

1. Computer Basics

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Characteristics of Computers

1.2 Evolution of Computers

1.3 Generations of Computers

1.3.1 First Generation (1940 to 1956): Vacuum Tubes

1.3.2 Second Generation (1956 to 1963): Transistors

1.3.3 Third Generation (1964 to Early 1970s): Integrated Circuits

1.3.4 Fourth Generation (Early 1970s to Till Date): Microprocessors

1.3.5 Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond): Artificial Intelligence

1.4 Classification of Computers

1.4.1 Microcomputers

1.4.2 Minicomputers

1.4.3 Mainframes

1.4.4 Supercomputers

1.5 The Computer System

1.5.1 Components of a Computer System

1.5.2 How Does a Computer Work?

1.6 Applications of Computers

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2. Computer Organization and Architecture

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Central Processing Unit

2.2.1 Arithmetic/Logic Unit

2.2.2 Registers

2.2.3 Control Unit

2.2.4 System Bus

2.2.5 Main Memory Unit

2.2.6 Cache Memory

2.3 Communication among Various Units

2.3.1 Processor to Memory Communication

2.3.2 Processor—I/O Devices Communication

2.4 Instruction Format

2.5 Instruction Cycle

2.6 Instruction Set

2.6.1 CISC Architecture

2.6.2 RISC Architecture

2.6.3 Comparing the CISC with RISC

2.7 Inside a Computer

2.7.1 Power Supply (SMPS)

2.7.2 Motherboard

2.7.3 Ports and Interfaces

2.7.4 Expansion Cards

2.7.5 Ribbon Cables

2.7.6 Memory Chips

2.7.7 Storage Devices

2.7.8 Processors

2.8 Data Representation in Computers

2.8.1 Types of Number System

2.8.2 Conversion between Number Bases

2.9 Coding Schemes

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3. Computer Memory and Storage

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Memory Representation

3.2 Memory Hierarchy

3.3 Random Access Memory

3.3.1 Types of RAM

3.4 Read Only Memory

3.4.1 Types of ROM

3.5 RAM, ROM and CPU Interaction

3.6 Types of Secondary Storage Devices

3.7 Magnetic Tape

3.7.1 Magnetic Tape Organization

3.7.2 Advantages of Magnetic Tapes

3.7.3 Disadvantages of Magnetic Tapes

3.8 Magnetic Disk

3.8.1 Storage Organization of a Magnetic Disk

3.8.2 Accessing Data from Magnetic Disk

3.9 Types of Magnetic Disks

3.9.1 Floppy Disk

3.9.2 Hard Disk

3.9.3 Zip Disk

3.9.4 Advantages of Magnetic Disks

3.9.5 Disadvantages of Magnetic Disks

3.10 Optical Disk

3.10.1 Storage Organization of Optical Disk

3.10.2 Access Mechanism of Optical Disk

3.11 Types of Optical Disks

3.11.1 Compact Disk

3.11.2 Digital Versatile Disk

3.11.3 Blu-ray Disk

3.11.4 Advantages of Optical Disks

3.11.5 Disadvantages of Optical Disks

3.12 Magneto-optical Storage Devices

3.12.1 Basics of MO Reading

3.12.2 Basics of MO Recording

3.13 Universal Serial Bus

3.13.1 Pen Drive

3.13.2 External Hard Disk Drive

3.14 Memory Stick

3.15 Mass Storage Devices

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4. Input Output Media

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Importance of Input/Output Devices

4.2 Types of Input Devices

4.2.1 Keyboard

4.2.2 Pointing Devices

4.2.3 Speech Recognition

4.2.4 Digital Camera

4.2.5 Webcam

4.2.6 Scanners

4.2.7 Optical Character Recognition

4.2.8 Optical Mark Recognition

4.2.9 Magnetic-ink Character Recognition

4.2.10 Bar Code Reader

4.3 Types of Output Devices

4.3.1 Printers

4.3.2 Plotters

4.3.3 Computer Output Microfilm

4.3.4 Monitor

4.3.5 Voice Response System

4.3.6 Projector

4.3.7 Electronic Whiteboard

4.3.8 Headphone and Headset

4.4 Computer Terminals

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5. Operating System

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Operating System: Definition

5.3 Evolution of Operating System

5.4 Types of Operating Systems

5.5 Functions of an Operating System

5.5.1 Process Management

5.5.2 Memory Management

5.5.3 File Management

5.5.4 Device Management

5.5.5 Security Management

5.5.6 User Interface

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6. Microsoft Windows XP

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Features of Windows XP

6.3 Starting Windows XP Professional

6.4 The Desktop

6.4.1 Taskbar

6.4.2 Customizing Taskbar

6.4.3 Desktop Icons

6.4.4 Customizing the Desktop

6.5 My Computer

6.6 Working with Files and Folders

6.6.1 Recycle Bin

6.7 Windows Explorer

6.8 Windows Help and Support Centre

6.9 Searching in Windows XP

6.10 System Utilities in Windows XP

6.11 Control Panel

6.12 Windows Accessories

6.12.1 Calculator

6.12.2 Notepad

6.12.3 Paint

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7. Overview of Microsoft Windows 7

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Different Editions of Windows 7

7.3 New Style of Windows 7

7.3.1 Aero Themes

7.3.2 Gadgets

7.3.3 Taskbar

7.3.4 Start Menu

7.3.5 Aero Effects

7.3.6 Jump Lists

7.4 Windows 7 Accessories

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8. Information Technology Basics

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Information

8.2.1 Prerequisites of Information

8.2.2 Need for Information

8.3 Technology

8.4 Information Technology

8.4.1 Components of Information Technology

8.5 Present Scenario

8.6 Role of Information Technology

8.6.1 Information Technology in Business

8.6.2 Information Technology in Manufacturing

8.6.3 Information Technology in Mobile Computing

8.6.4 Information Technology in Public Sector

8.6.5 Information Technology in Defence Services

8.6.6 Information Technology in Media

8.6.7 Information Technology in Education

8.6.8 Information Technology in Publication

8.7 Information Technology and the Internet

8.8 Careers in the IT Industry

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9. Multimedia Essentials

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Multimedia: Definition

9.3 Building Blocks of Multimedia

9.3.1 Text

9.3.2 Graphics

9.3.3 Audio

9.3.4 Video

9.3.5 Animation

9.4 Multimedia System

9.4.1 Desirable Features of Multimedia System

9.4.2 Data Compression

9.5 Multimedia Applications

9.5.1 Multimedia and Education

9.5.2 Multimedia and Entertainment

9.5.3 Multimedia and Training

9.5.4 Multimedia and Business

9.5.5 Multimedia Interactive Kiosks

9.6 Virtual Reality

9.6.1 Characteristics of Virtual Reality

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10. Computer Programming and Languages

10.1 Introduction

10.1.1 Developing a Program

10.1.2 Program Development Cycle

10.2 Algorithm

10.3 Flowchart

10.3.1 Flowchart Symbols

10.3.2 Guidelines for Preparing Flowcharts

10.3.3 Benefits of Flowcharts

10.3.4 Limitations of Flowcharts

10.4 Decision Tables

10.4.1 Steps to Develop a Decision Table

10.4.2 Benefits of Decision Tables

10.4.3 Limitations of Decision Tables

10.5 Pseudocode

10.5.1 Pseudocode Guidelines

10.5.2 Benefits of Pseudocode

10.5.3 Limitations of Pseudocode

10.6 Program Control Structures

10.6.1 Sequence Control Structure

10.6.2 Selection Control Structure

10.6.3 Repetition Control Structure

10.7 Programming Paradigms

10.7.1 Unstructured Programming

10.7.2 Structured Programming

10.7.3 Object-oriented Programming

10.8 Characteristics of a Good Program

10.9 Programming Languages

10.9.1 Types of Programming Languages

10.10 Generations of Programming Languages

10.10.1 First Generation: Machine Language

10.10.2 Second Generation: Assembly Language

10.10.3 Third Generation: High-level Language

10.10.4 Fourth Generation

10.10.5 Fifth Generation: Very High-level Languages

10.11 Features of a Good Programming Language

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11. Computer Software

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Software: Definition

11.2.1 Relationship between Software and Hardware

11.3 Categories of Software

11.3.1 System Software

11.3.2 Application Software

11.4 Installing and Uninstalling Software

11.5 Software Piracy

11.5.1 Types of Software Piracy

11.5.2 Preventing Software Piracy

11.6 Software Terminologies

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12. Introduction to Microsoft Office 2007

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Introduction to Office 2007 User Interface

12.3 Microsoft Office Applications

12.3.1 Microsoft Office Word 2007

12.3.2 Microsoft Office Excel 2007

12.3.3 Microsoft Office Access 2007

12.3.4 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

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13. Microsoft Office Word 2003

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Starting Microsoft Office Word 2003

13.2.1 Microsoft Word Environment

13.2.2 Getting Help

13.3 Working with Word 2003 Documents

13.3.1 Creating a New Document

13.3.2 Opening an Existing Document

13.3.3 Saving a Document

13.3.4 Closing a Document and Exiting Microsoft Word

13.4 Working with Text

13.4.1 Inserting Text

13.4.2 Selecting Text

13.4.3 Formatting the Text

13.4.4 Aligning and Indenting Text

13.4.5 Formatting Style

13.4.6 Format Painter

13.4.7 Using Cut, Copy, and Paste in Word

13.4.8 Finding and Replacing Text

13.4.9 Undo and Redo

13.4.10 Bullets and Numbering

13.4.11 Header and Footer

13.5 Working with Tables

13.5.1 Table Properties

13.5.2 Moving and Resizing Table

13.5.3 Formatting Text in Table

13.5.4 Adding and Deleting Rows and Columns

13.5.5 Converting Text to Table

13.5.6 Converting Table to Text

13.6 Checking Spelling and Grammar

13.6.1 Using the Auto Spell and Auto Grammar Features

13.6.2 Using Spelling and Grammar Dialog Box

13.6.3 Using AutoCorrect Options

13.6.4 Using Synonyms and Thesaurus

13.7 Adding Graphics to Document

13.7.1 Pictures

13.7.2 Editing a Picture

13.7.3 Drawing Objects

13.8 Mail Merge

13.8.1 Components of a Mail Merge

13.8.2 Mail Merge Steps

13.9 Printing a Document

13.9.1 Setting Page Margins

13.9.2 Print Preview

13.9.3 Printing the Document

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14. Microsoft Office Excel 2003

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Starting Microsoft Office Excel 2003

14.2.1 Microsoft Excel Environment

14.3 Working with Excel Workbook

14.3.1 Creating an Excel Workbook

14.3.2 Opening an Existing Workbook

14.3.3 Saving Workbook

14.3.4 Closing a Workbook

14.4 Working with Worksheet

14.4.1 Entering Data in Cells

14.4.2 Navigating through Cells

14.4.3 Naming of a Range of Cells

14.4.4 Editing a Worksheet

14.4.5 Using Cut, Copy, and Paste in Excel

14.4.6 Finding and Replacing Cells

14.4.7 Undo and Redo

14.5 Formulas and Functions

14.5.1 Functions

14.5.2 Using AutoSum

14.5.3 Formulas

14.6 Inserting Charts

14.6.1 Creating Charts

14.6.2 Using Chart Toolbar

14.6.3 Saving a Chart

14.7 Sorting

14.8 Printing in Excel

14.8.1 Setting Page Layout

14.8.2 Print Preview

14.8.3 Printing Worksheets

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15. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Starting Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

15.2.1 Microsoft PowerPoint Environment

15.3 Working with PowerPoint 2003

15.3.1 Creating a New Presentation

15.3.2 Opening a Presentation

15.3.3 Saving a Presentation

15.3.4 Closing a Presentation

15.4 Working with Different Views

15.5 Designing Presentation

15.5.1 Choosing Design Template

15.5.2 Using Masters

15.5.3 Working with Slides

15.5.4 Working with Text

15.5.5 Formatting the Text

15.5.6 Working with Graphics

15.5.7 Adding Multimedia

15.5.8 Running Slides

15.5.9 Package for CD

15.6 Printing in PowerPoint

15.6.1 Setting Page Layout

15.6.2 Printing Presentation

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16. Data Communication and Computer Networks

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Data Communication

16.2.1 Components of Data Communication

16.2.2 Data Transmission Mode

16.2.3 Analog and Digital Data Transmission

16.2.4 Data Communication Measurement

16.3 Transmission Media

16.3.1 Guided/Wired Media

16.3.2 Unguided/Wireless Media

16.4 Modulation

16.4.1 Amplitude Modulation (AM)

16.4.2 Frequency Modulation (FM)

16.4.3 Phase Modulation (PM)

16.5 Multiplexing

16.5.1 Multiplexers

16.5.2 Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission

16.6 Switching

16.6.1 Circuit Switching

16.6.2 Packet Switching

16.6.3 Message Switching

16.7 Computer Network

16.7.1 Types of Computer Networks

16.8 Network Topologies

16.8.1 Bus Topology

16.8.2 Ring Topology

16.8.3 Star Topology

16.8.4 Tree Topology

16.8.5 Mesh Topology

16.9 Communication Protocol

16.9.1 The OSI Model

16.10 Network Devices

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17. The Internet

17.1 Introduction

17.2 Evolution of Internet

17.3 Basic Internet Terms

17.4 Getting Connected to the Internet

17.5 Internet Applications

17.5.1 Electronic Mail (E-mail)

17.5.2 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

17.5.3 Telnet

17.5.4 Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

17.5.5 Chatting and Instant Messaging

17.5.6 Internet Telephony

17.5.7 Video Conferencing

17.5.8 Commerce through the Internet

17.5.9 Newsgroups (Usenet)

17.5.10 Mailing Lists (Listserver)

17.6 Data Over the Internet

17.6.1 Static Component

17.6.2 Dynamic Component

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18. Internet Tools

18.1 Introduction

18.2 Web Browser

18.2.1 Web Browser Features

18.2.2 Opening Internet Explorer

18.2.3 Internet Explorer Environment

18.3 Browsing Internet Using Internet Explorer

18.4 Electronic Mail (E-mail)

18.4.1 E-mail Address Structure

18.4.2 Checking E-mails

18.4.3 Sending E-mails

18.4.4 E-mail Attachments

18.4.5 How E-mail Works

18.4.6 Netiquette

18.4.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of E-mail

18.5 E-mail Client

18.5.1 Features of E-mail Client

18.5.2 Opening Outlook Express

18.5.3 Creating an Account

18.5.4 Sending E-mails Using Outlook Express

18.5.5 Checking E-mails Using Outlook Express

18.5.6 Creating Newsgroup Account

18.6 Search Engines

18.6.1 Searching the Internet

18.6.2 Refining the Search

18.7 Instant Messaging

18.7.1 Features of Messenger

18.7.2 Getting Started with Yahoo Messenger

18.7.3 Sending Instant Messages

18.7.4 Sending Files

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19. Computer Security

19.1 Introduction

19.2 Computer Security: Definition

19.2.1 Security Threats

19.3 Malicious Programs

19.3.1 Virus

19.3.2 Other Destructive Programs

19.3.3 Affecting Computer System

19.3.4 Protecting Computer System

19.4 Cryptography

19.4.1 Secret Key Cryptography

19.4.2 Public Key Cryptography

19.4.3 Hash Function

19.5 Digital Signature

19.5.1 How Is Digital Signature Used?

19.6 Firewall

19.6.1 How Firewall Works?

19.6.2 Types of Firewall

19.7 User Identification and Authentication

19.7.1 User Requirements

19.7.2 User Possessions

19.7.3 Biometric Technique

19.8 Data Backup and Recovery

19.8.1 Backup Methods

19.8.2 Online Backups

19.8.3 Recovery Tools

19.9 Security Awareness and Policies

19.9.1 Awareness

19.9.2 Security Policy

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20 Database Fundamentals

20.1 Introduction

20.1.1 Data versus Information

20.2 Database: Definition

20.2.1 Basic Database Terms

20.3 Logical Data Concepts

20.3.1 Entity

20.3.2 Attribute

20.3.3 Relationship

20.4 Physical Data Concepts

20.4.1 Sequential Files

20.4.2 Direct Files

20.4.3 Indexed Sequential Files

20.5 Database Management System

20.5.1 Need for DBMS

20.5.2 Benefits of DBMS

20.5.3 Components of a DBMS

20.5.4 Database Administrator

20.5.5 Database Languages

20.5.6 Data Dictionary

20.6 DBMS Architecture

20.6.1 Data Independence

20.7 Database Models

20.7.1 Hierarchical Database Model

20.7.2 Network Database Model

20.7.3 Relational Database Model

20.7.4 Object-oriented Database Model

20.8 Normalization

20.8.1 First Normal Form (1NF)

20.8.2 Second Normal Form (2NF)

20.8.3 Third Normal Form (3NF)

20.9 Types of Databases

20.9.1 Centralized Database

20.9.2 Distributed Database

20.10 Data Warehousing and Data Mining

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21. Structured Query Language (SQL)

21.1 Introduction

21.1.1 Communicating with Database Using SQL

21.1.2 Characteristics of SQL

21.1.3 Brief History of SQL

21.2 Getting Started with SQL

21.2.1 Data Types

21.2.2 SQL Syntax

21.3 DDL Commands

21.3.1 CREATE TABLE Command

21.3.2 ALTER TABLE Command

21.3.3 DROP TABLE Command

21.4 DML Commands

21.4.1 INSERT Command

21.4.2 UPDATE Command

21.4.3 DELETE Command

21.4.4 SELECT Command

21.5 Querying Multiple Tables (SQL Joins)

21.5.1 Combining Queries Using UNION

21.6 Nesting Select Statements (Subquery)

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22. Microsoft Office Access 2003

22.1 Introduction

22.2 Starting Microsoft Office Access 2003

22.3 Working with Access Database

22.3.1 Creating and Saving a Database

22.3.2 Opening a Database

22.3.3 Closing a Database and Exiting Microsoft Access

22.4 Microsoft Access Environment

22.5 Working with Tables

22.5.1 Creating a Table in Design View

22.5.2 Creating a Table Using Wizard

22.5.3 Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Records

22.5.4 Navigating a Table

22.6 Queries

22.6.1 Creating a Simple Query Using Wizard

22.6.2 Running a Query

22.6.3 Sorting Query Results

22.6.4 Using SQL in Microsoft Access

22.7 Forms

22.7.1 Creating a Form Using Wizard

22.8 Reports

22.8.1 Creating a Report Using Wizard

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23 Current and Future Trends in IT

23.1 Introduction

23.2 Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce)

23.2.1 Types of E-Commerce

23.2.2 Processes in E-Commerce

23.2.3 Types of Electronic Payment

23.2.4 Advantages of E-Commerce

23.2.5 Disadvantages of E-Commerce

23.3 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

23.3.1 How EDI Works?

23.3.2 EDI Benefits

23.3.3 EDI Limitations

23.4 Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)

23.5 Smart Card

23.6 Internet Prootcol Television (IPTV)

23.7 Blogging

23.8 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

23.9 Brain Computer Interface (BCI)

23.10 Imminent Technologies

23.10.1 Pen Size Computer

23.10.2 Napkin PC

23.10.3 Roll Top Computer

23.10.4 B-membrane PC

23.10.5 USB Memory Stick

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24. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

24.1 Introduction

24.1.1 What Is Intelligence?

24.1.2 Turing Test

24.2 Artificial Intelligence: Definition

24.2.1 Domain Areas of AI

24.2.2 Brief History of AI

24.3 Knowledge-based Systems

24.3.1 Knowledge Acquisition

24.3.2 Knowledge Organization

24.3.3 Knowledge Manipulation

24.3.4 Knowledge Representation

24.4 Searching Techniques

24.4.1 Uninformed Search

24.4.2 Informed Search

24.5 Natural Language Processing (NLP)

24.5.1 Uses of NLP

24.6 Expert Systems

24.6.1 Characteristics of Expert System

24.6.2 Applications Areas of Expert System

24.6.3 Users in Expert Systems

24.6.4 Benefits of Expert Systems

24.6.5 Limitations of Expert Systems

24.7 Neural Networks

24.7.1 Benefits of Neural Networks

24.7.2 Applications of Neural Networks

24.8 AI Languages

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