

! operator 142

!= operator 142, 146

& operator 142, 145

&& operator 143, 146

* operator 142

*= operator 143

+ operator 142

++ operator 142, 143

, operator 147

/ operator 142

/= operator 143

<%! tag> 712

<%= tag> 712

<> operator 601

< operator> 601

= operator 143, 146, 601

== operator 142

=> operator 142

> operator 601

>= operator 601

>> operator 144

>> operator 142

? operator 143, 146

^ operator 142, 145

| operator 143

|| operator 143, 146

~ operator 142


1.5, see JDK 1.5


ASCII, String, and binary 400

character output 403

streams, why not use 406

UCS transformation format 456

Writer class 398, 399

4-layer TCP/IP model 645

5K contest 756

64-bit compatible 45

7-layer ISO model 644


ASCII, String, and binary 400

outputstream classes and methods 399

outputstreams 398


abstract 177

interface methods 230

overriding, forcing on 177

abstract classes 234

Abstract Factory pattern 312

accept method 666

access modifiers

interfaces 230

overview 103

syntax 104

accuracy 149, 150

Acord 732

action listeners

callback interfaces 240

see also listeners

activation record 208

adapter classes

class names 510

event handling 508

example 510

listener adapter class 509

major pitfall 511

Adapter pattern 312

addAll method 345


comparing String addresses 63

finding IP for machine name 673

INetAddress 674

IP address, determining 642

loopback address 664

pointers, references 28


garbage collection 206

scheduling, POSIX 275

threads 269

Turing machine 336

alternating and pattern matching 479


web services and REST 774

web services beta kit contents 772

web services overview 759

web services, running 773

web services, using 771

anchors in pattern matching 477, 478

angle brackets

generics and 317

syntax 136

anonymous classes 93

event handling 508

instance initializers 93


codesets appendix 787

SQL and 595

Ant 689


configuration 703

defined 689

deployment 706

servlet reference implementation 688


interfaces 230

networking 648

Object class 57

overview of

POSIX threads standard 267

reading Java API 79

ServerSocket 666

String class 58, 60

Apple’s Zen Garden 132

Applet 559


astronomy applet 575

containers 559

life cycle 526

Light Relief 199

limitations 435

methods 560

Powers of 10 tutorial 200

application layer 645

application libraries, see libraries

application programmer interface, see API

Application Service Provision 687

applications in jar files 102

ArgumentIndex 396


generic type parameters 325

parameters versus 95, 318

var-args 97

variable arity 98

arithmetic shift operator 144

ArrayList class 349, 352


ArrayList class 349, 352

arrays of arrays, instantiating in steps 193

arrays of, declaring 191

arrays of, description 190

brackets 194

bulk transfer from buffer to 448

cloning 236

compatibility 188

creating 187

description 185

duplicating 189

I/O output destination 399

indexes, when checked 186

indexing and 64-bit Java 195

initializing 189

iterating over 192

length of array 187

multi-dimensional 190

object type 185

output 400

size 187

terminology in other languages 191

values method and enumeration 123


ASCII, String, and binary 400

character sets 454

codesets appendix 787

input 414

MIME 702

printable output 402

required encodings 456

XML and 731

ASP overview 685


caveat 223

complete example 222

overview 221

two key steps 221


operator precedence 143

operators 153

associativity 148

astronomy applet 575


databases, defined 583

defined 591

XML 726, 734


overview 55

performance 56

primitives and variable arity 98

AVG function 602


Canvas component 534

Container class 553

description 500

inheritance example 162

native library behavior 520

Axis 763


back references and pattern matching 476


example in JSP 715

Java beans and JSP 712, 715

bible code 546

BigDecimal class 155, 392, 490

big-endian storage 454

BigInteger class 155, 392, 490


ASCII, String, and binary 400

byte-swapping binary data 459

input 414

output to 401

bind method 666

binding, late 174

bitwise shift 142

blackout and race conditions 290

blank final variable 118

blocked server I/O 443

blocking I/O workaround 443


statements, blocks of 69

synchronized 292

BNF and generics 323

book website 14


defined 41

description 43

BorderLayout 564

Bosiak, Jon 731


generic bounds that mention generic type 331

generic parameter bounds 333

type parameters 330

wildcards 364

wildcards, lower bounds on 365

BoxLayout 565

braces 136

brackets 194


break, omitting at end 72

default branch 72


continue 76

enumeration 124

omitting at end of branch 72

statement syntax 76


defined 684

HTTP, retrieving pages 671

protocols 693

BufferedInputStream class 420

BufferedOutputStream class 408

BufferedReader class 414

BufferedWriter class 408


bulk transfer from 448

creating 445

current position 444

memory 441

memory mapping 451

methods 446

overview 441

reading a file 446

view buffers 447

business-to-business XML processes 732


JButton 531

JButtonGroup 535

JRadioButton 535

radio buttons 535


defined 41

description 48

byte array input source 415

byte-swapping binary data 459


C++ 173



operator descriptions 143

precision 149

Calendar class 484, 485

numbers for months 486

utilities 483

call chain 211


callback routine 501

interface callbacks 239


corresponding Swing component 534

functionality 534

cardinality 583, 591

Carnivore FBI program 667

case 72


Class class 180

classes, rules 170

generics 320

note on 47

operator 153

operator precedence 142

overflow 154

subclasses and superclasses 169

widening and narrowing 152

see also conversion

Catalina 689


catch clause 211

defined 211

exceptions 214

exceptions within throwing method 214


event handling 507

lightweight controls 523

certification exam

Java exams 313

superclass/subclass compatibility 171


client/server and 687

defined 684, 689

servlets versus 687


close-on-interrupt 443

file channel 444

overview 441

reading a file 446

transfer data methods 444

when to use 441


defined 41

description 43

Filter to replace 407

Unicode 45

character escape sequences 45

character sets 454

encoders and decoders 440

encodings 459

results 458

summary 460

using specific 457

checkboxes 533

CipherOutputStream 408

Class class 179, 322

class data sharing 19


access modifiers 103, 104

accessing member from within versus without 31

casting rules 170

Class class 179

Collection 320

constant-specific class bodies 130

declaring with generic type parameters 322

defined 20, 160

Double 241

exception hierarchy 213

File class 387

finding 101

forward referencing 138

grouping in packages 23

HashSet 353

jar files, putting in 101

Math class 195

methods, syntax 95

Object 57

objects and 26

packaging 99

qualifying names 137

static 113

String 60

TreeSet 356

wrapping output classes 406


jar files 102

Java installation 782


client sockets 655

Java Studio Creator 610

Mckoi JDBC driver mode 613

server sockets 666

TCP/IP model 650

web programming 687

clock program

compiling and running 20

main code for 32

Cloneable interface 235


arrays 236

Cloneable interface 235

common pitfall 237

defined 235

protected and 237

shallow versus deep 236

close method 405


commenting out 78

timing 493

codesets appendix 787

COFFEEPOT property 148

ColdFusion overview 685

Collection classes 320


addAll method 345

Collection interface 342, 343

Collection summary 368

Collections helper class 357

constructors 346

foreach 347

HashMap class 372

HashSet class 346, 353

iterating and exceptions 349

list classes 350

lists 342

Map interface 369, 370

maps 342

methods 345

objects, declaring 345

queues 342

removeAll method 345

retain method 345

sets 342

shuffling elements of 362

TreeMap class 375

TreeSet class 356

Collections helper class 357

colliding data field names 167

columns, defined 583

comma operator 147

command line input 390, 391

command line output 393

Command pattern 312


commenting out code 78

conventions 78

javadoc 78

javadoc tool overview 80

XML 726

commercial databases 611

Comparable interface 232, 359

changes in JDK 1.5 233

complete example 232

generic parameters 233

type argument 233

with generics 327

without generics 327

Comparator interface 359

compare method 361

compareTo method 232, 233, 361


incorrect optimization 360

intern method 63

objects 59

SQL comparison operators 601

Strings 63


arrays 188

Tomcat and servlet/JSP 689

web services 761, 762

XML 731

compile time

generics error reporting 321

literals 42


clock program example 20

Java 18, 781

servlets 700

Component class 554


debugging 561

debugging lightweight 545

defined 521, 552

displaying 526

heavyweight and lightweight 522

Swing component descriptions 529

Swing list 543

toolkit 571

see also GUI

composite types

defined 22

primitive types versus 22

concatenation 61

conditional operator precedence 143

conditional statements 69


Tomcat 703

Tomcat paths 705


connection methods 619

Connection object and transactions 625

database connection 617

databases 615

networking connection classes 649

URLConnection 673

console input 390, 391


constant-specific class bodies 130

enumeration constants 121

final keyword 117


collection constructors 346

constructor calling another 91

default no-arg 90

enumeration 128

inheritance 92

inheritance and 174

no-arg, when not to use 90

overview 89

syntax 90

container classes, see collections


AWT containers 553

class hierarchy 553, 555, 556

layout 561

overview 552

servlet, defined 684

Swing containers 554

Tomcat 689

content length, tracking in servlets 703

context-sensitive parsing 122


break statement 76

dowhile statement 75


defined 521, 552

see also GUI


casting 47

conversion specifiers 395

overflow 154

widening and narrowing 152

see also casting


defined 690

description 710


arrays 189

cloning 235

COUNT function 602

covariant return types 238, 325


defined 596

example 597

curly braces 136


appearance 572

icons 572

result sets 604



instance data versus static data 114

moving between threads 305

static 114

validation, DTD 726

data race conditions 291

data types

benefits 21

primitives versus 22

procedural language data types 21

SQL 598

see also attributes, variables


commercial 611

connecting to 615

connection 617

connection methods 619

defined 582

design 584


defined 615

loading 616

entity integrity 587

foreign keys 586

Java bean in JSP, example 715

Java Studio Creator 610


complete example 627

overview 610

mathematical concepts 584


downloading and installing 592

jar files, setting up 593

query tool 594

running 613

running sample code 613

noncommercial 612

normal forms 590

ODBC 615

primary keys 586

reducing duplicated data 585

referential integrity 586


overview 582

terminology 591


many-to-many 588

one-to-many 587

one-to-one 587

result set metadata 630


data types 598

executing commands on databases 619

execution methods 620

functions 602

overview 595

statement categories 596


adding 590

defined 583

terminology 583

transaction integrity 587

transactions 625

datagrams 640

datagram sockets 645

diagram 641

datalink layer 645

DataOutputStream class 401

DateFormat class 484


Date class 483

month numbers 486

see also Calendar

deadlock 304


GUI 561

lightweight components 545

servlets 707

sockets 666

telnet 667

threads bug 303

decoders, character set 440

decrement operator 142, 143

deep clone 236

default no-arg constructor 90

degrees 196, 583

delayed binding 174

delegation-based model 501


defined 596

example 605


sendmail 657

threads 280

deploying servlets 706


interfaces 485

thread methods 283

description 159


defined 390

standard in, out, err 391

design patterns

1.1 event handling 513

Factory 738, 749

Factory summary 753

overview 311, 312

designing databases 584

destructor 95

Digital Signature Algorithm interfaces 490

dippy birds 286

directories for Java classpath 102


freeing disk space 14

objects, writing to 436

dispose method 207

DNS servers 648

Document Type Definition, see DTD

documentation 608

doGet 697


defined 733

example 737

nodes 741

SAX versus 745

using 736

domains 583

doPost 697


defined 41

largest double precision number 51

overflow 154

range of values 50

strictfp 198

Double class 241

double-byte characters 411

double-clickable jar files 102

dowhile 75


Amazon web services beta kit 771

Google web services beta kit 764

Java 781

Mckoi database 592

Tomcat 691

DriverManager 617


defined 615

DriverManager 617

loading 616


defined 596

example 606


business-to-business processes 732

defined 727, 734

Shakespeare’s plays 729

syntax 727

dump program 419, 432

dumping a file to hexadecimal 418


arrays 189

see also cloning, copying


illegal prime number 424

illegal tshirt 463

dynamic content 684, 687


EBCDIC 454, 731, 787


eggs, standard size and enumeration 128

elements, XML 725

email 657, 659, 667

debugging 667

embedded mode 613

empty bodies and listener adapter classes 509

encoders, character set 440

encoding, HTTP 696


character sets 459

required 456

endian, big and little 454

end-of-line characters 386

Englebart, Doug 516


Enterprise Edition

J2EE features 339

overview 14

entities 734

entity integrity 587

Entscheidungsproblem 334


1.5, how done before 112

break statements 124

complicated types 127

constants 121

constant-specific class bodies 130

constructors 128

egg example 128

enumerated type benefits 119

final ints, drawbacks 119

import static 126

predefined members 129

qualified name 125

servlets 699

statement updates for 121

static and final 112

switch statement 124

type name, importing 125

values method and 123

why enumerate types 119

enumerations 111

environment variables and properties 493

EOFException 418


comparing objects 59

see also comparing

equals method 59, 63


assertion error 222

detecting early, generics 320

generics 326

window, JOptionPane 537

escape characters and pattern matching 474

escape sequences 45


arrays 141

expressions 139

operands 141

evaluation and conversions 152

event dispatcher 502, 527

event handlers

anonymous classes 508

interface callbacks 239

event handling

1.1 design pattern 513

1.1 event object hierarchy 504

1.1 event passing 503

actions 500

categories 507

events 507

events, defined 501

framework for all 507

interface for each Swing component 543

interfaces 507

Java event model 501

listener adapter class 509

overview 501

registering several listeners 513

slimmer code 508

summary 512

threads 502

event-driven programming 501


1.1, event object hierarchy 504

1.1, how passed in 503

defined 501

Swing events list 543


catching within throwing method 214

causing 212

class hierarchy 213

defined 211

fancy stuff 219

how methods declare 218

how propagates if not caught in throwing method 217

I/O 417

iterating through collections 349

method that threw 220

overview 210

related 216

servlets 703

summary 221

terminology 211

thrown, what happens 211

user-defined 213

executable application in a jar file 102


advanced I/O 460

advanced threads 312

classes and objects 38

collections 377

constructors and visibility 107

containers and layout 574

event handling 515

I/O 423

interfaces 242

JDBC 631

networking 679

polymorphism and inheritance 183

regular expressions 496

servlets and JSP 717

SQL 607

statements 83

Swing 546

XML 755

expression statements 70


conversions 152

evaluating 139

precision 149

regular expressions 470

syntax 139

extend, defined 160


factoring out, defined 585

Factory design pattern 738, 749, 753

fall-through 72

FBI Carnivore program 667


access modifiers 104

forward referencing 138

file channels 444

File class 387, 388

file descriptors

defined 390

standard in, out, err 391

file locking 452, 454


example of output to 401

I/O output destination 399

input source 415

random access file 430

FilterInputStream class 421

FilterOutputStream class 408

FilterReader class 414

filters 407

FilterWriter class 406

final 176

blank final variable 118

description 117

interface data fields 230

ints, using to enumerate 119

overriding, forcing off 175


description 205

JLS citation 207


catching exceptions 214

cleaning up with, note 216

purpose in exceptions 215

firewalls 648, 652

Flags 396


defined 41

overflow 154

range of values 52


division operator 143

double 50

extension 151

float 52

inaccuracy issues 150

overflow 154

significant figures 149

types overview 49

flow of control

assert statement 78

dowhile statement 75

exceptions 211

throw statement 78

transfer of control statements 77

FlowLayout 562

flush after use 405

footprint reduction 19


arrays, iterating over 192

enumeration and 121

statement syntax 73


collections, iterating through 347

enumeration 122

foreign keys 586

Formatter class 394


format specifiers 396

string output 436


doGet and doPost 697

example 704

headers 696

normal form 590

POST and GET 695

servlets and 694

forward referencing names 138

fragmentation 204

frames 561


event handling framework 507

Java Collection Framework 341

logging 384

thread pools 310

FTP 640

functions, SQL 602

Furby 156


garbage collection 204

algorithms 206

costs and benefits 205

description 202, 204

finalizers 205

fragmentation 204

weak references 207

generic methods 366, 367

generic parameters 362


arguments for generic type parameters 325

arguments versus parameters 318

bounds 330

clone method and 325

Comparable interface with 327

Comparable interface without 327

declaring class with generic type parameters 322

defined 317, 319

generic class example 334

generic interface example 334

generic interfaces 326

generic method example 334

generic methods 362

generic type parameters 322

generic type restrictions 328

instantiating object 325

invoking methods on objects 326

methods, invoking on objects 326

parameter bounds 333

parameter bounds that mention generic type 331

problem solved by 319

purpose 321

table example 324

terminology 334

three parts 322

using outside Collection classes 322


defined 690

HTTP GET command 669

POST and 695


image I/O 384

importing images into program 558

JFrame 557


googlewhacking 778

web services beta kit contents 764

web services overview 759

web services, running 768

web services, using 764

WSDL file 766

goto 68

grammar, defined 8

greater than operator, precedence 142

GregorianCalendar class 484, 485, 486

grep program for pattern matching 482

GridLayout 564

groups and pattern matching 476


cursor icons 572

event handling actions 500

event handling overview 501

functionality, four basic areas 499

heavyweight and lightweight components 522

JFC overview 520

JFC terminology 521

JFrame, displaying components 526

layout managers 562

pluggable look and feel 549

printing screen 571

Swing component descriptions 529

see also AWT, Swing, event handling

GUI event handlers 239

gzip 409, 421

GZIPInputStream class 421

GZIPOutputStream class 408


handlers 211

event handlers and interface callbacks 239

see also event handlers

Hank the Angry, Drunken Dwarf 717

Hard Luck Hard Disk 83

hardware for networking 646

has a 166

hash tables

defined 371

hashcodes 59

HashMap class 369, 372

HashSet class 346

collections and lists 351

using 353

Hatless Atlas song 65

header files

use in other languages 23


HTTP 696

servlet request methods 699


default size 202

description 202

garbage collection 202

storage lifetime 203

heavyweight 522

Hello World 783

hexadecimal 418

Hindi output 401

HotSpot 19


5K contest 756

overview 723, 724

POST and GET 695

servlets, invoking with 694

XML versus 722

XML’s advantages over 722, 724


1.1 enhancements 702

browsing 671

defined 690

GET command 669

headers 696

mapped I/O HTTP server 677

multithreaded HTTP server 675

POST and GET 695

requests and responses 695

response syntax 696

servlet requests 698

servlets and 693

version comparison 702

hubs 647



16-bit character output 403

ASCII printable output 402

basic reader methods 411

binary output 401

blocked server 443

buffers 441

channels 441

design philosophy 385

exceptions 417

File class 387

file locking 452

formatted string output 436

input 410

input methods 415

input sources 411, 415

inputstream wrappers 420

interrupting 283 package 382

key File class members 388

keyboard 390, 391

memory-mapped 449

Multics 450

multiplexed non-blocking 441

non-blocking 440

number of classes 382

output 397

output destinations 399

packages 384

piped I/O for threads 305

platform differences 386

practical output examples 400

printstreams 391

problems 382

processes, limitations on running 435

program output, reading 432

random access file 430

reader wrappers 413

reading file and dumping to hexadecimal 418

threads, stopping 283

wrappers 383

wrapping additional output classes 406

writer wrappers 406

XML support class 439

zip files, outputting 409

see also input, output

IBM Linux watch 108

icons for cursors 572


defined 137

legal Java identifiers 138

names versus identifiers 137

overview 137

identity conversions 152

IDEs 18

if statement syntax 71


prime number 424

tshirts 461

images, importing into program 558

IMAP 640

immutability and final keyword 117

immutability of Strings 61, 63, 64

implicit fall-through 72


import static syntax 126

type name, enumeration 125

IN operator 601


array indexes, when checked 186

arrays 195

INetAddress 674


benefits of 165

casting 169

casting rules 170

constructors 92

constructors and 174

data field name collision 167

description 159

example of real-world 160

interfaces 228, 230

Java example 162

multiple inheritance 167

Object and polymorphism 174

summary 167

superclass object acting as subclass 169

toString method 175

initializing arrays 189

inner classes and event handlers 508


basic methods 415

description 410

double-byte characters 411

InputStream wrappers 420

problem 412

reader methods, basic 411

reader wrappers 413

sources 411, 415

see also I/O

InputStream class 415

InputStreamReader class 421


piped I/O 305

TCP/IP diagram 650

wrappers 420


defined 596

example 598

insolvent pachyderms 778


Mckoi database 592

Tomcat 691

instance initializers 93

instance methods and enumeration variables 129

instanceof 145

instead of switch 743

operator 145


arrays 187

constructors 89

objects, constructors 89


defined 41

description 46


defined 591

entity 587

referential 586

transaction 587

interface, see GUI


abstract classes versus 234

callbacks 239

Comparable 232

defined 230, 234

deprecated 485

event handling 507

generic interfaces 326

generic parameter bounds 333

Java Native Interface 495

JDBC, interfaces versus classes 618

locks and memory mapping 440

member behavior 230

overview 227

problem solved by 228

summary 231

Swing event handler interfaces 543

intern method 63

Internet Protocol, see IP


performance boosts 19

program for Java 18


I/O 283

interrupt method 304

threads 303

introspection 180


enumeration and final int drawbacks 119

overflow 154

IP 640

address, determining 642

current connections, showing 668

defined 650

finding address for machine name 673

INetAddress 674

loopbackaddress 664

ports and 652

protocols built on 645

version 4 versus version 6 646

ipconfig 642

is a 166


codesets appendix 787

ISO-8859-1 456

seven-layer model 644

ISPs, blocking 633


collections 347

collections, exceptions 349

Iterator interface 347



features 339

overview 14

J2ME overview 12

J2SE overview 13

Jakarta 690


example 526

subclass of Panel 559

jar files

applications, storing in 102

classpath 102

creating 101

double-clickable 102

executable application in 102

Google web services 765

location JDK looks for 102

Mckoi 629

Mckoi, setting up 593

servlet deployment 706

Jasper 690


classpath, installation 782

clock program, main code for 32

compiling 18, 781

downloading 781

early names for 378

event model 501

J2EE overview 14

J2ME overview 12

J2SE overview 13

JRE overview 18

JVM overview 18

language overview 8

Microsoft and 7

objects, introduction to 17

operator descriptions 143

operator precedence 142

overview 3

package list 11

portability benefits 4

portability, importance 5

running program 18

strongly typed, defined 42

see also JDK

Java Foundation Classes, see JFC

Java Native Interface 495

Java Studio Creator 610

javac 18

javadoc 78

comments 78

tool, overview 80

using 82

JAXB 733

JAXM 733

JAXP 733, 735


description 530

example 527

internationalization 531

JButtonGroup 535

JCheckBox 533


actions 524

component descriptions 529

controls 525

debugging components 545

description 524

features provided 522

JFrame, arranging 527

overview 522

JContentPane 556


additional information 631

complete example 627

drivers, loading 616

interfaces versus classes 618

overview 582, 610

prepared statements 626

SQL connection methods 619

SQL execution methods 620

stored procedures 627

transactions 625

transactions, batching 624

versions 614

JDiskReport 14


classes, finding 101

features in each release xix

see also Java

JDK 1.1

event handling pattern 513

event object hierarchy 504

event passing 503

JDK 1.5

arrays, iterating over 192

autoboxing and unboxing 55

class data sharing 19

concurrent package 310

deprecated thread methods 283

ellipsis token 136

enum keyword 136

enumerations 111

footprint reduction 19

generics 181, 317

java.nio I/O package 440

new features summary

StringBuilder 64

variable arity 97


description 541

JTabbedPane and 539


advantages 521

overview 520

terminology 521


containers 557

displaying components 526

example 504, 527, 557

JGlassPane 556

JLabel 529

JLayeredPane 556

JMenuBar 556

jobs and Java 6

JOptionPane 537

JPanel 556

alternative using JLabel 534

description 534

JTabbedPane and 539

KeyListener 535

using 558

JPG 558

JRadioButton 535, 550

JRE overview 18

JRootPane 556

JScrollPane 538

JServ 690


container, Tomcat 689

example 714

executing 713

Java beans 712, 715

Java beans example 715

overview 683, 685, 710

servlets versus 710

Struts 714

syntax 711

tag libraries 716

tags 712

terminology 689

JTabbedPane 539

description 539

JTextField 532

JToolTip 531

Just in Time compiling 19

Just Java website 14

JVM overview 18

JWindow 560


Kenobi, Obi-Wan 545

KeyAdapter 511

keyboard I/O 390, 391

keyboard output 393

KeyListener 535

keys 586

keywords 136

enum, new 112

Java 136

Kleene star 468

Knuth, Donald 80


labels, JLabel 529


definition of programming language 7

see also object orientation 21

late binding 174


ISO seven-layer model 644

TCP/IP four-layer model 645


combining layout managers 566

containers 561

grid layout 564

layout managers

BorderLayout 564

BoxLayout 565

combining 566

FlowLayout 562

GridLayout 564

layout managers overview 562

left bitwise shift 142

length 186

length of arrays 187

less than operator, precedence 142


grouping classes 23

Java libraries list 11

JAXP 735

JSP tag libraries 716

overview of libraries 9

run-time library overview 10

life cycle for servlet 708

lifetime for object on the heap 203

Light Relief

500 Mile Limit on Email 680

Apples and Crays 497

applets 198

Computable Numbers and the Entscheidungsproblem 334

Early Names for Java 378

Furby’s Brain Transplant 156

googlewhacking 778

Hatless Atlas 65

Haunted Zen Garden of Apple 132

Illegal Prime Number 424

Java Certification 313

Java-Powered Toaster 242

JDiskReport 14

MiniScribe, the Hard Luck Hard Disk 83

Napster and Limewire 38

NASA Spirit Rover 224

Nerd Detection System 184

Reading the Docs 608

Sky View Cafe astronomy applet 574

Spam 632

The Bible Code 546

The Illegal Tshirt 461

The Motion Sensor Solution (Dippy Birds) 285

The Mouse That Roared 515

Using Java to Stuff an Online Poll 717

View Source on Kevin’s Life 756


components, debugging 545

controls list 523

defined 522

LIKE operator 601

Limewire 38

LineNumberInputStream class 421

LineNumberReader class 414

link layer 645

Linnaean taxonomy 160


portability of Java 4

watch 108

list of items 185


adapter class pitfall 511

callback interfaces 240

example 509

listener adapter class 509

pluggable look and feel 551

registering several for same event 513

top-level class, making into 508


ArrayList class 349, 352

collections 342

LinkedList class 349

List class 349

maps and 342

sorting for collections 359


boolean literals 43

byte literals (none) 48

char literals 44

defined 42

int literals 46

long literals 47

short literals (none) 49

String literals 60

Strings, immutable 61

little-endian storage 455

local thread storage 308


deadlock 304

file locking 452

read/write 291

logging servlets 703


defined 41

description 46

loopback address 664


break statement 76

continue statements 75

dowhile statement 75

for loop and enumeration 123

for statement 74

looping statement syntax 73

mutually exclusive threads 298

variable, declaring 74



portability of Java 4

web services 777


500 mile limit 680

MIME 702

sending 657

main method

example 32

static 116

many-to-many relationships 588

Map interface

HashMap 372

TreeMap 375

mapped I/O HTTP server 677


collections 342

defined 343

Maps interface 369

mark and sweep 206

Matcher class 469

Math class 195, 318, 392

math package 196, 490

MAX function 602


class path 629

downloading and installing 592

jar files 629

jar files, setting up 593

query tool 594

running 613

running sample code 613

memory management 202

finalizers 205

garbage collection 202, 204

heap 202

leaks 203

memory no longer in use, indicating 204

reclaiming objects 94

reference types and 28

stack 208

weak references 207

memory mapping interface 440

memory-mapped I/O 449, 450

metacharacters and pattern matching 474


File class 387

File class members 388

result sets 630

metawords in pattern matching 480


access modifiers 104

activation record 208

catching exception within throwing method 214

exceptions, declaring 218

File class 388

finding method that threw exception 220

forward referencing 138

generic methods 362

generic, example 334

grouping in packages 23

I/O metadata 388

instance methods and enumeration variables 129

interfaces 230

invoking static method through instance variable 116

overloading 96, 171

overriding 172

overview 95

parameterizing 366

reference variables, passing parameters to methods 96

servlet request methods 699

servlet response methods 700

stack 208

static methods 116

static, common pitfall 117

Swing interface methods 543

variable-arity 97

see also generic methods

MFC memory leaks 203

Micro Edition overview 12

MicroQuill 203


Java and 7

memory leaks 203 office suite competitor 6

MIME 702

MIN function 602

MiniScribe 83

modal Window 560

monitors and threads 291


numbers for 486

see also Calendar

motion sensors 285

mouse inventor 515

Multics 450

Multics and wait/notify 297

multi-dimensional arrays 190

multidimensional arrays 190

multiple inheritance 167

interfaces 229

multiplexed non-blocking server I/O 441

multithreading, see threads

mutually exclusive threads 287

communicating 295

example 288

over a method 294

over block of statements 293

over entire class 292


overview 552

Struts 715



data field collision 167

early names for Java 378

forward referencing 138

names versus identifiers 137

package names and namespaces 100

package names, unique 100

package naming rules 99

qualifying 137

subclasses and data field names 167

XML namespaces 729

Napster 38

narrowing conversion 152

NASA Spirit Rover 224

Native Interface 495

native library behavior in AWT 520

negation and pattern matching 479

nerd detection system 184

nested classes 104

nesting 166

netstat 668

network layer 645


additional information 679

hardware 646

IP and UDP diagram 641

ISO seven-layer model 644

library 648

overview 639

TCP/IP four-layer model 645

Windows 657

see also sockets, packets, protocols

new features in 1.5, see JDK 1.5

new keyword 90

no-arg constructor 90

nodes and DOM 741

non-blocking I/O 440, 442

noncommercial databases 612

non-polling I/O 442

normal form 590

notify method 297, 303

NTP 655, 656


databases 587

null reference 27

null bodies and listener adapter class 509


random 492

see also Math class


Object class

equals method 59

inheriting from 174

overview 57

object orientation

classes, defined 20

inheritance 159

inheritance and constructors 92

inheritance example 162

polymorphism 159

terminology 160

object references 96

ObjectOutputStream class 408


arrays, similarities 186

arrays, similarities and differences 186

autoboxing 55

code example, simple 30

collection objects, declaring 345

comparing value 59

defined 26

heap 202


constructors 89

steps that occur 93

instantiating for generics 325

introduction to 17

memory management 94

no longer in use, indicating 204

object wrapper classes for primitive types 54

pass by value versus pass by reference 96

primitives versus 27

reference to an object versus 29

static 113

storage lifetime 203

wrappers for primitives 53

writing objects to sockets 437

writing to disk 436

Observer pattern 312

octal escape sequences 45

ODBC 615

one-to-many relationships 587

one-to-one relationships 587

OOP, see object orientation office suite 6

operand evaluation 141

operating cycle of servlets 708

operating systems

I/O differences among 386

portability, benefits 4

portability, importance 5


cast and assignment 153

description 140

Java operator descriptions 143

precedence 142

SQL comparison 601


incorrect 360

servlets 709

order of evaluation

operands 140

see also evaluating


arrays 400

destination options 399

practical examples 400

readers versus outputstreams 397

reading program output 432

Width 396

wrapping additional output classes 406

zip files 409

see also I/O

OutputStream class 408


16-bit characters 398

binary output 401

example 400

piped I/O 305

readers versus 397

servlets 703

TCP/IP diagram 650

wrappers 408

OutputStreamWriter class 408


BigInteger 155

casting 154

overloading 171

description 171

methods, syntax 96

overriding versus 174


covariant return types 238

forcing off with final 175

forcing on with abstract 177

methods 172

overloading versus 174



classpath 102

defined 99

finding classes 101

grouping classes in 23

I/O packages 384

Java package list 11

naming rules 99

packaging classes 99

unique names 100

visibility 98


diagram 641, 643

routers and 647

UPD 649

watching 667

p-and-v semaphores 291

parallel processing 269, 281

parameterized type 334


arguments versus 95, 318

generic methods 366

generic parameter bounds 333

generic type 322

pass by value versus pass by reference 96

passed by reference 96

passed by value 96

primitives and parameter-passing 96

reference variables, passing parameters to methods 96

wildcard parameters 362

parentheses 136


DOM 736

SAX 744

SAX versus DOM 745

pass by reference 96

pass by value 96

Pattern class 469

pattern matching

alternating 479

anchors 477

anything but feature 473

anything except this word feature 479

capturing groups 476

cautions 469

classes 469

escape characters 474

grep program 482

metawords 480

methods 470

patterns, forming 470

quantifiers 475

ranges 473

sample program 472

single-character metacharacters 474

three main steps 468

using 469

when used 468

word negation 479


design pattern summary 753

design patterns overview 312

Factory design pattern 749

pattern matching and I/O 440

PatternSyntaxException 469


autoboxing 56

batching SQL statements and transactions 624

interpreter performance boosts 19

servlets 709

strictfp 198

StringBuilder 64


petform.html 704

results 705

pi 195, 318, 394

ping programs 653, 654


example of output to 401

I/O output destination 399

input source 415

piped I/O for threads 305

pitfall 305

pluggable look and feel

illustration 551

overview 549

pointers 28

polls, rigging results 717

polymorphism 159, 171

description 171

late binding 174

Object, inheriting from 174

overloading 171

overloading versus overriding 174

overriding 172

parametric 319

populating tables with INSERT 599


benefits 4

I/O 386

I/O design philosophy 385

importance 5

jobs, effect on 6 6

pluggable look and feel 549

web based software 686

XML 731


defined 652

firewalls and 652

predefined 652


scheduling algorithm 275

thread standard 267


defined 690

GET and 695

post-increment operator 142, 143

Powers of 10 tutorial 200

powers of two table 785

precedence 142

associativity versus 148

operator precedence 142

operators 142


calculation accuracy 149

calculations 149

floating-point 149, 151

floating-point arguments 396

pre-increment operator 142, 143

prepared statements

description 606

using 626

primary key 586

prime numbers

example program finding 281

illegal 424


autoboxing 55

boolean, description 43

byte, description 48

casting 47, 153

char, description 43

composite types versus 22

data types versus 22

defined 21

descriptions 41

int, description 46

long, description 46

object wrapper classes for primitive types 54

object wrappers 53

objects versus 27

short, description 49


method 394

variable-arity of methods 97

printing screen 571

println 670

PrintStream class 402

printstreams 391

PrintWriter class 403

priority 275


access modifiers 103, 105

protected versus 106

procedural language data types 21

programming language, see languages


environment variables equivalent 493

predefined 494

processing 494


access modifier rationale 106

access modifiers 105

cloning and 237

defined 237

JLS citation 239

private versus 106

servlet request and response 698


HTTP and web components 693

IP, built on 645

remote and println 670

socket 663

SPAM, reducing 636

Trusted Internet Protocol 636

provisioning 687

proxy servers 648


access modifiers 103, 105

interface methods and fields 230


defined 136

operators 140

PushbackInputStream class 421

PushBackReader class 414


quantifiers and pattern matching 475


Mckoi query tool 594

SELECT example 599

SELECT result sets 603

SELECT statement 596

speeding up 624

SQL executeQuery method 620

SQL subqueries 602


collections 342


race conditions

avoiding 291

blackout 290

defined 289

radians, converting to degrees 196

radio buttons 535, 566

raising 211

Random Access File class 430

Random class 492

ranges and pattern matching 473

read/write locks 291


basic methods 411

outputstreams versus 397

reader classes 397

reader classes for input 411

reader wrappers 413

reading from 391



deleting 605

DROP 596

UPDATE statement 596

updating 605

reference counting 206

reference implementation, servlet 688

reference types

arrays 185

defined 27

key points 22

string comparison 63

why used 28

reference variables

passing parameters to methods 96

tree data structures 29

why used 28


back references and pattern matching 476

forward-referencing names 138

objects versus reference to an object 29

pass by value versus pass by reference 96

pointers, addresses 28

references types

memory management and 28

referential integrity 586

regular expressions

pattern matching 470

properties 493

related threads 280

relational databases 581

defined 582

many-to-many relationships 588

mathematical concepts 584

see databases, relational

tables 582

relations 583

relationships 587

reliability and enumeration constants 121

removeAll method 345

repetition and pattern matching quantifiers 475


HTTP 695

servlet 698

servlet requests, key methods 699

servlets 697

reserved words 136


HTTP 695, 696

servlet responses, key methods 700

servlets 697, 699

syntax 696


Amazon web services 774

overview 775

result sets

contents 603

metadata 630

SELECT example 601

sorted 604

retain method 345

return statement syntax 77

right bitwise shift 142

Robocode software 110

RosettaNet 732


defined 646

packets and 647

rows 583


generic type parameter bounds 330

googlewhacking 779

XML 725

run method 271, 274, 282

Runnable interface

creating new thread 270

object, turning into thread 272

Swing threads 528

Thread class 284

using 272

run-time amnesia 328

run-time internals 202, 208

run-time library

overview 10

source code 62



defined 733

DOM versus 745

example 746

using 744

Scanner class 391

SCJP 313

screen, printing 571

scrolling 538

searching and web services 770

Searching class 325

second normal form 590

sections of XML documents 728


firewalls 648

serializing and 438

web services 772


defined 596

example 599

pitfalls 604

result sets 603

selection statements 71

selector-based multiplexing 442

semaphores, p-and-v 291

SequenceInputStream class 421


objects, making serializable 437

security and 438

writing objects to disk 436

servlet containers

defined 684

Tomcat 689


CGI versus 687

compiling 700

container, defined 684

debugging 707

deployment 706

development tips 707

dynamic content 684

example 701

example, running 692

exceptions 703

forms and 694

HTML to invoke 694

logging 703

operating cycle 708

outputstreams 703

overview 683

pathnames for executing 705

petservlet results 705

products replaced by 687

reference implementation 688

requests 698

requests and responses 697

requests, key methods 699

responses 699

responses key methods 700

specification location 710

terminology 689

threads 709

tips 703

Tomcat configuration 703

tracking content length 703

web services and 687

why use 686

writing 700

sessions 710


collections 342

HashSet class 353

maps and 342

Set interface, defined 355

see also result sets

shadowing field names 167

Shakespeare DTD 729

shallow clone 236

shift, bitwise 142


defined 41

description 49

signed shift operator 144

significant figures

double, largest possible 51

floating-point 49

SimpleDateFormat class 484, 488

SimpleTimeZone class 484

single-character metacharacters 474

Singleton pattern 312

Sky View cafe 575

SmartHeap 203

SMTP 657, 658

SNMP 640

SOAP 763


background 642

blocking I/O 443

C/C++ 653

client socket 655

client versus server 645

connections 645

datagram 645

datagram diagram 641

debugging 666

defined 652

diagram 643

I/O output destination 399

input source 415

Java 653

networking classes 648

println and 670

protocols 663

server socket 660

server sockets 666

ServerSocket 666

stock finder 672

stream sockets 645

TCP/IP diagram 650

URLconnection 673

writing objects to 437


interfaces for collections 359

result sets 604

Sorting class 325

source code of Java run-time library 62


lovely 632

pattern matching 468

preventing 634

Spirit Rover 224


comparison operators 601

cursor 604

data types 598

executing statements 619

execution methods 620

functions 602

overview 595

prepared statements 606

result sets 603

statement categories 596

statements, batching 624

stored procedures 606

support for SQL types 490

square brackets 136, 194

SSEC 335


description 208

diagram 209

servlet stack trace 707

Stack class 489

stack cracking 208

stack frame 208

strack trace, defined 211

threads and 210

Standard Edition overview 13

standard in, out, err 391

start method 271


assert 221

branches 72

break statements 76

common Java statements 67

dowhile statement 75

dowhile statements 75

empty statement ( 69

enumeration, updates for 121

expression statements 70

for statements 73

if statements 71

looping statements 73

organizing 69

overview 68

return statements 77

selection statements 71

SQL statement categories 596

SQL statements, batching 624

switch statements 71

switch’s design flaws 73

transfer of control 77


data 114

defined 112, 113

description 113

import static syntax 126

main method 113, 116

methods 116

methods, common pitfall 117

mutual exclusion over class static methods 293

threads 293

what you can make static 114

stderr 391

stdin 391

stdout 391

stop and copy 206


big-endian 454

little-endian 455

thread local storage 308

storage lifetime 203

stored procedures

defined 592

description 606

using 627

stream sockets 643, 645


closing after use 405

input and output streams 397

memory-mapped I/O 449

selecting class for 398

strictfp 151, 198

String class

concatenation 61

creating new 61

methods, important 64

overview 58, 60

toString method 58

StringBuffer 415


ASCII, String, and binary 400

comparing 63

formatted output 436

I/O output destination 399

intern method 63

StringBuffer 63

StringBuilder 64

strongly typed 42


finding more information 715

overview 714


casting 169

data field names 167

defined 160

inheritance example 163

interfaces 228

overriding 172

superclass acting as subclass 169


examples 603

SQL 602


defined 160

see also subclasses

SUM function 602


keyword 164

using 166


casting 169

defined 160

superclass acting as subclass 169


defined 160

see also superclasses

swapping bytes 459


component descriptions 529

containers 554

debugging lightweight components 545

error message windows 537

event-dispatching thread requirement 528

events list 543

JComponent, description 524

lightweight controls 523

most useful component 538

threads warning 527

threads, Runnable interface 528


break statement 76

design flaws 73

enumeration and 124

instanceof instead of 743

statement syntax 71


defined 646

hubs versus 647

layer 3 646


blocks 292

defined 277

events and threads 502

Multics 297

mutual exclusion over block of statements 293

mutual exclusion over method 294

servlets 709

solutions 291

wait/notify 295

syntactic sugar 122, 332


angle brackets 317

arguments versus parameters 95

arrays 185, 187

arrays and brackets 194

arrays of arrays 191

comments 78

constructors 90



doGet and doPost 698

DROP 606

DTD 727

exceptions, catching 214

expressions 139

generic methods 366

generics 334

HTTP 696

identifier rules 137


JSP 711

methods 95

operators 140

overloading methods 96

punctuation 136


SELECT pitfalls 604

SQL operators 601

statements 69


XML 725

XML comments 726 391

System.out.println 393



CREATE statement 596

creating 597

database, adding to 590

defined 583


deleting 605

inserting records 598


adding tab and component 541

escape sequences 44

JTabbedPane 539


attributes 726

DTD 727

element tags 725

HTML tags 723

JSP 712

JSP tag libraries 716

XML 734

XML tags 724

TCP/IP 640

client/server model 650

diagram 643

four-layer 645

overview 640

Windows 657

Telnet 640

telnet 667

templates, see generics

test-and-set instructions 291

text editors and pattern matching 468

text fields 532

TFTP 640

third normal form 590

Thread class

diagram 271

example 284

non-private members 284

threads 271

advanced topics 287, 295

API 267

bug 303

categories of thread programming 277

concurrent package 310

creating 270

defined 267

demon 280

deprecated methods 283

diagram 278

event handling and 502

interrupting 303

local storage 308

moving data between 305

Multics 297

mutually exclusive 277, 287

mutually exclusive, communicating 295

mutually exclusive, example 288

pipe pitfall 305

piped I/O 305

prime number program 281

race conditions 289

read/write locks 291

reasons to use 269

related 280

Runnable interface 272

Runnable interface and Swing threads 528

running 271

servlets 709

stack allocated for 210

stopping 283

Swing threads warning 527

synchronization 277, 709

synchronization solutions 291

synchronized blocks 292

unrelated 278, 280

unsynchronized 280

volatile 304

wait/notify 295

XML 753

three-dimensional arrays 190

throwing exceptions 211


global timeservers 656

NETP 655

time-sharing 268

time-slicing 275

see also Calendar

TimeZone class 484

timing your code 493

toaster, Java-powered 242


configuration 703

defined 690

deployment 706

downloading 691

installing 691

overview 689

running JSP 713

servlet debugging tips 707

starting and stopping 692

versions 689

tooltips 531

toString method 58, 175

traceroute 647


batching 624

Connection object 625

transaction integrity 587

transfer of control statements 77

Transmission Control Protocol, see TCP

transport layer 645

TreeMap class 369, 375


DOM parser, example 740

DOM XML parser 737

reference variables 29

reference variables and 29

XML document structure 727

TreeSet class 356

triggers 592

true/false, boolean 43

Trusted Internet Protocol 636


after completed 216

exceptions 214

overhead 218

statement example 215

tuple, defined 583, 592

Turing, Alan 335

two, powers of, table 785

two-dimensional arrays 190

type arguments 334

type erasure 328

type name 125

type parameters 334


array compatibility 188

composite types 22

conversion 47

covariant return types 238

enumerated type benefits 119

enumerating, why 119

floating-point 49

generic type restrictions 328

generics 320

grouping in packages 23

reference types 27

reference, why used 28

type parameter and bounds 330

see also data types



defined 763

overview 775

UDP 640, 641

unboxing, see autoboxing


char and 45

operating systems and 45

unrelated threads 278, 279, 280

unsynchronized threads 279, 280


defined 596

example 605


I/O output destination 399

URLConnection 673

user datagrams 640

user interface, see GUI

UTF 456


BitSet class 489

calendar and time 483

Properties class 494

Random class 492

Stack class 489


validation, DTD 726

values method

enumeration and 123

predefined members 129

var-args 97

variable-arity 97


casting note 47

data types versus primitives 22

enumeration variables and instance methods 129

pass by value versus pass by reference 96

reference variables, passing parameters to methods 96

see also attributes, data types

Vector class thread bug 303


IP 646

JDBC 614

JDK xix

servlet reference implementation 688

XML 733

view buffers 447

virtual 173

visibility 98

access modifiers 104

keywords 98

protected 237

see also access modifiers

volatile 304

votebot 718


wait method 297

wait/notify 295, 297

war files 706

warnings and JOptionPane 537

weak references 207

web browsers

defined 684

protocols 693

web components

JSP overview 711

portability 686

servlet and JSP overview 683

terminology 689

web searches 468

web servers 661

defined 684

multithreaded HTTP server 675

protocols 693

web services

Amazon beta kit, downloading 771

coding your own 770

conclusions 777

defined 761

four components 762

Google beta kit, downloading 764

overview 759

problem they solve 761

REST 774

running Amazon web services 773

running Google web services 768

security 772

servlets and 687

terminology 763

writing, steps 763

website for book website 14

well formed XML documents 726

widening and narrowing conversions 152

widening conversion 47, 152

widgets 521


defined 334

generic methods, combining with 367

lower bounds on 365

parameters 362

wildcarding generic parameters 362


containers 560

JComponent overview 522

JFrame example 504

window listener 509

window listeners

example 509

see also listeners


portability of Java 4

TCP/IP 657


error message, JOptionPane 537

JTabbedPane 539

see also GUI

winipconfig 642

wireless devices 12

word negation in pattern matching 479


autoboxing 55

defined 383

InputStream wrappers 420

object wrapper classes for primitive types 54

object wrappers for primitives 53

output classes 406

primitives, why wrap in objects 53

reader wrappers 413

writer wrappers 406


16-bit characters 398

writer classes 397


defined 763

Google WSDL 766

overview 775


XML 735

attributes 726

business-to-business processes 732

comments 726

document tree structure 727

DOM, using 736

DTD 726

elements 725

Factory design pattern 749

HTML versus 722

HTML, advantages over 722, 724

information resources 755

Java XML notes 753

JAXP library 735

namespaces 729

origin 731

problem it solves 731

rules 725

SAX versus DOM 745

SAX, using 744

sections 728

Shakespeare DTD 729

support class, I/O 439

tags 734

terminology 733

threads 753

validation 726

well formed documents 726

XSLT 733, 763


Zen Garden 132

Zermelo-Frankel set theory 122

zip files 409

ZipOutputStream class 408

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