
accountability, 178179

Achor, S., 177


high seas, 109111

High-Stakes Conversations, 113115

SOAR, 111112

Amabile, T., 178

ambiguity, 1011

American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), 178

amygdala, 67

apologies, 156

Autonomy, Relatedness and Competence (ARC), 7078, 8285, 93, 104, 124, 133, 148149, 169

balance asking and telling, 129131

behavior change, 175182

Best Self, 3146

brain process, 65

and rewards, 6769

breathe strategy, 8792, 152153

Chism, M., 164

closed-ended questions, 125129

cognitive skills, 84

compassion, 84

confirmation bias, 58

conflict resolution, 52

correspondence bias, 6062

Covey, S. R., 79

COVID-19, 11, 13, 44, 55, 111, 149

creativity, 85

critical conversations, 42, 43

debrief, 164

defensiveness, 149151, 172

defensive reactions, 151158

depression prevention, 84

Dewey, J., 166

difficult conversations, 40, 113

discipline, 23

Dweck, C., 131

emotional intelligence, 18, 24, 166

emotional regulation, 8594

emotions, 9496

empathy, 117119

equalizer, 120

and quality questions, 121123

trust and, 119120

experience, 165167

feedback, 168172

fight, flee, or freeze violence, 6367

fight-or-flight responses, 148149

follow-up questions, 127128, 155156

forward-focused solutions, 137141

Frankl, V. E., 5051

From Dope to Hope: A Man in Recovery (Ryan), 120

Furnham, A., 19

Gallup Organization, 37

goals and intentions, 98100

Google, 117119

growth mindset, 131132

Hanson, R., 4

Happiness Advantage, The (Achor), 177

Headspace, 29

heart health, 85

higher-quality questions, 123131

High-Stakes Conversations (HSCs), 113115, 185187

defensive reactions, 151158

forward-focused solutions, 137141, 189190

issue, 133135, 187188

negative reactions, 148151

Outlook and, 147148

perspectives, 135137, 188189

reflection, 191192

self-assessment and review, 159

shared action, 141145, 191

Hunger, Anger, Loneliness, Tiredness, or Sickness (HALTS), 4045

immune function, 84

Ingham, H., 26

intellectual curiosity, 127

intentions, goals and, 98100

Johari Window, 2627

Kahneman, D., 3, 6, 43

King, M. L. Jr., 11

Kramer, S., 178

label your feelings, 9294, 153

Lieberman, M., 93, 100

listening, 23, 25, 26, 57, 121, 127, 128, 134, 153, 158, 189

Luft, J., 26

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 71

Maister, D., 119

meaningful, 176

meditation, 8385

Mehrabian, A., 28


breathe strategy, 8792

emotions and, 9496

label your feelings, 9294

and meditation, 8385

pause strategy, 8587

mindset, 120, 131132, 137, 168, 197

Moments That Matter (MTMs), xviixxii, 79, 1718, 28, 66, 101102

MTM goal and intention, 100105

negativity bias, 69

neuroscience, 167168

open-ended questions, 125127

Outlook, 49

and High-Stakes Conversations, 147148

perception biases, 5162

response, 5051

self-assessment and review, 105

skills, 4950

pain control, 85

paraphrase, 128129

pause strategy, 8587, 152

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 139

perception bias, 5063, 110

personality, 2425

perspectives, 135137, 188189

physical threat, 64

Platinum Rule, 197

practice, 195196

practice reflection, 163164

behavior change, 175182

experience, 165167

feedback, 168172

neuroscience, 167168

self-assessment and review, 182183

“What? So What? Now What?”, 172175

Progress Principle, The (Amabile and Kramer), 178

Project Aristotle, 117

psychological safety, 118

quality questions, 121123, 135, 136, 138, 141143, 171, 188, 189

growth mindset and, 131132

higher, 123131

reflection. See practice reflection

relationships, 84

vs. results, 100105

resilience, 179

return on investment (ROI), 22, 37

Ryan, T., 120

self, 18

self-assessment, 46

self-awareness, 1922

leader, 2223

parent, 2324

ROI of, 22

strategy, 2430

self-care, 3945

self-leadership, 14, 17, 147, 181

Self, Outlook, Action, and Reflection (SOAR) cycle, xxixxii, 1114, 111112, 181, 182

Silent Messages (Mehrabian), 28

sleep, 85

social support, 178179

social threat, 6465

Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect (Lieberman), 100

Stop, Breathe, & Think, 29

stress and anxiety reduction, 84

Thinking Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 43

trust and empathy, 119120

Trusted Advisor (Maister), 119

unconscious bias, 68, 125, 167

values exercise, 3435

weakness, 169

weight loss, 176

well-being, 195

willingness, 142144

Wilson, T. D., 6

Worst Self, 37

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