List of Tables

Chapter 1. Data access reloaded: Entity Framework

Table 1.1. The mapping files of the EDM

Chapter 3. Querying the object model: the basics

Table 3.1. Properties of the EntityConnectionStringBuilder class

Chapter 5. Domain model mapping

Table 5.1. Attributes of Property node in the conceptual schema

Chapter 6. Understanding the entity lifecycle

Table 6.1. Members exposed by the ObjectStateEntry class that give access to data in the entry

Table 6.2. Methods exposed by the ObjectStateEntry class that modify entity state

Chapter 8. Handling concurrency and transactions

Table 8.1. The update workflow and the problem with the version value

Chapter 9. An alternative way of querying: Entity SQL

Table 9.1. The query-builder methods

Chapter 12. Exploring EDM metadata

Table 12.1. The correspondence between metadata classes and EDM nodes

Chapter 19. Keeping an eye on performance

Table 19.1. Comparing the performance of Entity Framework and ADO.NET with different numbers of records

Table 19.2. Comparing performance of Entity Framework and ADO.NET in querying customers whose names start with C

Table 19.3. Comparing performance of Entity Framework and ADO.NET querying customers whose names start with C” after a warmup

Table 19.4. Comparing performance of Entity Framework and ADO.NET with and without LINQ to Entities query compilation

Table 19.5. Entity SQL performance with plan caching enabled and disabled

Table 19.6. Performance with change tracking enabled and disabled (average)

Table 19.7. Stored-procedure execution performance

Appendix A. Understanding LINQ

Table A.1. LINQ methods grouped by type

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