Chapter 2. Getting started with Entity Framework


This chapter covers

  • Introducing the book’s example application
  • Database-first and model-first design
  • Introducing the Visual Studio Entity Framework designer
  • An overview of Entity Framework’s capabilities


Now that you have a good idea of what Entity Framework is and why it might be useful, it’s time to start digging into it. In this chapter, we won’t go deep into the technology; what we’re going to look at is how to create an application from scratch and how to perform basic tasks, so you’ll get a feel for the power of Entity Framework. The walkthrough in this chapter will also help you get started creating any kind of application you’ll need to write on the job.

This chapter has three main parts. First, we’ll look at the example that runs through this book in terms of both the model and the database, and we’ll explain why we took certain approaches. Then we’ll look at how to use the designer to create the classes (the entities) and have it automatically generate the code. At the end of the chapter, the code will finally make its appearance. You’ll learn how to create a basic application that reads data and updates it in the database.

By the end of this chapter, you’ll be able to create an application from the ground up and perform basic operations on data. You’ll discover why in chapter 1 we said that productivity is one of the winning points of Entity Framework.

2.1. Introducing the OrderIT example

Many books have a running example, and this one is no exception. We’ll use a classic order application called OrderIT that manages products, orders, customers, and so on. Here’s the list of the requirements:

  • OrderIT must store data about customers. Each customer has a name, billing address, and shipping address. The address isn’t plain text but consists of four separate pieces of data: street, city, ZIP code, and country. What’s more, customers can access a web service to place or update orders, so they’ll need a user-name and password to access the web service.
  • OrderIT must store data about suppliers. Each supplier has a name, an International Bank Account Number (IBAN), and payment terms (the number of days the customer has to pay the invoice).
  • OrderIT must store data about products. The system must be able to sell any product, from shoes to T-shirts, from a computer mouse to a table-tennis paddle, and so on. The application must be ready to accept new types of products with a minimal effort and with no impact on the previous products and related orders.
  • OrderIT must track the number of items currently in stock. Every time an item is sold or bought, the inventory quantity must be updated. The user must also be able to add new items to the current quantity.
  • OrderIT must be able to store whatever products are sold by the suppliers. A single supplier can sell many products, and a single product can be bought from many suppliers.
  • OrderIT must manage any incoming orders from customers. Every order must store data about the customer who made it and give that customer the option to use a shipping address different from the one held in the database. A customer can buy many products at once, so an order can contain multiple details.
  • OrderIT must calculate the applicable discount. The policy for discounts states that if the customer buys more than five of the same product, there is a discount of 10 percent for each subsequent item. Should the discount be applicable, the order must contain two details: the first contains data about the first five items with no discount, and the other contains data about the additional items and the related discount.
  • OrderIT must allow the user to change the price of items easily and quickly. Sometimes the user needs to change the price of one product, and other times prices need to be updated based on some characteristic (such as the type of product or the brand).
  • OrderIT must allow the customer to retrieve and modify account details and orders. OrderIT exposes a web service that customers can use to place, modify, or delete orders. Customers can modify their own account details too.

Figure 2.1 illustrates the OrderIT use cases based on the preceding requirements.

Figure 2.1. OrderIT use cases

OrderIT supports only a subset of the features that a real-world order-management application should. But even providing only these features will require you to use most of Entity Framework’s features. It’s important to note that some of the requirements can be handled using an object/relational mapping (O/RM) tool, but you’ll have a better experience, both in terms of simplicity of development and runtime performance, if you hand-craft SQL and execute it against the database. As you build up the example, we’ll explain when and why handmade SQL is better than using Entity Framework.

Now that you know what to do, let’s explore how to do it. We’ll start with the design of the model and the database, so that you’ll have a well-established context to work in.

2.2. Designing the OrderIT model and database

Lots of things have changed since we started developing applications in early 1990s. For instance, languages have evolved, object-oriented environments have overcome procedural ones, web services have appeared, and workflow frameworks have been introduced. During this period, only one thing hasn’t changed: relational databases.

Due to their stability, databases are familiar to most developers, and designing a good one is relatively simple for them. Designing a good object model may be simple too, but sometimes it requires strong discipline and lots of experience, especially when you take a domain-driven design (DDD) approach to building your application.

In small organizations, it’s likely that a small group of developers creates the architecture, designs the components, and creates the database and the object model. In bigger firms, you likely have a DBA who takes care of the database and developers who design the other components.

In the smaller organizations, developers tend to design the object model considering its needs and ignoring the needs of the database. The business the object model represents is the heart of the application, and it comes first. This is referred to as top-down design.

In larger organizations, DBAs tend to put data organization first. This means that data could be stored in a different way from how it’s represented in the application. This is referred to as bottom-up design.

Both bottom-up and top-down design have their pros and cons, so there isn’t a firm rule to follow. Which you use depends on your knowledge and needs. Let’s look at each technique in detail.

2.2.1. Bottom-up vs. top-down design

When you start designing an application, you have to decide what to create first: the database or the object model.

Putting the database first assumes that strong data organization is a central requirement. Data is organized independently from the way the application model may need it. Likely the application model will be bent to accommodate the design of the database. This is the bottom-up technique, and it’s the most-used approach for two reasons: first, data is the core of any application; and second, model-oriented design is a relatively new technique in the Microsoft stack, so the idea of designing the model before the database isn’t widespread yet. Also, as mentioned previously, DBAs often have a great decisional power, especially in big companies where a huge amount of data is persisted, and DBAs always consider the database first.

Bottom-up design guarantees the best performance and storage optimization. If the DBA works well, you’ll likely interact with the database only though stored procedures, keeping the underlying database structure hidden. On the other hand, this approach means that data is organized according to database needs, which means it could be fragmented and difficult for the application to use. That’s why a new approach has emerged over the years.

Designing the model before the database places more importance on the business. This is the top-down approach, where data is first organized in the model, and later the database comes in. Even in this case, when it comes to accommodating differences between the object model and the database, the object model is twisted more than the database; but you lose little expressiveness compared to the bottom-up approach, where the object model isn’t considered at all.

The main advantage of the top-down approach is that the application can shape its model almost independently from how the database persists the data. The con is that sometimes this doesn’t produce the best database organization, and performance may be hurt. This is why we suggest you always follow this rule: “Never forget completely about the database.”

The database is a vital part of the application—you can’t treat it like a mere storage mechanism. That would be like creating a Ferrari with the engine of a Smart. The model and database should be designed to work together seamlessly so you can make the most out of them. Top-down design puts more emphasis on the model and the business it represents than on data organization, but if it hurts database performance too much, it must be abandoned in favor of a bottom-up approach.

We think the top-down approach is the best one. The benefits you gain are enormous and, with a bit of practice, the database performance screams too. Even though the bottom-up approach is still more widespread, top-down design is increasing in popularity because of the benefits it offers.

The Entity Framework designer allows you to adopt both paths. You can visually create model classes and then let the designer generate the mapping information and the database script for you (a top-down, model-first approach), or you can import the database and let the designer generate classes that map one-to-one with the tables (a bottom-up, database-first approach). Later, in section 2.3, you’ll see how to use both techniques to realize a model.

The first two steps in creating an application are designing entities and tables. In the next sections, we’ll look at creating them, starting with the customers and suppliers.

2.2.2. Customers and suppliers

OrderIT’s requirements state that customers and suppliers have only the name property in common, but in a real-world scenario they might have contact information, addresses, and so on. Creating a base class that holds common properties and a set of specialized ones for each concrete entity is the best way to represent data. More precisely, you can create a base abstract class named Company, and then the Customer and Supplier classes can inherit from Company.

Customers have shipping and billing addresses. Orders have shipping addresses, and in the future even suppliers might have an address. This makes the address a good candidate being created as a complex type. You can create an AddressInfo complex type and reuse it across entities.



Complex type is the Entity Framework term for what is known as a value object elsewhere. Because they’re exactly the same thing and this book is about Entity Framework, we’ll use the complex type term.


When it comes to designing the database, you have to find a way to persist inheritance information. This is a typical feature of object-oriented programming, but it has no counterpart in relational databases. There are three possible approaches:

  • Table per concrete type (TPC)—Create two separated tables, one for customers and one for suppliers. This solution is appealing. Unfortunately, it complicates mapping, especially when associations between entities come into play. What’s worse, although this approach is supported in the EDM, it’s not supported by the designer. Although TPC is a good solution, we generally disregard this option because of its limitations and the lack of support in the designer.
  • Table per type (TPT)—Create one Company table that contains all data shared by customers and suppliers, and one table for each concrete entity: Supplier and Customer. The additional tables contains only data specific for the entity. In the end, there is a one-to-one correspondence between entities and the tables. This solution is fine, but it’s overkill here. The most noticeable drawback is that to retrieve a customer or a supplier, you need to perform a join. You optimize storage, but performance could degrade. Nevertheless, this solution would be ideal in other situations.
  • Table per hierarchy (TPH)—Create one table that contains all customer and supplier information, with a flag column to identify what entity type the row belongs to. This is by far the best approach. It performs well, because you don’t need joins to retrieve customers and suppliers, and the storage is only slightly compromised. Unfortunately, because a row contains columns for both customer and supplier data, you can’t enforce null constraints. For instance, in a row that holds a customer, the IBAN column isn’t set, and the same happens for the shipping address column in supplier rows. This means that both columns must accept null values, although this isn’t allowed by the business rules. Another problem arises with associations. An order must be related to a customer and not to a supplier. There is no way to enforce such a business rule unless you resort to database-specific features like triggers. Entity Framework handles all these problems; but if other applications write data to this table, you’re obliged to enforce constraints on the database too.

In this scenario, it’s best to use TPH. You can create a Company table, putting in it the columns needed for customers and suppliers. Furthermore, you can add a Type column, which is the discriminator specifying whether the row belongs to a supplier or a customer. The primary key column is CompanyId, and it’s an identity column, meaning the database automatically generates its value using a sequential integer. Figure 2.2 shows the database table and the structure of the model classes.

Figure 2.2. On the left is the Company table; on the right is the model with its inheritance hierarchy.

Now that you’ve designed the first piece, it’s time to move on to the second requirement: the products. Most of the considerations we made for the customer and supplier are valid in this situation too. There are little differences, but you’ll find that creating the model and mapping it in this scenario is quite easy, now that you have learned the basics.

2.2.3. Products

The big difference between the customers and suppliers compared with the products is that there are a finite number of customers and suppliers, whereas the number of products might potentially be infinite, and each one has its own information. You could have a shirt, shoes, gloves, socks, and whatever else the human imagination can create.

From the model point of view, this isn’t a big problem because inheritance is born to handle such circumstances. You can create a Product base class that contains data shared among all entities (the price, the brand, and the number of items in stock). Then, you can create a new class for each product you need to sell. These classes will inherit from Product and add item-specific information.

From the database perspective, placing data about each product in a single table, as you did for the customer and supplier, will make it grow too much, potentially overcoming modern database limitations on the number of columns. The optimal approach is to create a single table that contains shared information, and a specialized table for each product. The TPT approach is exactly what you need.



The drawback with TPT is that as products grow in number, so do the tables in the database. Depending on your workload, this may be unacceptable, and you might need to revert to a TPH strategy. Decide cautiously whether to opt for TPH or TPT. There’s also a third completely different approach: using metadata. Instead of using a column to maintain a single piece of data about a product, you can use it to store an XML fragment containing all the product information. At runtime, you can recreate the classes from this XML. This approach is fine, but for the purposes of this book, following the TPT approach is equally good.


You can create a Product table that contains shared information about all products (you can think of it as a base table) and then create a table for each product, containing only specific data about for that product. For this example, you can create Shirt and Shoe tables.

The primary key for all these tables will be the ProductId column. The one in the Product table is an identity column, and the others aren’t. To correctly relate the records, the primary key in the Product table must match the ones in the child tables. For instance, if a shirt has a record in the Product table with ID 1, there must be a record in the Shirt table with the same ID. The type of the product is detected by the join between tables, so a discriminator column isn’t needed. Figure 2.3 shows the structure of the table and model classes.

Figure 2.3. Mapping between the product tables and entities. Each class has its own mapped table (TPT).

One of the requirements for OrderIT states that you must keep track of the products sold by each supplier. Because a product can be bought by more than one supplier, and a supplier sells multiple products, you have a many-to-many relationship.

Modeling this kind of relationship is simple. You add a Suppliers property, of type ICollection<Supplier>, to the Product class, and then add a Products property, of type ICollection<Product>, to the Supplier class. That’s all there is to it.

Designing the database is slightly more difficult. You can’t add a foreign key to the child table because there isn’t a child table. In fact, there aren’t any parent-child relationship here; the tables are at the same level.

The only way to link them is to add a third table (a link table), say ProductSupplier, which contains the IDs of both supplier and product, which together compose the primary key. This table resolves the problem of the many-to-many scenario, but it does create a granularity problem, because there are now three database tables and two model classes, as shown in figure 2.4. Don’t worry, Entity Framework will handle the mismatch.

Figure 2.4. The relationship between suppliers and products is held in a link table in the database; there’s a direct relationship in the model.

The last requirement to analyze concerns orders and their details. From an entity point of view, this is the simplest scenario. What makes it interesting is the high level of relationships between the involved entities. An order must have a customer and at least one detail, which in turn must be linked to a product. Let’s look at how you can represent all of these associations.

2.2.4. Orders

The order and details example is likely the most abused in the world. This isn’t a limitation but a strength, because its simplicity will help you understand the scenario better. There’s only one reasonable way to handle such data, and it’s easy to apply.

In the model, you generate a class named Order and another one named Order-Detail. The first carries order information and the second its details. Because the user can select a different shipping address from the one stored in customer account, you have to add a ShippingAddress property to the order.

Regarding relationships, navigating from an order to its details is a must, so you need to add an OrderDetails navigation property to the Order class. The same way, moving from a detail to its order can be useful, so you add an inverse navigation property called Order to the OrderDetail class. An order must have a customer, so you need a Customer navigation property for the Order class. We said before that navigating from a customer to its orders isn’t useful, so you leave the Customer class untouched. Finally, each order detail carries a product, so a Product navigation property is required in the OrderDetail class (the property type should be of type Product because it can contain any product). On the opposite side, navigating from a product to the order details is useless, so there should be no navigation property.



In Entity Framework terminology, properties that express an association are called navigation properties. Navigation properties point to instances of other classes in the object model. They enable you to navigate inside the model, moving from one class to another. For instance, you can start from an order and navigate to its products, passing through the details.


In the database, you can create a table for the orders and another one for the details. The primary keys are identity columns, as in the Product and Company tables. The Order table will contain information about the address, as the class does.

When it comes to maintaining the relationships between tables, you’ll have to add some foreign keys:

  • CustomerId column in the Order table—To link the order and its customer
  • OrderId column in the OrderDetail table—To link the order and its details
  • ProductId column in the OrderDetail table—To link the order detail and its product

In a perfect world, such foreign keys shouldn’t be part of the object model. Consider the customer-order relationship. The Order class references the Customer class via the Customer property. The Customer class has the CompanyId property, which carries the primary key, so it’s pointless having the CustomerId property in the Order class. But in Entity Framework, it’s not always like that.

One of the most painful characteristics of Entity Framework v1.0 is its extreme complexity when dealing with relationships. In v4.0, the limitations are still there, but using the new foreign-keys feature makes life much easier. In addition to adding the Customer navigation property to the Order class, you need to add the CustomerId foreign key property to the Order class and map it in a certain way, and you’re finished. This relationship is clearly visible in figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5. The Order and OrderDetail classes have their corresponding tables.

When you maintain relationships using only the navigation property, you use what’s called independent association. When you add foreign-key properties, you use foreign-key associations. This terminology has been coined by the Entity Framework team, so it’s standard.

Foreign-key associations aren’t very useful when retrieving entities. But when it comes to updating data in a database, they make things easy. In chapter 7, we’ll dig deeper into this subject, and you’ll discover why using foreign-key associations is a good practice.

The model is now coming to life. The entities and the related tables in the database are designed; now you need to create them. You’ll see how to do that in the next section.

2.3. Structuring the application

Before creating the entities, you must do something more important: create the application structure inside Visual Studio. We’ll keep the overall design pretty simple because we’re focusing on Entity Framework’s capabilities, not on how it suits a real-world architecture. That subject is covered in chapter 14, which is dedicated to application design and domain-driven design.

The following sections will walk you through the steps involved in creating the structure of the application, creating a new Entity Framework model, mapping it to the database, and generating the code. We’ll start with the assemblies.

2.3.1. Creating the assemblies

The design is made of just one core assembly containing the model, the mapping information, and the generated code. Later, you’ll create a set of client applications that use it. The client can be an ASP.NET application, a console application, a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application, and so on. For this example, you’ll use a Windows Form, but in later chapters we’ll show you how get the best out of Entity Framework with other technologies.

To create the core assemblies, follow these steps:

1.  In Visual Studio, create an empty solution named OrderIT.

2.  Add a new Class Library project named OrderIT.Model.

3.  Delete the Class1 file.

4.  Add a new Windows Form application named OrderIT.WinGUI.

5.  Rename the Form1 file to Main.

6.  In the OrderIT.WinGUI project, add a reference to OrderIT.Model.

At the end of the process, the Solution Explorer will look like figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6. The design of OrderIT

That’s it. Now that the plumbing is ready, you’ll introduce Entity Framework into the application.

2.3.2. Designing entities using the database-first approach

The entity-creation process can be broken into two phases. Initially, you create entities and complex types, and map them against the database. Then, you create the navigation properties in the entities and instruct Entity Framework about the foreign keys in the related tables.

Earlier, we said that you can create entities and complex types and then let the designer generate mapping information and the database script. What we didn’t say is that this process suffers from some limitations:

  • The SQL script only generates tables, primary keys, and foreign keys. Every optimization to improve storage or performance capabilities must be made manually.
  • Every time you modify classes and regenerate the script, it contains SQL statements that drop all existing objects and re-create them from scratch. All handcrafted changes and data are lost.
  • The designer creates a table for each class. At first this might seem fine, but when you have an inheritance hierarchy, it’s persisted using TPT. Sometimes that’s what you want, as in the product scenario, but other times you’ll need TPH, as in the customer and supplier scenario.

The designer is fully extensible, meaning that you can create your own extensions to overcome such limitations, but it’s not simple. Fortunately, the Entity Framework team has created a toolkit that provides designer extensibility features. This is great for two reasons:

  • It solves the third problem in the previous list.
  • It gives you great guidance for building your own extensions. If you download and study its code, you’ll learn a lot about the part of the designer that enables database-generation extensibility.



The toolkit isn’t in the RTM but it is available as a free separate download. Look for the Entity Designer Database Generation Power Pack in the Microsoft Visual Studio Gallery ( We’ll introduce it in chapter 13.


Getting back to entity creation, there are many ways to do this, but this is likely the best method:

1.  Create the database using your favorite tool. (This task isn’t related to Entity Framework, but the following steps require a database.)

2.  Import the database into the designer so that it automatically generates classes.

3.  Delete, re-create from scratch, and map entities that are completely different from the database (such as the Customer and Supplier classes).

4.  Modify entities that have small differences from what the designer has generated (for instance, modify the Order class to refactor the shipping address properties into the AddressInfo complex type).

This approach offers the best tradeoff. The fact that you import the database into the designer before creating the classes doesn’t mean you’re putting the database first—it’s only a technical way to ease your use of the designer. Furthermore, because the designer is aware of the database structure, you can map the entities as soon as you create them, eliminating the need to regenerate the database each time the model is modified.



It would be wonderful if we could design classes using our favorite tools, generate their code, add them to Visual Studio, and then make the designer aware of that code. Unfortunately, this isn’t currently possible. As an alternative, the Entity Framework team is working on a new feature called code first. With this feature, you can generate classes and then map them against the database with code, which is a great alternative to mapping via the designer. This feature isn’t in the Entity Framework RTM, but it’s in the Entity Framework Feature CTP, which means that as we write this, it’s not ready yet.


Let’s walk through how you can enable Entity Framework in the project. As you saw in the previous list, the first step is creating the database, but that’s not an Entity Framework–related task. You can easily create the database using a tool like SQL Server Management Studio. The subsequent steps are discussed in the following sections.

Importing the Database

Follow these steps to import the database (the pages of the wizard used in these steps are visible in figure 2.7):

Figure 2.7. The wizard for importing the database

1.  In the OrderIT.Model assembly, add a new item; and from the wizard, select ADO.NET Entity Data Model. In the Name box, type Model.edmx. Click Next.

2.  On the Choose Model Contents page, select Generate from Database, and click Next.

3.  On the Choose Your Data Connection page, select the database from those available or create a new one on the fly that points to OrderIT. Leave the connection string name text box untouched, and click Next.

4.  On the Choose Your Database Objects page, select all tables, and select the Include Foreign Key Columns in the Model check box to propagate foreign keys in the model. Leave the Pluralize or Singularize Generated Object Names check box unchecked, and click Finish.

The check box you left unchecked in step 4 is extremely interesting. It allows you to singularize the class name when a table has a plural name, and vice versa. This might look like a silly detail, but when you have to import many tables, you can save lots of time by letting the wizard generate the correct names. Microsoft implemented this feature in response to user feedback.

At this point, you have an entity for each table (the one exception being the ProductSupplier table, which doesn’t require a counterpart in the object model). What you need to do now is to modify entities to match the design from section 2.2. To do that, you have to make small changes to entities that are similar enough to the database tables that they were generated nearly correctly (such as the order- and product-related entities), and re-create entities from scratch where they differ a lot from the database structure (such as the company-related entities).

We’ll start with the last task—creating entities from scratch—because it will cover many Entity Framework features. You’ll see how to create new entities from scratch and map them against the database; you’ll discover how to handle inheritance in the designer, and you’ll learn how to create complex types.

Creating Entities from Scratch

There’s a lot to do in creating entities from scratch. Follow these steps:

1.  Delete the Company entity. A prompt asks if you want to delete database information along with the entity. Click No, so that the entity is deleted but the database information remains in the EDMX file.

2.  Right-click in the designer, and select Add > Entity.

3.  A new wizard opens, and it asks for the Entity Name, an optional Base Type, and the Entity Set name, as shown in figure 2.8. In the Entity Name field, enter Company; leave the Base Type combo box untouched. In the Entity Set field, pluralize the name of the entity: Companies. In the second part of the form, set the property that maps to the key of the table. Finally, click OK.

Figure 2.8. The Add Entity wizard for adding the Company entity


The entity set is important, and for clarity we recommend that you set it to the plural of the entity name. At the end of this chapter, you’ll get a sneak peek at what the entity set is used for, and you’ll understand why we suggest this.

4.  A box representing the Company entity is shown in the designer. Right-click it, and select Properties. In the Properties window, set Abstract to true.

5.  Right-click the entity, and select Add > Scalar Property.

6.  A new text box is added to the properties section of the entity; type Name, and press Enter. Doing so adds the Name property to the Company class.

7.  Right-click the Name property you just added, and select Properties. In the Properties window, set Max Length to 50 (it must match the length of the mapped column in the database).

That creates the Company entity.

Before creating the Customer entity, let’s create AddressInfo so you can reuse it in Customer:

1.  Right-click in a blank section of the designer, and select Add > Complex Type.

2.  The Model Browser window opens and the new complex type is highlighted. Right-click the highlighted node, select Rename, and then change the name to AddressInfo.

3.  Right-click the complex type, and select Add > Scalar Property > String.

4.  The new property is added and highlighted. Right-click it, select Rename, and change the name to Address.

5.  Right-click the property again, select Properties, and change Max Length to 30.

.  Repeat steps 3 through 5 with the appropriate types and values to add the City, Country, and ZipCode properties (see figure 2.9).

Figure 2.9. The AddressInfo complex type in the Model Browser window

Now that you have the Company and AddressInfo types, you’re ready to create the Customer:

1.  Right-click in a blank section of the designer, and select Add > Entity.

2.  In the wizard, enter Customer in the Entity Name text box, and select Company as the base type. The Entity Set field and Key Property section are disabled because those settings are taken from Company. Click OK.

3.  Right-click the entity, and select Add > Complex Property.

4.  In the text box, type BillingAddress, and press Enter.

5.  Right-click the BillingAddress property, and select Properties.

6.  In the Properties window, set the Type property to AddressInfo.

7.  Repeat steps 3 to 6 for the ShippingAddress property.

That creates the Customer entity. You can now repeat these steps to create the Supplier entity.

Now that the entities have been created, they must be mapped to the database. Let’s look at how this process works:

1.  Right-click the Company entity and select Table Mapping.

2.  In the Mapping Details window (shown in figure 2.10), select the Company table. The left column shows all the table columns, and the right column shows the mapped properties. When a property name matches the column name, the mapping is automatically performed. If the names don’t match, you have to map them manually by clicking the right column and selecting the appropriate property for that database column.

Figure 2.10. Mapping the Company entity

3.  Right-click the Customer entity, and select Table Mapping.

4.  In the Mapping Details window, select the Company table. In the right column of the BillingAddress row, select the BillingAddress.Address property. This way, you can map all the simple properties in a complex type.

5.  Repeat step 4 for each column in the Customer entity.

6.  Click the Add a Condition] row, and select the Type column from the dropdown list.

7.  On the right (for the value/property), enter the value C. This condition states that when the Type column (the discriminator) has the value C, the row is for a customer. The window looks like figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11. Mapping the Customer entity

8.  In the designer, right-click the Supplier entity, and select Table Mapping.

9.  In the right column for the IBAN field, open the drop-down list and select the IBAN property. Repeat this step for PaymentDays.

10.  Click the Add a Condition row, and select the Type column from the dropdown list.

11.  On the right, enter the value S. This condition states that when the Type column (the discriminator) has the value S, the row is for a supplier.

That’s all. You now know how to create an entity, how to handle inheritance, and how to map entities persisted using the TPH inheritance strategy. That’s a lot of stuff.

The next step is modifying the Order and OrderDetail classes so they match the design you created before. It turns out to be pretty easy.

Modifying Entities that are Similar to Database Tables

The Order class doesn’t need much work. You have to delete the address-related properties, add a complex property of AddressInfo type, and map the inner properties to the Order table. When it comes to the OrderDetail entity, it’s even easier: you have to do absolutely nothing. The class is created exactly as you designed it. Easy as pie, isn’t it?

The product-related classes are almost fine as they are. The problem is that the wizard that generates entities knows nothing about inheritance, so it maps Shoe and Shirt as if they were related to Product, and that’s not what you need. The solution is fairly simple:

1.  Right-click the association between Product and Shirt, and select Delete. The association is removed.

2.  Repeat step 1 for the association between Product and Shoe.

3.  Right-click the Product entity, and select Add > Inheritance.

4.  The designer opens a dialog box where you can specify the base entity and the derived entity. Set Product as the base entity (already set by the designer), and set Shirt as the derived entity, as in figure 2.12.

Figure 2.12. The dialog box for creating inheritance between existing entities

5.  Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the inheritance between Product and Shoe.

6.  Delete the ProductId property from Shirt (it’s inherited from Product).

7.  Select the Shirt entity, open the Mapping Details window, and map the ProductId column to the ProductId inherited property.

8.  Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the Shoe entity.

By performing these simple steps, you’ve mapped a TPT hierarchy. It’s pretty easy.

You must make a little tweak to the AvailableItems property. Its value must not be handled by Entity Framework because it would create concurrency problems. In chapter 6, we’ll discuss this subject in depth, and you’ll understand the reasons for this choice.

The best way to accomplish this task is to make the property effectively read-only and set it using a stored procedure or custom SQL command. Unfortunately, changing the setter visibility to protected won’t accomplish this, because Entity Framework will still try to persist the property. The only way to make it really read-only is to set its StoreGeneratedPattern property to Computed in both the conceptual schema and the storage one.

Making this change on the conceptual side is easy because it can be done in the Properties window. Modifying the value in the storage schema requires you to manually modify the EDM. I won’t show you how to do it here—you’ll learn about it in chapter 5, which is dedicated to mapping.

At this point, you’re only missing the relationships between entities. Setting this up involves several steps. Adding navigation properties and foreign keys (if needed) is just part of the game; you also need to instruct Entity Framework what columns in the database act as foreign keys so it can retrieve related data correctly.

2.3.3. Designing relationships

Creating a relationship is a two-step job. First you create the navigation properties, and then you map the columns that establish the relationship in the database. For instance, you create a Customer navigation property in the Order entity, and then you map it to the CustomerId column in the Order table. This is what the SQL-generation engine needs to create the correct SQL joins when performing data retrieval (for instance, when you need to retrieve the customer for an order).

Here’s how to create such relationships.

1.  Right-click the Customer entity, and select Add > Association.

2.  In the left End box of the dialog box, leave Customer selected in the Entity drop-down list, select 1 (One) in the Multiplicity drop-down list, and uncheck the Navigation Property check box. This ensures that the navigation property from Customer to Order isn’t created (that is exactly what you want).

3.  In the right End box in the dialog box, select Order in the Entity drop-down list, and select * (Many) in the Multiplicity drop-down list. Leave the Navigation Property check box selected, and leave Customer in the text box below. This instructs the designer to create the Navigation Property Customer in Order.

4.  Deselect the Add Foreign Key Properties to the ‘Order’ Entity check box, because you already have the CustomerId column in the Order entity (it’s been imported by the wizard). If you’re creating a relationship from scratch, you should select this check box so the relationship is created and mapped at the same time.

5.  The completed dialog box is shown in figure 2.13. Click OK to add the association and the navigation properties.

Figure 2.13. Creating the association between Customer and Order

6.  A line representing the link between the entities is added to the designer. Double-click it.

7.  In the Referential Constraint dialog box that’s displayed, select Customer from the Principal drop-down list. This represents the master entity in the relationship.

8.  In the grid below, the designer shows the principal entity’s key properties (CompanyId in this case). Select the CustomerId property of the Order entity as the foreign key. This indicates that the other side of the relationship (Order) is linked to the master primary key via the CustomerId property. Figure 2.14 shows what the dialog box looks like at this point. Click OK to map the association.

Figure 2.14. Mapping the association between Customer and Order

9.  Right-click the association link, and select Properties. Set the End1 on Delete property to Cascade. This specifies that when a customer is deleted, the deletion must propagate to its orders.

This process applies only to one-to-* associations. In many-to-many scenarios, there is no master-detail relationship, so foreign keys can’t be used in the model. This means the relationship must use an independent association.



You can use foreign-key associations in many-to-many relationships, but that implies creating an entity that maps to the link table in the database. It’s the solution adopted by LINQ to SQL, but it’s a poor design, and we strongly discourage this practice.


Let’s look at how you can map a many-to-many relationship:

1.  Create an association between the Product and Supplier entities.

2.  Right-click the link between the entities, and select Table Mapping.

3.  In the Mapping Details window, map the association to the ProductSupplier table.

4.  ProductId is automatically mapped by its name. Select the SupplierId column for the supplier side, as shown in figure 2.15.

Figure 2.15. Mapping the many-to-many association between Product and Supplier

This was the only way to map associations in v1.0, and it’s possible to map any association using this mechanism. For instance, to map the association between a customer and its orders, you’d select the Order table and then map the CustomerId column as the foreign key.



An association can’t be mapped using both techniques. You must choose between using foreign keys (recommended) and independent associations.


The model is now designed, but there are still questions to be answered. Where is the code for the designed classes? How can you customize the generated code? How can you access the database? That’s all covered in the next section.

2.3.4. Organizing the generated code

By default, the designer generates a file and places all the code into it. The file is named after the designer file with a .vb or .cs extension, depending on the language. For instance, a model.edmx designer file creates a model.edmx.vb or model.edmx.cs file. In the Solution Explorer window, this file is nested in the designer file.

If you examine the code, you’ll see that it’s a mess. All the classes are in a single file, and there are plenty of attributes on classes and properties, as well as lots of partial methods. What’s worse, classes inherit from EntityObject, and relationships between classes are expressed using properties of type EntityCollection<T> and EntityReference<T>. This is how Entity Framework v1.0 code must be organized.

Entity Framework v4.0 maintains this behavior only for compatibility purposes. Sometimes, keeping code like this may be fine—many successful projects are based on v1.0. But sometimes you’ll need more flexibility, and this can be achieved only by using the plain old CLR object (POCO) approach, which frees you from any persistence mechanism.

Fortunately, the code-generation process is completely customizable. In Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft introduced a text-template processor, and the designer uses it to create the classes’ code. In fact, the code that’s generated by default comes from a template file.



If you want to look at the default file, it’s in a zip file named located in %ProgramFiles% Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDEItemTemplatesCache CSharp Code1033.


You could create a custom template that solves the problem of generating messy code, like the one required by v1.0. It could create useful methods for each class, split classes into separate files, create POCO classes, and so on. But writing a template isn’t always an easy task, as you’ll discover in chapter 13.

Fortunately, the Entity Framework team has released a template that already solves most of these problems. This template isn’t included in the RTM, but it’s available as a separate download. You can download and automatically install it through the Extension Manager window in Visual Studio by following these steps:

1.  Select Tools > Extension Manager.

2.  In the Extension Manager window, select the Online Gallery tab on the left, and then type POCO in the top-right text box. Press Enter. The window will look like figure 2.16.

Figure 2.16. The Extension Manager window shows downloadable POCO templates as well as those that are already installed on the machine.

3.  If the extension has already been installed, it has a green checkmark beside it in the middle column of the window. Otherwise, the Download button is shown. Click the Download button to automatically download and install the extension.

When it’s installed, the extension adds a new template item in the wizard. Here’s how you can use it to better organize your code:

1.  Right-click the designer, and select Add Code Generation Item.

2.  Select the ADO.NET POCO Entity Generator item, type in the Name text box, and click OK. Two new files are added to the project: and

3.  Right-click both files, and select Run Custom Tool. Doing so triggers the code generation.

4.  Click the model.edmx file, and in the Properties window set Code Generation Strategy to None to disable default code generation.

At this point, you have code and mapping information ready to be used. The code generated by the template even contains a class that uses the Object Services features, enabling access to the database. All of this has been done by using the designer, without writing a single line of code. That’s productivity.

There’s more than that. By customizing the available templates, you can create an n-layered or a domain-driven design application. This means that with small changes, you can create both simple and robust applications.

As we’ve mentioned, in Entity Framework terminology, the bottom-up approach is called the database-first approach and the top-down approach is called model-first. Database-first is the approach used in the past few sections; but for completeness, let’s look at how to use the model-first approach, where you design the classes and then let the designer generate the database script.

2.3.5. The model-first approach in the designer

When you opt for the model-first approach, you don’t have a database to map entities against. This means you create the entities, and then the mapping is automatically handled by the designer. How does it work?

When you’ve finished designing the entities, right-click the designer and select Generate Database Script from Model. A wizard appears, asking for the connection string. After you enter it, the wizard returns the script. Just launch the SQL script on the database, and you’re ready to go.

What’s great about this technique is that while generating the database script, the designer generates the mapping and storage information too. More precisely, the designer generates the Store Schema Definition Language (SSDL) and the Mapping Specification Language (MSL) sections of the EDMX and finally the database script (using the generated SSDL).

This behavior can be overridden so that you can modify the way the mapping is generated and adapt the script to serve other databases than SQL Server. Accomplishing this is hard because many steps are involved and, more important, a workflow activity must be written. Don’t worry, we’ll talk about this in chapter 13.

We consider the model-first approach to be useless as it is now. Until it’s modified to update the database structure instead of re-creating it from scratch, we’ll keep recommending the database-first approach. (OK, you could create a designer extension to accomplish the task of updating, instead of re-creating the database, but doing so wouldn’t be simple.)

Now that all the plumbing is ready, you can put everything into action. In the next section, we’ll take a quick tour of the main features of Entity Framework. If you’re new to O/RM, you’ll be surprised to see how little code is required for most operations, and how simple it is. If you’re already accustomed to using an O/RM tool, you’ll be pleased to see that querying with LINQ to Entities is far more effective than using any other approach.

2.4. A sneak peek at the code

In this “Hello World” example, you’re going to learn how to accomplish the most basic tasks, like querying the database and persisting modifications made to entities. At the end of this section, you’ll understand how much data-access code Entity Framework lets you eliminate.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Entity Framework is its query capabilities, because it engages the power of LINQ to simplify data retrieval. Let’s start with querying.

2.4.1. Querying the database

Suppose you want to create a form that shows all orders in a grid. This is easy because you only have to create an instance of the context class (more on this in the next chapter), use its properties to access the orders, and bind them to the grid.

Listing 2.1. Displaying orders in a grid


using (OrderITEntities ctx = new OrderITEntities())
  grd.DataSource = ctx.Orders;


Using ctx As New OrderITEntities()
  grd.DataSource = ctx.Orders
End Using

OrderITEntities is the class that lets you interact with the database. It’s the Object Services layer’s main class (the context class). The Orders property is the entity set. Roughly speaking, you can think of the entity set as the equivalent of a database table. Naturally, records aren’t physically loaded into the entity set; it’s only used for querying purposes.

Now, let’s create a more complex query that shows only the orders placed in the current month. If you’re familiar with the LINQ syntax, you’ll have no problem understanding the following listing. For brevity, only the query is shown here.

Listing 2.2. Displaying orders placed in the current month


from o in ctx.Orders
where o.OrderDate.Year == DateTime.Now.Year &&
      o.OrderDate.Month == DateTime.Now.Month
select o;


From d In ctx.Orders
Where d.OrderDate.Year = DateTime.Now.Year AndAlso
      d.OrderDate.Month = DateTime.Now.Month
Select d

When users select an order, they need to see it in a detailed form. The form needs only a single instance and not a list. This can be achieved by using the LINQ First method. Here it’s used to retrieve the order with ID 1.

Listing 2.3. Retrieving a single order


Order order = (from o in ctx.Orders.Include("OrderDetails")
               where o.OrderId == 1
               select o).First();


Dim order = (From o In ctx.Orders.Include("OrderDetails") _
             Where o.OrderId = 1 _
             Select o).First()

Notice the use of the Include method. It retrieves the details along with the order. The string argument represents the navigation property that must be loaded.

You’ve now seen the main data-retrieval features of Entity Framework. But in a real-world application, it’s likely that the user will not only view data, but also update it. We’ll look at that next.

2.4.2. Updating objects and reflecting changes into storage

Entity Framework gracefully manages any modifications made to objects so they’re correctly reflected in the database. You can apply three types of modifications: inserts, updates, and deletes. Let’s look at them one by one.


Suppose you have to create a form where the user can insert, edit, delete, and display an order. When the user inserts an order, you create an Order object and as many OrderDetail instances as there are details. Next, you instantiate the context that manages and coordinates the updates to the database. Finally, you invoke the AddObject method to notify the Orders entity set that the order must be inserted into the database. AddObject doesn’t communicate with the database; it only notifies the context about the persistence operation. The real operation on the database is triggered when the SaveChanges method is invoked.

All these steps are put into action in the following listing.

Listing 2.4. Inserting a new order

The process of creating the Order and OrderDetail entities is a common practice; the real power shines in the last two lines of code. The code creates an order and three details, but the context is notified only about the order . When the SaveChanges method is invoked, the context scans the Order object and all of its properties, including those referencing other objects. Because the order is linked to a list of details, the context recognizes that the entire object graph must be persisted. This feature is called persistence by reachability.

In this scenario, the persistence of the object graph requires four inserts in the database. They must be executed in a transactional context to ensure that everything works in an all-or-nothing way. In listing 2.4, there is no trace of a transaction, nor of any other database-related code. The missing plumbing is boxed inside the SaveChanges method, leaving you only the burden of invoking it.

If you compare listing 2.4 with the code necessary to create this feature manually, you’ll understand how much Entity Framework can help in reducing and simplifying the data-access layer of your applications, making it more robust and less error prone.


If you find that persisting new objects into the database is pretty simple, you’ll be surprised to discover that propagating the modifications made to objects into the data store is even easier. Suppose the page used for displaying an order is also used for modifying existing orders. After the user has finished modifying the data, your code must update the database.

You have two possible ways to perform the updates:

  • Re-create the objects and add them to the context, indicating that they must be updated (the disconnected approach).
  • Query the database again to retrieve the objects, and then modify them (the connected approach).

The disconnected approach is used most in scenarios where the context in which you retrieve data is different from the context you use to modify it (such as a web application or a web service). The connected approach is used most in scenarios where the context is a long-running concept (a Windows Form or Windows Presentation Foundation based application). The following code uses the connected approach. Later, in chapter 7, we’ll go deeper into both techniques.

Listing 2.5. Updating an existing order


var order = (from o in ctx.Orders
            where o.OrderId == 1
            select o).First();
order.ShippingDate = DateTime.Now.Today;
order.OrderDetails.Add(new OrderDetail { ... });


Dim order = (From o In ctx.Orders
             Where o.OrderId = 1
             Select o).First()
order.ShippingDate = DateTime.Now.Today
order.OrderDetails.Add(New OrderDetail With { ... })

The first query is necessary to load the order from the database into the context. The properties of the order and its details are modified with user-entered data. After the properties have been changed, there’s no need to notify the context about modifications because it keeps track of any modifications made to loaded objects and their references. When the SaveChanges method is invoked, the context determines which objects and properties have been modified and prepares the statements to be executed against the database.

Because the context knows what has been modified, the SQL generated for updates is highly optimized—it contains only the changed columns. If you think about how much code and time you would spend implementing such a feature, you’ll understand that this process of updating data is extremely powerful.


Deleting an object is likely the simplest task. You need an object with its key properties set to the ID of the record to be deleted, and then you notify the context that such an object must be removed from the table in the database.

You can choose freely between the disconnected and the connected methods. Unless you’re worried about concurrency, we recommend using the disconnected approach as your default choice. We’ll look at both options.

In the disconnected case, you create an Order object and set the property corresponding to the key of the table to the ID of the record you want to delete. Then, you create the context, attach the order to it (with the Attach method), and use DeleteObject to notify the context that the row in the table related to the order must be deleted. Finally, the SaveChanges method issues the DELETE statement from the database.

Listing 2.6. Deleting an existing order in a disconnected way


Order order = new Order { OrderId = 1 };


Dim order = New Order With { .OrderId = 1 }

In some situations, you’ll have the object, because you’ve already loaded it (from a query, for instance). Re-creating a new instance is completely useless in this case. You can pass the instance you already have directly to the DeleteObject method without having to attach it to the context. This is the classic connected scenario.

Listing 2.7. Deleting an existing order in a connected way


Order order = (from o in ctx.Order
               where o.OrderId == 1
               select o).First();


Dim order = (From o In ctx.Order
             Where o.OrderId = 1
             Select o).First

As you’d expect, the details are automatically deleted because of the database’s delete-cascade constraint. To ensure that Entity Framework correctly checks the relationships, the cascade constraint is enforced in the EDM too.

You’ve now seen how little code you have to write to persist an object graph. It doesn’t make any difference whether you have to insert, update, or delete data, because the basic idea is always the same: build or retrieve the object, modify its properties, and send it back to Entity Framework to persist the modifications.

2.5. Summary

You’ve now seen all the basics needed to start up a new project. In this first part of the book, you’ve learned what an O/RM tool is, you’ve seen where it stands in terms of application design, and you’ve even taken a sneak peek at how it speeds up development.

What you’ve seen so far isn’t just for demo purposes. The design of this chapter’s application is surely oversimplified, but it’s still effective in many scenarios that have little complexity. Furthermore, the choice of importing the database and later modifying the classes isn’t taken from documentation: it’s the result of experience in developing several projects.

At this point, you’re just beginning your discovery of Entity Framework. You have a solid background of what necessities it covers, but you need to get your hands dirty and explore all of its features. It’s time to go deeper into the three main building blocks of Entity Framework: mapping databases and classes, querying databases, and persisting modifications made to objects. By the end of the next part of the book, you’ll be able to design and develop real-world applications using Entity Framework.

The first subject we’ll face in the next chapter is querying. Get ready for the show.

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