Part 2

The chapters in Part 2 propose solutions to organizational constraints, which we define as relating to aspects of structures, processes, and resources that firms utilize and require to develop new products and services.

Chapter 4, by Katharina Hölzle, Tanja Reimer, and Hans-Georg Gemünden, provides a diagnostic framework to identify the symptoms and causes underlying organizational constraints that reduce the effectiveness of the standard innovation process. The chapter explores four combinations of symptoms and causes in more depth. The authors outline a holistic approach to addressing these constraints and provide an illustration of the solution within a specific organization.

The remaining chapters in this part examine more specific organizational constraints to innovation: the challenges that come with using virtual teams and the time constraints experienced by service professionals in pursuing innovation. Chapter 5, by Floortje Blindenbach-Driessen, develops a framework that delineates the dual roles service professionals play in their firms' innovation efforts. The chapter highlights the three issues of motivation, efficiency, and project selection as critical to address and provides concrete steps on how to get started in doing so.

The part is closed out by a discussion on constraints that arise from virtual teams in NPD. Chapter 6, by Donovan Hardenbrook and Teresa Jurgens-Kowal, breaks down the problem of dispersed virtual teams by contrasting the standard innovation process with a proposed virtual team-based innovation process. As companies increasingly engage and rely on multicultural, global, dispersed teams, this chapter provides important guidance to managers on how to implement and manage virtual new product development teams. The authors identify five distinct dimensions of virtual team-based innovation and discuss concrete steps for implementing the adaptation.

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