


abstract class.
    See also class, abstract.
AcceptAllChanges method2nd3rd4th
AcceptChanges method2nd
Accessibility class
AddObject method2nd3rd
ADO.NET provider, connecting to
ADO.NET Self-Tracking Entities Generator
  and factories
  and repositories
aggregation methods
annotation, custom4th
  generating data annotations from
anonymous method
anonymous type4th5th
  assign name to property of
application layer
ApplyChanges method
ApplyCurrentValues method2nd3rd4th6th7th
  performance issue
ApplyOriginalValues method2nd
architecture, three-layer.
    See three-layer architecture.
Arrange, Act, Assert (AAA) pattern2nd
AsEnumerable method
assembly, creating
AssemblyCleanup attribute
AssemblyInitialize attribute
association mismatch
  many-to-many relationships
  one-to-many relationships
  one-to-one relationships
AssociationSet class
AssociationType class
Attach method2nd3rd
AuditableValue class
  creating attribute for entity
  creating custom context2nd
  custom property getter in designer
  custom property in designer
  custom property setter in designer
  customizing context template2nd
  customizing designer
  customizing entities template2nd
  ExtendedObjectContext class
  ExtendedObjectContext constructor
  IObjectPersistenceNotification interface2nd3rd
  PersistenceNotification class2nd3rd


BindingList class
BindingSource component2nd
bottom-up design
  reasons to use
  vs. top-down
bridge class
builder method
business layer
  and business rules
  interactions with other layers
Button control


CancelEdit method
casting, cost of
change tracking3rd
  and MergeOption
  attaching or adding graph
  detecting collection properties modification
  entity not wrapped inside proxy
  entity outside context
  entity wrapped inside proxy
  managing with ObjectStateManager
ChangeObjectState method2nd3rd5th
  data loss
ChangeState method2nd
ChangeTracker property
ClassCleanup attribute
ClassInitialize attribute
  organizing with POCO template.
    See generated code.
code first
CodeGenerationTools class
command tree, introduction
CompiledQuery class
  Invoke method
complex property
    See also property, complex.
complex type
ComplexType class2nd
composition, definition
Computed property
concurrency exception
container, populating
Contains method
  attaching entity as modified to
  creating proxied entity
  Identity Map pattern in
  lifecycle in Windows form
  managing entities returned by queries
context entity
ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled property2nd
Context-per-Form pattern
Context-per-Request pattern
converting, cost of
CreateChangeScope method
CreateEdmItemCollection method
CreateObjectSet method
  and tracking
CreateQuery method
CsdlToSsdlAndMslActivity activity


data access, introduction
data annotation, attributes
data binding
  with EntityDataSource
data container
data layer, introduction
Data Source Configuration Wizard
data source controls
  and DataBind method
  practical guide to
data table
  inability to transparently retrieve data
  pouring data into
data transfer object2nd
Database Generation Workflow property
Database Schema Name property
database-first design.
    See bottom-up design.
DataCollection attribute
DataColumn, introduction
DataContract attribute2nd
DataContractResolver class
DataGrid element, Binding attribute
DataMember attribute2nd3rd
  casting and conversion issues
DataSpace enum class
datatype mismatch
DbDataAdapter, introduction
DbDataReader, transforming into objects
DbDataRecord class2nd
  switching to typed object
DbParameter class
    See domain-driven design.
  generating with designer
  generation, customizing
DDL Generation Template property
Debug class, Assert method
  mapping stored procedure to classes with complex property
  update through functions
delete cascade2nd
DeleteObject method2nd3rd4th5th6th
    See bottom-up design.
    See top-down design.
design, bottom-up.
    See bottom-up design.
design, top-down.
    See top-down design.
Detach method2nd
detail, deleting
DetectChanges method2nd
DiffDays method
discriminator column2nd3rd
Domain Driven Design (Eric Evans)
domain layer
Domain Model pattern
domain root
domain-driven design
  and foreign keys
  domain root
  domain service
    getting reference to
  identity field
  master-detail relationship
  model, refining
  retrieving references to domain entities
  value object
    See Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator.
  benefits of using
  developing service
  persisting complex graph.
    See also data transfer object.
Dynamic Data controls
  data annotations
    DataTypeAttribute class
    DisplayNameAttribute class
    RegularExpression-Attribute class
    RequiredAttribute class
  Dynamic Data Entities Web Application
  EntityDataSource control
  LinqDataSource control
  MetadataTypeAttribute class
  registering model


eager loading
  navigation path
    See Entity Data Model.
EdmFunction attribute2nd
EdmFunction class
EdmGen tool
EdmItemCollection class2nd
EDMX file
EF Mapping Verifier
Eini, Oren
entities graph
  persisting deletions
  persisting graph of added entities
    using foreign-key associations
    using independent associations
  persisting graph of entities in different states
  persisting many-to-many relationships
  persisting modifications
Entity Client3rd
  and Object Services
  data provider
  querying directly
Entity Data Model
  and Visual Studio designer
  Association element in CSDL
AssociationSet element in CSDL
AssociationSetMapping element in MSL
CollectionType element in CSDL
CommandText element in SSDL
ComplexProperty element in MSL2nd
ComplexType element in CSDL
conceptual model
conceptual schema2nd
Condition element in MSL
custom annotations
DefiningExpression element in CSDL
DefiningQuery element in SSDL
DeleteFunction element in MSL
Dependent element in CSDL
End element in CSDL
EndProperty element in MSL
EntityContainer element in CSDL2nd
EntityContainerMapping element in MSL
EntitySet element in CSDL
EntitySetMapping element in MSL2nd
EntityType element in CSDL2nd
EntityTypeMapping element in MSL2nd3rd4th5th
FunctionImportMapping element in MSL2nd3rd
InsertFunction element in MSL
Key element
  in CSDL
many-to-many relationship
  in MSL
Mapping element in MSL
mapping schema2nd
MappingFragment element in MSL2nd3rd
ModificationFunctionMapping element in MSL
NavigationProperty element in CSDL2nd
  in CSDL
  in the model
one-to-one relationship
  in CSDL
  in MSL
  in SSDL
  in the model
Principal element in CSDL
Property element in CSDL
PropertyRef element
  in CSDL
ReferentialConstraint element in CSDL
relationship tips
ResultMapping element in MSL
ReturnType and RowType
ReturnType element in CSDL
RowType element in CSDL
Entity Data Model Designer Extension Starter Kit
Entity Designer Database Generation Power Pack
Entity Designer Database Generation toolkit
  customizing DDL generation
Entity Framework designer, limitations
Entity SQL2nd5th
  AS clause
    filtering with collection associations
    filtering with single associations
    working with
  automatic joins
  complexity of
  COUNT function
  defining variable
  DISTINCT function
  enabling plan caching
  EXISTS clause
  filtering data
  FROM clause
  GROUP BY clause
  grouping data
    and filtering
    and projecting
  handling complex properties in code
  HAVING clause
  JOIN clause
  joining data
  LIMIT clause
  navigating associations
  navigating complex properties
  OFTYPE function
  ORDER BY clause2nd
  plan caching
  projecting concatenated columns
  projecting data
    handling results
    with associations
    with collection associations
    with single associations
  projecting into complex properties
  projecting to DTO
  query, basics
  query-builder methods
    creating query at runtime
    defining variable
    preventing injection
    using parameters
    vs. LINQ to Entities methods
  querying for inheritance
  results, paging
  returning single value from collection association
  ROW function2nd
  SELECT clause2nd
  SKIP clause
  sorting data
    based on associations
  SUM function
  syntax, vs. LINQ to Entities
  vs. LINQ to Entities2nd
  WHERE clause
EntityCommand class2nd
  EnablePlanCaching property2nd
  ExecuteNonQuery method
  ExecuteReader method
EntityConnection class3rd7th
  and ObjectContext
  connection string
  GetMetadataWorkspace method
  StoreConnection property
EntityConnectionStringBuilder class
EntityContainer class
EntityDataReader class2nd
EntityDataSource control
  ConnectionString property
  Data Source Configuration Wizard
  DefaultContainerName property
  EntitySetName property
  in ASP.NET 3.5
  in depth
EntityDesignerExtendedProperty attribute
EntityDesignerExtendedProperty class
EntityDesignerSelection enum
EntityEntry class2nd
EntityFunctions class
  mathematical functions
EntityKey class2nd
EntityParameter class2nd
EntitySet class
  database impact
  modifying from entry
  vs. entry state
EntityTransaction class
EntityType class2nd
entry, changing original values
equality by reference
Equals method
  and GetHashCode
ErrorProvider component
event handler, and business logic
Execute method, and tracking
ExecuteFunction method3rd4th
  and multiple resultsets
ExecuteStoreCommand method2nd
ExecuteStoreQuery method3rd4th
execution, deferred
ExpectedException attribute
Export attribute
Extension Manager
extension method2nd3rd
extension, adding


  using Entity Framework’s foreign keys
factory class
fault injection
  and Include method
  eager loading
  lazy loading2nd
  manual deferred loading
  strategy, choosing
First method
fluent interface
foreign-key property
Fowler, Martin
full-text search
    and mathematical functions
  custom database
  custom in SSDL
  defining in conceptual schema
  defining in SSDL
  embedding in storage model
  model defined
    See scalar-valued function.
    See user-defined function.
FunctionImportParameter class


Generate Database Script from Model
Generate T-SQL Via T4 (TPH).xaml file
generated code, organizing
Geometry data type
GetAllEntityTypes method
GetHashCode method
  and Equals
GetItem method2nd
GetItemCollection method2nd
GetItems method2nd
GetMetadataWorkspace method
GetObjectByKey method2nd
GetObjectStateEntries method
GetObjectStateEntry method
GetUpdatableOriginalValues method2nd
  grouped data
    changing name of




ICollection interface
  Add method
  Remove method
IDataErrorInfo interface2nd
  customizing template
  default property
  Error property
  ErrorProvider component
identity column
identity field
identity map
Identity Map pattern
identity mismatch
IDisposable interface
IDynamicDataSource interface
IEditableObject interface7th
  BeginEdit method
  CancelEdit method
  customizing template
  EndEdit method
IEntityDesignerExtendedProperty interface2nd3rd
  CreateProperty method
IEnumerable interface2nd
IEqualityComparer interface
IGrouping interface
IModelConversationExtension interface
IModelGenerationExtension interface
IModelTransformExtension interface
Include method2nd
  with lambda expression
independent association.
    See association, independent.
information, selected, showing
infrastructure layer
  and foreign keys
  Entity Framework as part of
  repository implementation
inheritance mismatch
InnerException class
INotifyPropertyChanged interface2nd
  advantage of
  automatic properties
  customizing template
  NotifyPropertyChanged event
  PropertyChanged event
integration test2nd
InternalsVisibleTo attribute
Inversion of Control
  Unity container
IObjectChangeTracker interface
IObjectContext interface
IObjectPersistenceNotification parameter
IObjectSet interface2nd3rd
IOrderedQueryable interface
IQueryable interface2nd
IQueryProvider interface
IRepository class
ISet interface
isolation level
IsolationLevel enum
ItemCollection class


  group join


key, foreign.
    See foreign key.


lambda expression2nd
  chaining methods
  Enumerable class
  functional programming
  method chaining
  method evaluation
  methods list
  provider architecture
  query execution
  reasons for creation of
  runtime query composition
  unified query language
  unified query result
LINQ in Action
LINQ to DataSet
LINQ to Entities2nd4th
  All method
  Any method
  Cast method
  Contains method
  Count method
  Distinct method
  dynamic querying
    on collection associations
    on single reference association
  First method
    vs. Single
  FirstOrDefault method
  Group By and groupby methods
  grouping properties
  join method
    group join
  OfType method2nd
  orderby and Order By methods2nd
  paging results
    with collection association
    with single association
    compiling, 2nd
    unit testing
    vs. standard LINQ queries
  querying with inheritance
  Select method2nd
  Single method
    vs. First
  SingleOrDefault method
  Skip method
    with associations
  Sum method
  syntax, vs. Entity SQL
  Take method
  vs. Entity SQL2nd
  Where method
LINQ to Objects
LinqDataSource control
LoadProperty method
logic contract, n-tier application
loose typing problem


Managed Extensibility Framework
manifest file
manual deferred loading
many-to-many relationship, mapping
mapping file2nd
Mapping Specification Language (MSL).
    See MSL.
MarkAsAdded method
MarkAsDeleted method
MarkAsModified method
MarkAsUnchanged method2nd
master-detail relationship
Math class
max length
    See Managed Extensibility Framework.
MergeOption class
MergeOption enum6th
  AppendOnly value
  NoTracking value
  OverwriteChanges value
  PreserveChanges value
MergeOption property
    See multiple entity set per type.
Metadata Artifact Processing property
MetadataItemCollectionFactory class
  CreateStoreItemCollection method
MetadataLoader class
MetadataTools class
  GetElementType method
MetadataWorkspace class2nd
  RegisterItemCollection method
MetadataWorkspace property, ObjectContext
Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Microsoft Unit Testing Framework
mocking framework
    See object model.
  creating before database
  defining relationships
Model Browser window
model-first design.
    See top-down design.
    See Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator.
MSL, generating in designer
multiple entity set per type


namespace, retrieving
natural key, avoiding
navigation path
navigation property
  and independent association
navigation, conceptual
NHibernate, vs. Entity Framework
Nilsson, Jimmy


object initializer2nd
  and anonymous types
object materialization
Object Model pattern
object persistence
Object Services2nd7th
  and Entity Client
  data organization
  object materialization
  query transformation
object tracking.
    See change tracking.
object/relational mapping.
    See O/RM.
object/relational mismatch3rd
ObjectChangeTracker class
  AcceptChanges method
  ChangeTrackingEnabled property
  ExtendedProperties property
  ObjectsRemovedFromCollectionProperties property
  ObjectState property
  OriginalValues property
  StartTracking method
  StopTracking method
  ContextOptions.UseLegacyPreserveChangesBehavior property
ObjectContext class9th10th20th
  and EntityConnection
  Connection property
  ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled property
  Context-per-Request pattern
  CreateDatabase method
  CreateDatabaseScript method
  CreateObject method
  DatabaseExists method
  decoupling from ASP.NET
  DeleteDatabase method
  implementing interface on
  lifecycle in ASP.NET
    using HttpModule
  n-tier application
  Refresh method
  Translate method
  unit test
  wrapping for repository
ObjectDataSource control
ObjectMaterialized event2nd
ObjectParameter class2nd3rd
ObjectQuery class2nd3rd4th
  CommandText property
objects graph
ObjectSet class3rd4th5th
  AddObject method
  EnablePlanCaching property
  Execute method
  queries written against
  unit test
ObjectsRemovedFromCollectionProperties property
ObjectStateEntry class
  AcceptChanges method2nd
  ChangeState method2nd
  CurrentValues property
  Delete method
  Entity property
  EntityKey property
    automatic creation
  EntitySet property
  EntityState property
  entry, retrieving
  GetModifiedProperties method
  IsRelationship property
  methods that modify entity state
  OriginalValues property
  SetModified method
  SetModifiedProperty method
ObjectStateManager class2nd
ObjectStateManager class
  adding an element in collection properties with foreign-key association
  adding an element in collection properties with independent association
  automatic entry-entity synchronization
  ChangeRelationshipState method
  DetectChanges method
  identifying object by key
  monitoring entity modification
  relationship change
  relationship for collection association
  relationship in collection property
  relationship in singlereference property
  relationship management during attach
  relationship with foreign key
  relationship with independent association
  removing element in collection properties with foreign key
  retrieving single entry
ObservableCollection class2nd
  CollectionChanged event
OfType method
OjbectStateManager class
  removing element in collection properties with independent association
OptimisticConcurrencyException class
OrderDetails property
  model and database, designing
  use cases
OrderIT example
OriginalValueRecord class2nd
output pragma
overnormalization, avoiding


paging results.
    See result, paging.
partial class
  as benefit of using O/RM
  bulk insert
  comparison between compiled queries and ADO.NET
  compiling LINQ to Entities query
  database-modification comparison
    with ADO.NET
  disabling change tracking2nd
    for stored procedure
  enabling plan caching
  Entity SQL plan caching
  LINQ to Entities query compilation
    compiling LINQ to Entities queries
    pregenerating views
    speeding up first execution
    stored procedures
  pregenerating view
    with EdmGen
    with template
  query comparison
    between Object Services and Entity Client layer
    with ADO.NET with tracking disabled
    with all techniques
    with view pregeneration
  stored-procedure comparison with ADO.NET
  test configuration
performance problem
persistence by reachability
persistence ignorance2nd
persistence test
  transactions in
plain entity
plain old CLR object (POCO)
pluralizing object names
POCO (plain old CLR objects)2nd
  and persistence ignorance
  importance of
    organizing code with
polymorphic association
polymorphic query
presentation layer5th
  interactions with other layers
productivity, as benefit of using O/RM
Profiler API
projecting results
  and grouped data
  and object tracking
  with associations
projection methods
property class
PropertyExtensionContext class
provider model
proxy entity
proxy, and serialization
ProxyDataContractResolver class2nd
  SetResolver method
ProxyResolver attribute


query syntax2nd
query transformation
Queryable class, Where method
querying methods
querying, with inheritance


recordset, vs. dataset
refactoring, for testability
RefreshMode enum
relational database, working around inheritance
relationship tracking
relationship, designing
RelationshipEntry class2nd3rd
  implementation, separating from interface
  reasons to build
  typical usage
Repository class
result column bindings
Rhino Mocks
  building mock
  building stub
  concrete entities
  VerifyAll method


Save button
SaveChanges method2nd3rd4th
  committing entities
  database persistence
  detecting dirty entities
  generating SQL
  starting database transactions
SaveOptions enum2nd
SavingChanges event
scalar property, retrieving in template
scalar-valued function
  in LINQ to Entities
  passing object as parameter
  returning a list of typed objects
  returning generic object
  returning list of generic objects
  returning list of scalar values
  returning typed object
search, full-text
self-tracking entity
  adding or deleting entities
  ADO.NET Self-Tracking Entities Generator
  change tracking
  complex graph
  developing service
  entity change tracker
    detecting modifications
  inner workings
  internal state and context state, automatic synchronization
  logic contract
  managing entity state
  many-to-many relationships
  MarkAs* methods
  pros and cons
  proxy creation disabled
  service proxy
SerializableAttribute class
set methods
SetModifiedProperty method2nd3rd
  using lambda expression
singularizing object names
Smalltalk, unit testing in
SmartAttach method
  with associations
SpaceAfter method
SpaceBefore method
SQL Profiler, and transaction promotions
SqlDataSource control
SqlException class
SqlFunctions class
SqlGeometry .NET type
SSDL, generating in designer
SsdlToDdlActivity activity
state manager
state manager component.
    See ObjectStateManager class.
storage schema, retrieving
Store Schema Definition Language (SSDL)
downgrading entity
in conceptual schema.
    See function.
mapping persistence
mapping scalar resultset
mapping TPH inheritance
mapping TPT inheritance hierarchy
materialization of navigation properties
multiple resultset
not connected to entity
not lined up with entity
output parameters2nd
  in second resultset
persisting entity
persisting inheritance hierarchy
querying inheritance hierarchy
querying TPT inheritance hierarchy
StoreItemCollection class2nd
Strategy design pattern
strong coupling problem
StructuralType class
  in DTO
surrogate key
syntactic sugar


table per concrete type
table per hierarchy
  discriminator column
  vs. table per type
table per type
  vs. table per hierarchy
TablePerTypeStrategy.xaml workflow
table-valued function
Tangible Engineering, Visual Studio extension
TEntity type
Test Project template
test suite, writing
test, injecting fake ObjectSet to ObjectContext stub
TestClass attribute
TestCleanUp attribute2nd
test-driven development
TestInitialize attribute2nd
TestInitialize method
TestMethod attribute
Text Template Transformation Toolkit
three-layer architecture
  and complexity
  business layer
  code simplicity
  data access layer
  object model
  presentation layer
ToTraceString method2nd
TrackableCollection class
  CollectionChanged event
  and CreateObjectSet method
  and Execute method
TransactionScope class3rd
  Complete method
  IsolationLevel property
TryGetItem method2nd
TryGetItemCollection method2nd
TryGetObjectByKey method
TryGetObjectStateEntry method
type inference2nd
type safety, introduction


UML, sequence diagram
unit test
  avoiding bugs in
  build integration
  data access layer
  faking ObjectSet
  isolating dependencies
  LINQ to Entities query
  loosely coupled dependency
  Microsoft Unit Testing Framework
  naming convention
  remote service
  source control integration
  test method
  test report
  testing a method
UpdateException class2nd
  StateEntries property
user-defined function
  and collection results
  designer support
  passing object as parameter
  returning list of generic objects
  returning list of scalar values
  returning list of typed objects
  returning nontyped object
  returning typed object
Using pattern


value object
  vs. entity.
    See also complex type.
  creating on database
  mapping as table
  mapping via DefiningQuery


Where method, extension method
Windows Communication Foundation
  contract resolution
  contract resolver
  known types
Windows Forms application, binding
Windows Presentation foundation, binding in
wrappable entity
wrapped entity
WriteAttribute method
WriteProperties method
WriteTypeBaseTypes method


XElement class

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