Authors’ Biographies
Gary S. Schajer is a Professor in the Department of Me-
chanical Engineering at the University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada. He has extensive experience with resid-
ual stress measurements, notably the hole-drilling method us-
ing strain gauges, Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry
(ESPI), and Digital Image Correlation (DIC). Prof. Schajer
has published extensively on residual stress and related topics
and recently edited the reference book Practical Residual Stress
Measurement Methods. He is a member of ASTM committee
E28.13 on residual stress measurement and has been respon-
sible for three major revisions of ASTM E837 Standard Test
Method for Hole-Drilling Residual Stress Measurements.
Philip S. Whitehead is the Managing Director of Stress-
craft Limited, located in Shepshed, Leicestershire, England.
e company provides hole-drilling residual stress measure-
ment services for academic and industrial customers, princi-
pally in the fields of aerospace and advanced material process-
ing. Philip has 30 years of experience in the application of the
strain gauge hole-drilling method and has designed and devel-
oped the many specialized hole-drilling devices used by Stress-
craft. He continues to create novel drill head and strain gauge
rosette designs to extend the application of the method. Cur-
rent areas of interest include hole-drilling at remote features
with limited access.
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