 1
  • Relational Markov Model 1
  • Relational Markov Network 1
  • Relationship Learning 1
  • Representation theorem for DF variant space 1
  • Robust factor 1
  • Rough Set 1
  • Sample error rate 1
  • Self-control 1
  • Semi-supervised learning 1
  • Semi-Supervised Multi-Task Learning 1
  • Semi-supervised multi-task learning model 1
  • Semi-Supervised Smoothness Assumption 1
  • Separation point level 1
  • Simple graph 1
  • Single-agent learning algorithm based on DFL 1
  • Soft Decision Tree 1
  • Stability 1
  • Statistical Relational Learning 1
  • Structure Activity Relationship 1
  • Sub-graph 1
  • Sub-graph isomorphic 1
  • Sufficient and necessary condition 1
  • Symmetry 1
  • Topological order 1
  • Transductive learning 1
  • Transfer learning 1
  • Triangle inequality 1
  • True error rate 1
  • Truncation operation 1
  • Type L relationship 1
  • Type-one certainty rule 1
  • Type-two certainty rule 1
  • Uncertain dynamic fuzzy autonomous system 1
  • Unlabelled data 1
  • VC dimension 1
  • Weight coefficient 1
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