List of Listings

Chapter 1. Data access reloaded: Entity Framework

Listing 1.1. Displaying a list of orders

Listing 1.2. Displaying data for a single order

Listing 1.3. Creating a list of orders

Listing 1.4. The AddressInfo and Order classes

Chapter 2. Getting started with Entity Framework

Listing 2.1. Displaying orders in a grid

Listing 2.2. Displaying orders placed in the current month

Listing 2.3. Retrieving a single order

Listing 2.4. Inserting a new order

Listing 2.5. Updating an existing order

Listing 2.6. Deleting an existing order in a disconnected way

Listing 2.7. Deleting an existing order in a connected way

Chapter 3. Querying the object model: the basics

Listing 3.1. The Orders property definition in the context class

Listing 3.2. A connection string example

Listing 3.3. Building a connection string

Listing 3.4. Modifying an existing connection string

Listing 3.5. Attaching a handler to the ObjectMaterialized event

Listing 3.6. Setting tracking options

Listing 3.7. Setting tracking via the Execute method

Listing 3.8. Iterating twice over query results, causing double query execution

Listing 3.9. Iterating twice over query results, causing single query execution

Chapter 4. Querying with LINQ to Entities

Listing 4.1. SQL generated by the previous query

Listing 4.2. Retrieving all orders that have sold more than one product

Listing 4.3. Retrieving an order given its ID using First

Listing 4.4. Retrieving an entity by its key using context methods

Listing 4.5. Applying filters dynamically

Listing 4.6. Grouping the shipping address information into a single property

Listing 4.7. Nesting anonymous types to group properties

Listing 4.8. Retrieving orders and customer information in a single object

Listing 4.9. Retrieving orders and customer information in a DTO

Listing 4.10. Retrieving projected orders and their projected details

Listing 4.11. Retrieving projected orders and their total

Listing 4.12. Iterating over the results of a grouping query

Listing 4.13. Changing the names of grouped data

Listing 4.14. Using multiple properties for grouping

Listing 4.15. Projecting the grouped data

Listing 4.16. Grouping orders only for cities that have more than two orders

Listing 4.17. Sorting with single and multiple properties

Listing 4.18. Sorting by an aggregated value of association

Listing 4.19. Retrieving projected orders and details ordered by quantity

Listing 4.20. Writing queries that use joins

Listing 4.21. Performing a group join to simulate SQL OUTER JOIN clause

Listing 4.22. Filtering products by type

Listing 4.23. Filtering products by type and data, and returning them as base types

Listing 4.24. Projecting the OrderDetail

Listing 4.25. Passing query parameters using a numbered list

Listing 4.26. Passing query parameters using a numbered list

Listing 4.27. Customer and details retrieved on demand

Listing 4.28. Manually retrieving the customer and details

Listing 4.29. Generic method that manually retrieves a property of an entity

Chapter 5. Domain model mapping

Listing 5.1. Creating the order scenario model

Listing 5.2. Two ways of instantiating complex properties

Listing 5.3. Implementing Equals and GetHashCode in the Order entity

Listing 5.4. Defining the entity sets in EntityContainer

Listing 5.5. Describing complex types and entities

Listing 5.6. Defining database tables and views

Listing 5.7. Describing the Order and OrderDetail database tables

Listing 5.8. Defining the containers in the mapping

Listing 5.9. Defining the entity set, the class, and the mapped table

Listing 5.10. Defining the mapping between properties and columns

Listing 5.11. Creating properties that reference the order from the order detail

Listing 5.12. Adding navigation and foreign-key properties to the entity in the CSDL

Listing 5.13. Declaring and defining associations

Listing 5.14. Defining a foreign-key association

Listing 5.15. Defining a database foreign key in the storage schema

Listing 5.16. Creating a property that references a collection of objects

Listing 5.17. Mapping an independent property

Listing 5.18. The Company, Customer, and Supplier classes

Listing 5.19. Defining inheritance in the conceptual schema

Listing 5.20. The Product, Shoe, and Shirt classes

Listing 5.21. Mapping TPT inheritance in the MSL

Listing 5.22. Adding a custom tag to the EDM

Chapter 6. Understanding the entity lifecycle

Listing 6.1. Adding an entity to the context via the ObjectContext method

Listing 6.2. Adding an entity to the context with the ObjectSet<T> class method

Listing 6.3. Attaching an entity with the Attach method

Listing 6.4. Changing state with ApplyOriginalValues and ApplyCurrentValues

Listing 6.5. Deleting an entity

Listing 6.6. Changing object state using ChangeObjectState and ChangeState

Listing 6.7. Detaching an entity

Listing 6.8. Logging persisted objects

Listing 6.9. Retrieving an entry from the ObjectStateManager

Listing 6.10. Safely retrieving an entry from ObjectStateManager

Listing 6.11. Modifying a customer using an entity not wrapped inside a proxy

Listing 6.12. Invoking the DetectChanges method

Listing 6.13. Modifying a customer inside a proxy

Chapter 7. Persisting objects into the database

Listing 7.1. Persisting a new customer

Listing 7.2. The SQL generated by the insert

Listing 7.3. Persisting a modified entity in the connected scenario

Listing 7.4. Updating an entity using ChangeObjectState

Listing 7.5. Updating an entity using ApplyCurrentValues

Listing 7.6. Deleting an entity in both connected and disconnected scenarios

Listing 7.7. Creating an order using foreign-key associations

Listing 7.8. Creating an order using independent associations

Listing 7.9. Correctly creating an order with independent associations

Listing 7.10. Updating an order in a connected scenario

Listing 7.11. Updating an order in the disconnected scenario

Listing 7.12. Changing the customer of an order using independent associations

Listing 7.13. Deleting an order with foreign-key associations, disconnected scenario

Listing 7.14. Deleting an order with independent associations

Listing 7.15. Managing persistence exceptions

Listing 7.16. Executing a custom SQL command to update data

Chapter 8. Handling concurrency and transactions

Listing 8.1. Performing concurrency checks with ApplyCurrentValues

Listing 8.2. Performing concurrency checks with TPT hierarchies

Listing 8.3. Intercepting concurrency exception

Listing 8.4. Refreshing entities with values from the server

Listing 8.5. Showing entry values in a tree view display

Listing 8.6. Persisting only selected columns

Listing 8.7. Complete code for managing concurrency exceptions

Listing 8.8. An example of transaction promotions

Chapter 9. An alternative way of querying: Entity SQL

Listing 9.1. A simple Entity SQL query

Listing 9.2. Retrieving all orders shipped to New York

Listing 9.3. Using projected data

Listing 9.4. Returning projected data as typed objects

Listing 9.5. Projecting an order plus full details

Listing 9.6. Chaining query-builder methods

Listing 9.7. Chaining query-builder methods vs. chaining LINQ to Entities methods

Listing 9.8. Retrieving orders with Entity Client

Listing 9.9. Materializing order details

Chapter 10. Working with stored procedures

Listing 10.1. The autogenerated method to invoke a stored procedure

Listing 10.2. Mapping resultset rows to types with a discriminator

Listing 10.3. Mapping resultset rows to types via a discriminator with TPT hierarchies

Listing 10.4. Stored procedure that returns a resultset plus an output parameter

Listing 10.5. Output parameters returned as ObjectParameter objects

Listing 10.6. Output parameters returned as simple values

Listing 10.7. A stored procedure that inserts an order

Listing 10.8. Mapping an entity to persistence stored procedures in the MSL

Listing 10.9. Declaring functions and letting them invoke stored procedures

Chapter 11. Working with functions and views

Listing 11.1. Code for querying a view, and the generated SQL

Listing 11.2. Stub method that maps a function in the storage to a CLR method

Listing 11.3. Using the stub function in LINQ to Entities

Listing 11.4. User-defined function that returns and accepts scalar values

Listing 11.5. User-defined function that accepts an object and returns a DbDataRecord

Listing 11.6. User-defined function that returns a list of DbDataRecord objects

Chapter 12. Exploring EDM metadata

Listing 12.1. Accessing the metadata using the MetadataWorkspace class

Listing 12.2. Forcing the loading of the storage and mapping schemas

Listing 12.3. Using GetItem<T> to retrieve metadata

Listing 12.4. Using TryGetItem<T> to retrieve metadata

Listing 12.5. Creating the entities node

Listing 12.6. Creating the base types nodes

Listing 12.7. Creating the derived type nodes

Listing 12.8. Creating the properties nodes

Listing 12.9. Creating the complex types nodes

Listing 12.10. Creating the functions nodes

Listing 12.11. Creating parameter nodes for each function

Listing 12.12. Creating the containers nodes

Listing 12.13. Creating the entity sets and function imports nodes

Listing 12.14. Creating the containers nodes

Listing 12.15. Adding or attaching an entity depending on the value in the EDM

Listing 12.16. The GetById<T> implementation

Chapter 13. Customizing code and the designer

Listing 13.1. Template that creates an HTML file that lists a directory’s files

Listing 13.2. Creating methods in the template

Listing 13.3. Retrieving the storage schema

Listing 13.4. Creating the code for stub methods

Listing 13.5. Creating a data annotation containing a regular expression for a property

Listing 13.6. Creating a partial class

Listing 13.7. Workflow that generates a script to persist inheritance with TPT

Listing 13.8. Container and entity-set creation

Listing 13.9. Table, primary key, and discriminator definitions

Listing 13.10. Mapping entities to tables

Listing 13.11. Generating database tables

Listing 13.12. Creating the designer property class

Listing 13.13. Creating the bridge class

Listing 13.14. The manifest file

Chapter 14. Designing the application around Entity Framework

Listing 14.1. Filling the productsList list box

Listing 14.2. Retrieving available products

Listing 14.3. Calculating the order total

Listing 14.4. Computing an order’s discount

Listing 14.5. Computing an order’s discount with DiscountPolicy

Listing 14.6. A generic IRepository<T> interface

Listing 14.7. Repository constructor

Listing 14.8. Query and GetSingle implementations

Listing 14.9. Add, Remove, and Update implementations

Listing 14.10. ICollection<T>.Contains implementation

Listing 14.11. Typical repository usage

Chapter 15. Entity Framework and ASP.NET

Listing 15.1. EntityDataSource markup code that displays a list of products

Listing 15.2. The model and routes registration

Listing 15.3. POCO entities generated by a template with data annotations

Listing 15.4. Context wrapper creating an instance of the ObjectContext

Listing 15.5. HttpModule that instantiates the ObjectContext per request

Chapter 16. Entity Framework and n-tier development

Listing 16.1. The interface exposed by the service

Listing 16.2. The implementation of the Read method

Listing 16.3. The implementation of the Update method

Listing 16.4. Marking entities for WCF custom serialization

Listing 16.5. Class that plugs the contract resolver into WCF

Listing 16.6. The DTO class for the customer

Listing 16.7. The ReadDTO method using DTO

Listing 16.8. The UpdateDTO method using DTO

Listing 16.9. Detecting added, deleted, and modified details in an order

Listing 16.10. The ReadSTE method implementation

Listing 16.11. The UpdateSTE method implementation

Chapter 17. Entity Framework and Windows applications

Listing 17.1. Implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface

Listing 17.2. Raising the data-changed event

Listing 17.3. Implementing the IEditableObject interface

Listing 17.4. Implementing the IDataErrorInfo interface

Listing 17.5. Adding errors to the dictionary

Listing 17.6. Binding controls in code

Listing 17.7. Detecting deleted details

Listing 17.8. Marking new orders as added before saving changes

Listing 17.9. A DataGrid that shows orders

Listing 17.10. Controls that show order information

Listing 17.11. Controls that show detail information

Listing 17.12. Intercepting an order’s removal and addition for context notification

Chapter 18. Testing Entity Framework

Listing 18.1. Calculating an order total

Listing 18.2. Console application that tests order’s Total calculated property

Listing 18.3. OrderTests class

Listing 18.4. Testing the raising of an exception

Listing 18.5. Test initialization method

Listing 18.6. Accessing a remote web service to check delivery status

Listing 18.7. A testable version of CheckDeliveryStatus

Listing 18.8. The ITrackingService interface and its fake implementation

Listing 18.9. Unit test for CheckDeliveryStatus

Listing 18.10. Testing with a Rhino Mocks stub

Listing 18.11. Testing with a mock

Listing 18.12. Repository’s Add method

Listing 18.13. Refactoring the RepositoryConstructor

Listing 18.14. Test code for the Add method

Listing 18.15. Query method of Repository<T>

Listing 18.16. The CustomerRepository.Add method

Listing 18.17. FakeObjectSet implementation (an excerpt)

Listing 18.18. Testing CustomerRepository.Add method with FakeObjectSet

Listing 18.19. Persistence test for the Customer entity

Listing 18.20. Using transactions in persistence tests

Listing 18.21. Persistence test of the Customer entity using EF Mapping Verifier

Chapter 19. Keeping an eye on performance

Listing 19.1. The custom timer

Listing 19.2. Inserting customers and suppliers using Entity Framework

Listing 19.3. Inserting customers and suppliers using ADO.NET

Listing 19.4. Retrieving customers using Object Services

Listing 19.5. Retrieving customers using Entity Client

Listing 19.6. Using EdmGen to generate views

Listing 19.7. The main part of the template that generates views

Listing 19.8. The compiled query code

Appendix A. Understanding LINQ

Listing A.1. How type inference understands an object’s type

Listing A.2. Creating and using a helper method without extension methods

Listing A.3. Creating and using a helper method with extension methods

Listing A.4. A set of extension methods that add methods to different classes

Listing A.5. A method that searches orders by date

Listing A.6. Searching orders by date using anonymous methods

Listing A.7. Anatomy of an extension method

Listing A.8. Deferred and immediate execution of a LINQ query

Listing A.9. Composing a query at runtime

Appendix B. Entity Framework tips and tricks

Listing B.1. Marking the entity as Modified or Deleted after attaching it

Listing B.2. Strongly typed extension method for marking a property as Modified

Listing B.3. Adding code to mark the selected properties

Listing B.4. The factory for the custom property of the entity in the designer

Listing B.5. Class that manages the auditable custom annotation for the entity

Listing B.6. The class that writes auditing data

Listing B.7. The new context class

Listing B.8. Template code for generating correct constructors

Listing B.9. The code that uses the new infrastructure

Listing B.10. The code that uses the new infrastructure

Listing B.11. The partial class that defines the TypedSpatialData property

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