Note: Page references in italics refer to lifescript flow charts.


  • Alcohol use, 329–332, 330–331
  • Anger
    • in critical performance review, 259, 261
    • as defense mechanism, 121
    • job recommendation and, 159–162, 160–161
    • in overreaction by supervisor, apology for, 271–274, 272–273
    • pay cut and, 299, 302
    • role in dialogues, xviii
    • rude phone manners and, 239, 241
    • unjust criticism from supervisor and, 131, 134
    • in work pace discussion, 405, 407
    • in work quality discussion, 393
  • Antisocial behavior by peer (lifescript adaptation), 332
  • Apologies
    • for bad behavior by supervisor, 271–274, 272–273
    • breaking bad news and, 102
    • for cultural insensitivity to coworker, 441–443, 442
    • for cultural insensitivity to direct report, 279–281, 280
    • for email misdirection, 115–117, 116, 433–435, 434
    • for gender insensitivity to coworker, 437–439, 438
    • for gender insensitivity to direct report, 275–277, 276
  • Appearance. See Dress and appearance
  • Assignment, turning down, 43–47, 44–46
  • Assignment switching (lifescript adaptation), 432
  • Assistant, request for (lifescript adaptation), 74
  • Authority, superceding (going over supervisor's head), 11, 79–82, 80–81
  • Award or honor, protesting (lifescript adaptation), 320


  • Baby Boomers (1946–1964), xix
  • Backstabbing behavior
    • by coworkers, 371–374, 372–373
    • by direct reports, 333–337, 334–335
    • between family and friends (lifescript adaptation), 374
    • preventing, 295, 313
    • self defense vs., 317
  • Bad news
    • delivering to supervisor, 99–102, 100–101, 107
    • to family and friends (lifescript adaptation), 102
    • as means to strategic planning, 450–451, 452
    • on promotion denial, 181
  • Benefits and health plans
    • COBRA, 147
    • denial of non‐monetary benefits (lifescript adaptation), 180
    • increasing contribution for (lifescript adaptation), 302
    • reduction in (lifescript adaptation), 302
    • in severance packages, 143, 145
  • Borrowing of materials (lifescript adaptations), 225, 245
  • Boundary setting, 325–328, 326–327, 421–424, 422–423
  • Brownnosing by direct report, 347–349, 348
  • Budget and finance
    • breaking bad news about (lifescript adaptations), 102, 121
    • creditors and forbearance (lifescript adaptation), 18
    • cuts, dealing with, 75–77, 76
    • cuts to direct report's budget (lifescript adaptation), 266
    • increase requests, 71–74, 72–73
    • loan application error, explaining (lifescript adaptation), 121
    • loan rejection, appealing (lifescript adaptation), 82
    • resources reduction at organization (lifescript adaptations), 77, 297
  • Bullying (teasing) of child, ending (lifescript adaptation), 369. See also Harassment in workplace
  • Business partner (lifescript adaptation)
    • breaking bad financial news to, 102
    • help request to, 26
    • lack of effort by, 262
    • lying in business relationship, 378
  • Business plan, 71


  • Charity work. See Volunteer or charity work
  • Chores by child (lifescript adaptation), 396
  • Clients and customers
    • bill reduction request by (lifescript adaptation), 13
    • coaching for proper behavior with (lifescript adaptation), 258
    • deadlines and (lifescript adaptation), 56
    • exclusive relationship, negotiations on (lifescript adaptation), 157
    • friend's influence to help with (lifescript adaptation), 141
    • meeting (lifescript adaptation), 5
    • potential problems with, 107–110, 108–109
    • requesting work from (lifescript adaptation), 36
    • short‐term engagement, negotiations on (lifescript adaptation), 153
    • supervisor help with, request for (lifescript adaptation), 324
  • COBRA, 147
  • Communications and interactions, improving (lifescript adaptation), 241
  • Compensation. See Salary and pay
  • Complaint verification, 333
  • Consulting after termination, 151–153, 152
  • Contractor, increasing work scope but not bid (lifescript adaptation), 285
  • Correcting information (lifescript adaptation), 82
  • Coworkers
    • acceleration of work pace, asking for, 405–407, 406
    • alcohol use by, 329–332, 330–331
    • ambition and realistic goal‐setting for, 445–448, 446–447
    • backstabbing by, 371–374, 372–373
    • borrowing materials from (lifescript adaptations), 225, 245
    • boundary pushing by, 421–424, 422–423
    • chronic interruptions by, 359–361, 360
    • correcting mistakes for, 397–400, 398–399
    • covering for you, asking of, 425–428, 426–427
    • cultural insensitivity and apologizing to, 441–443, 442
    • destructive peer, protection from (lifescript adaptation), 110
    • dishonesty by, 363–365, 364
    • email misdirection, apologizing to, 433–435, 434
    • encouraging teamwork by (lifescript adaptation), 452
    • endangered job, warning coworker about, 449–452, 450–451
    • extra hours, asking for, 387–391, 388–389
    • gender insensitivity, apologizing to, 437–439, 438
    • gossiping by, 383–385, 384
    • harassment by, 339–341, 340
    • lying, refusing to for, 375–378, 376–377
    • meeting manners improvement by, 413–416, 414–415
    • nosiness by, 417–420, 418–419
    • personal hygiene discussion with, 355–357, 356
    • pilfering by, 401–403, 402
    • problem peer and asking for help with, 321–324, 322–323
    • respectful treatment of staff by, 367–369, 368
    • romantic overtures by, 379–381, 380
    • tattling on peer to supervisor, 313–316, 314–315
    • vacation switch, asking of, 429–432, 430–431
    • work quality improvement, asking of, 393–396, 394–395
    • work redo, asking of, 409–411, 410
  • Creditors, forbearance from (lifescript adaptation), 18
  • Criticism
    • mistakes by coworker and, 397–400, 398–399
    • on social media, 251–254, 252–253
    • unjust treatment from supervisor, 131–134, 132–133
    • of worker in front of colleagues, apology for (lifescript adaptation), 274
    • See also Performance reviews
  • Cultural insensitivity
    • to coworker, 441–443, 442
    • to direct report, 279–281, 280
    • political, racial, and religious views (lifescript adaptation), 211
  • Cultural issues


  • Day laborer, increasing tasks but not hours for (lifescript adaptation), 285
  • Days off, switching (lifescript adaptation), 432
  • Deadlines
    • extension request, 53–56, 54–55
    • procrastination and, 231–234, 232–233
  • Dialogue, value of, xvi
  • Directions, request for clarity, 91–94, 92–93
  • Direct reports, lifescripts for supervisors dealing with, 171–309
    • appearance, insisting on improvement in, 213–217, 214–215
    • bad behavior, apologizing for your own, 271–274, 272–273
    • brownnosing by direct reports, 347–349, 348
    • chronic lateness, 227–230, 228–229
    • critical performance reviews, 259–262, 260–261
    • cultural insensitivity, apologizing for, 279–281, 280
    • diversity efforts, insisting on respect for, 209–211, 210
    • ethical issues, insisting on awareness of, 205–207, 206
    • expense report, problems with, 255–258, 256–257
    • gender insensitivity, apologizing for, 275–277, 276
    • hiring child, request for, 189–192, 190–191
    • hours increase for staff without pay increase, 287–289, 288
    • meeting manners, requesting improvement in, 247–250, 248–249
    • meeting new staff, 173–175, 174
    • office equipment, ending personal use of, 243–245, 244
    • part‐time job, downgrading to, 291–293, 292
    • pay reduction for entire staff, 295–297, 296
    • pay reduction for individual, 299–302, 300–301
    • personal hygiene, insisting on better, 219–221, 220
    • positive attitude, insisting on, 201–203, 202
    • procrastination, putting end to, 231–234, 232–233
    • promotion request, 181–183, 182
    • raise request, 177–180, 178–179
    • repeated mistakes, correcting, 235–237, 236
    • responsibilities increase without pay increase, 283–285, 284
    • schedule adjustment request, 197–199, 198
    • social media posts, problems with, 251–254, 252–253
    • staff reductions, 263–266, 264–265
    • telephone and Internet use, ending personal use of, 223–225, 224
    • telephone manners, insisting on improvement in, 239–241, 240
    • termination, hinting at voluntary resignation, 303–306, 304–305
    • termination of friend, 307–309, 308
    • time off request, 185–188, 186–187
    • vacation request, denying, 193–195, 194
    • workspace size reduction, 267–270, 268–269
  • Dishonesty by coworker, 363–365, 364
  • Diversity, xix, 209–211, 210. See also Cultural issues; Gender issues
  • Dress and appearance
    • of direct report, insisting on improvement, 213–217, 214–215
    • of peer (lifescript adaptation), 332
    • for staff introductions, 173–175
    • for supervisor introduction, 3



  • Face‐to‐face meetings, xvi–xvii, xix
  • Family and friends
    • backstabbing, confrontation about (lifescript adaptation), 374
    • boundary setting, seeking parental help with (lifescript adaptation), 328
    • breaking bad news to (lifescript adaptation), 102
    • child shirking obligation (lifescript adaptation), 188
    • chore or task redo, asking of (lifescript adaptation), 411
    • chores by child (lifescript adaptation), 396
    • conversation manners, requesting improvement in (lifescript adaptation), 416
    • correcting mistakes of (lifescript adaptation), 400
    • counter request by relative or friend, 44–46, 47
    • cultural insensitivity, apology for (lifescript adaptation), 281, 443
    • dependents, company decisions affecting (lifescript adaptation), 149
    • dishonesty, preventing among (lifescript adaptation), 365
    • ethical lapse, discussion on (lifescript adaptation), 207
    • extracurricular activities, curtailing (lifescript adaptation), 448
    • financial surprise, explaining (lifescript adaptation), 121
    • gender insensitivity, apology for (lifescript adaptations), 277, 439
    • gossiping among (lifescript adaptation), 385
    • hiring employee/friend's child, request for, 189–192, 190–191
    • inconvenient change of plans, informing (lifescript adaptation), 407
    • nosiness by (lifescript adaptation), 424
    • overprotecting child, suggestion about (lifescript adaptation), 98
    • personal hygiene issues of (lifescript adaptation), 221, 357
    • pilfering by (lifescript adaptation), 403
    • positive attitude, insisting on (lifescript adaptation), 203
    • shared workload, request for (lifescript adaptation), 390
    • social excuse, asking friend's help with (lifescript adaptation), 428
    • teasing of child (lifescript adaptation), 369
    • termination by friend, 139–141, 140
    • termination of friend, 307–309, 308
    • unjust criticism from, 132–133, 134
    • verbal abuse from, 128, 129
  • Favor, asking of coworker, 425–428, 426–427
  • Feedback from supervisor on performance (lifescript adaptations), 94, 145, 316
  • Flattery (brownnosing by direct report), 347–349, 348
  • Flex time, 11, 13, 197
  • Flirting, 351–354, 352–353
  • Freebies and gifts, dealing with (lifescript adaptations), 349, 354
  • Friends. See Family and friends


  • Gender issues
    • in dress/appearance discussion, 213, 217
    • insensitivity, 275–277, 276, 437–439, 438
    • neutral language and, xix
  • Generational differences, understanding, xix
  • Generation X (1965–1980), xix
  • Goal setting for ambitious coworker, 445–448, 446–447
  • Going over supervisor's head, 11, 79–82, 80–81
  • Gossiping
    • by coworker, 383–385, 384
    • by direct report, 343–345, 344
    • rumors, dispelling (lifescript adaptation), 374



  • Idea theft, 317–320, 318–319
  • Interruptions by coworkers, 359–361, 360
  • Introductions
    • of direct reports, 173–175, 174
    • dress and appearance for staff introductions, 173–175
    • job recommendations, asking supervisor for, 58, 159–162, 160–161
    • to new supervisor, 3–5, 4


  • Job recommendations, asking supervisor for, 58, 159–162, 160–161
  • Jokes and jokers (lifescript adaptations), 345, 374



  • Manners
    • meeting manners, improvement in, 247–250, 248–249, 413–416, 414–415
    • rude telephone manners, 239–241, 240
  • Meeting location, role of, xvii
  • Memos
    • on backstabbing by coworker, 371
    • on client loss, 110
    • emails vs., xvi
    • on improper technology use, 247
    • for new supervisor, 3
    • on project relief request, 49
    • in promotion preparation, 19
    • on severance package, 163, 166
    • on staff turnover solutions, 103
    • in turning down assignment, 47
    • on working from home, 83
    • on work overload solution, 23
  • Micromanagement, 95–98, 96–97
  • Millennials (1981–2000), xix
  • Mistakes
    • correcting for coworker, 397–400, 398–399
    • repeated errors by direct report, 235–237, 236
    • repeated errors (lifescript adaptation), 234
  • Money. See Budget and finance; Salary and pay; Theft


  • National Labor Relations Board, 251
  • Networking, contacts for, 160–161, 162
  • Nosiness
    • by coworkers, 417–420, 418–419
    • family and friends (lifescript adaptation), 424
  • Notice, giving, 167–170, 168–169


  • Office equipment, personal use of, 223–225, 224, 243–245, 244
  • Office know‐it‐all, dealing with (lifescript adaptation), 345
  • Office politics, lifescripts for, 311–452
    • acceleration of coworker's pace, asking for, 405–407, 406
    • alcohol use, discussing with coworker, 329–332, 330–331
    • backstabbing by coworker, ending, 371–374, 372–373
    • backstabbing by direct reports, ending, 333–337, 334–335
    • boundary problems between departments, 325–328, 326–327
    • boundary‐pushing by coworker, 421–424, 422–423
    • brownnosing by direct report, ending, 347–349, 348
    • chronic interruptions by coworker, ending, 359–361, 360
    • correcting mistakes for coworker, 397–400, 398–399
    • covering for you, asking of coworker, 425–428, 426–427
    • cultural insensitivity, apologizing to coworker, 441–443, 442
    • dishonesty by coworker, ending, 363–365, 364
    • email misdirection, apologizing to coworker, 433–435, 434
    • endangered job, warning coworker about, 449–452, 450–451
    • extra hours, asking coworker for, 387–391, 388–389
    • flirting by direct report, ending, 351–354, 352–353
    • gender insensitivity, apologizing to coworker, 437–439, 438
    • going over your supervisor's head, 79–82, 80–81
    • gossiping by coworker, ending, 383–385, 384
    • gossiping by direct report, ending, 343–345, 344
    • harassment by coworker, ending, 339–341, 340
    • idea theft, reporting to supervisor, 317–320, 318–319
    • lying, refusing coworker's request, 375–378, 376–377
    • meeting manners improvement, asking of coworker, 413–416, 414–415
    • personal hygiene, discussing with coworker, 355–357, 356
    • personal questions by coworker, deflecting, 417–420, 418–419
    • pilfering by coworker, ending, 401–403, 402
    • problem peer, asking for help with, 321–324, 322–323
    • realistic goal setting, helping ambitious coworker with, 445–448, 446–447
    • respectful treatment of staff by coworker, requesting, 367–369, 368
    • romantic overtures by coworker, ending, 379–381, 380
    • tattling on peer to supervisor, 313–316, 314–315
    • vacation switch, asking of coworker, 429–432, 430–431
    • work quality improvement, asking coworker for, 393–396, 394–395
    • work redo, asking of coworker, 409–411, 410
  • Overheard conversation, apologies for (lifescript adaptation), 117, 435


  • Part‐time work, 155–157, 156, 291–293, 292
  • Pay. See Salary and pay
  • Performance reviews
    • critical reviews with direct reports, 259–262, 260–261
    • criticism, employee defense of, 123–126, 124–125
    • raises and, 7–9, 8
  • Perks. See Benefits and health plans
  • Personal hygiene, 219–221, 220, 355–357, 356. See also Dress and appearance
  • Personal information, deflecting questions, 417–420, 418–419
  • Personal references, requesting (lifescript adaptation), 162
  • Pilfering by coworker, 401–403, 402
  • Policy and protocol, circumvention by employee (lifescript adaptations), 192, 237
  • Political organization advancement (lifescript adaptation), 22
  • Political views of others, handling (lifescript adaptation), 211, 381
  • Positive attitude, insisting on, 201–203, 202
  • Preparation, importance of, xvii
  • Privacy issues
    • gossiping by coworker, 383–385, 384
    • gossiping by direct report, 343–345, 344
    • nosiness by coworkers, 417–420, 418–419
    • nosiness by family and friends (lifescript adaptation), 424
    • overheard conversation, apologies for (lifescript adaptation), 117, 435
    • rumors, dispelling (lifescript adaptation), 374
    • workspace size and privacy of (lifescript adaptation), 86
    • See also Harassment in workplace
  • Procrastination, 53, 231–234, 232–233
  • Professional development (lifescript adaptation), 87–90
  • Professional relationship, terminating (lifescript adaptation), 309
  • Promotion
    • from within after transfer, 57
    • request, responding to, 181–183, 182
    • requesting of supervisor, 19–22, 20–21
    • requesting of supervisor (lifescript adaptations), 126, 162


  • Racial views in workplace (lifescript adaptation), 211
  • Raises. See Salary and pay
  • Religious views of others (lifescript adaptations), 211, 381
  • Removal from organization (lifescript adaptation), 137
  • Report of wrongdoing (tattling on peer), 313–316, 314–315
  • Resignation
  • Responsibilities
    • boost in, request for, 22, 35–36, 37–38
    • increase without pay increase, 39–41, 40, 283–285, 284
    • relinquishing, hinting at need for, 304–305, 306
    • reorganizing/reassignment of (lifescript adaptations), 266, 270
  • Retirement
    • increasing pension (lifescript adaptation), 302
    • termination close to, 143–145, 144
  • Reviews. See Performance reviews
  • Romantic overtures
    • by coworkers, 379–381, 380
    • flirting, 351–354, 352–353
  • Rudeness
    • public rudeness (lifescript adaptation), 361
    • on telephone, 239–241, 240
  • Rumors, dispelling (lifescript adaptation), 374


  • Salary and pay
    • advance request, 15–18, 16–17
    • raise requests, 7–9, 8, 124–125, 126, 177–180, 178–179
    • reduction for entire staff, 295–297, 296
    • reduction for individual employee, 11–13, 12, 299–302, 300–301
    • responsibilities increase without increase in, 39–41, 40, 283–285, 284
    • staff's hours increase without pay increase, 287–289, 288
  • Scheduling
    • change to accommodate school, request for, 87–90, 88–89
    • flex time, 11, 13, 197
    • part‐time work, 155–157, 156, 291–293, 292
    • schedule adjustment request, 197–199, 198
    • sick days, excessive (lifescript adaptation), 230
    • time off request, 185–188, 186–187
    • vacation time, 193–195, 194, 429–432, 430–431
    • working from home, 83–86, 84–85
    • See also Deadlines; Workload
  • Severance
    • benefits and health plans in, 143, 145
    • as company icon, pushing for more, 135–137, 136
    • negotiations on, 163–166, 164–165, 307
    • part‐time job downgrade and, 155–157, 156, 291–293, 292
    • termination near retirement and, 143
  • Sexual harassment. See Harassment in workplace
  • Shadowing, 31–34, 32–33
  • Sick days, excessive (lifescript adaptation), 230
  • Social media, xvi, 251–254, 252–253
  • Social organizations (lifescript adaptations)
    • advancement in, 22
    • counter request in, 47
    • new tasks in, 41
    • relief from project in, 52
    • staffing/help reduction in, 69
  • Staffing. See Human resources and staffing
  • Students
    • cheating by (lifescript adaptation), 258
    • poor performance by (lifescript adaptation), 262
    • requesting schedule change to accommodate school, 87–90, 88–89
  • Substance abuse. See Alcohol use
  • Supervisors, lifescripts for employees dealing with, 1–170
    • bad news delivery to, 99–102, 100–101, 107
    • budget cuts, 75–77, 76
    • budget increase request, 71–74, 72–73
    • clearer directions, request for, 91–94, 92–93
    • critical performance review, 123–126, 124–125
    • deadline extension request, 53–56, 54–55
    • email misdirection, apology for, 115–117, 116
    • expense report, defending, 119–121, 120
    • giving notice, 167–170, 168–169
    • going over supervisor's head, 79–82, 80–81
    • job recommendation request, 159–162, 160–161
    • meeting new supervisor, 3–5, 4
    • micromanaging issue, 95–98, 96–97
    • part‐time job, downgrading to, 155–157, 156
    • pay reduction, 11–13, 12
    • problems with client or customer, 107–110, 108–109
    • problems with vendor or supplier, 111–114, 112–113
    • project relief request, 49–52, 50–51
    • projects with more exposure, request for, 27–30, 28–29
    • promotion request, 19–22, 20–21
    • raise request outside of annual review, 7–9, 8
    • responsibilities, request for boost in, 35–36, 37–38
    • on responsibilities increase without pay increase, 39–41, 40
    • salary advance request, 15–18, 16–17
    • schedule change to accommodate school, request for, 87–90, 88–89
    • severance negotiations, 163–166, 164–165
    • shadowing in other departments, requests for, 31–34, 32–33
    • staffing, request for boost in, 63–66, 64–65
    • staffing reductions, 67–69, 68
    • staff turnover rapidity, 103–106, 104–105
    • termination as company icon, 135–137, 136
    • termination by friend, 139–141, 140
    • termination close to retirement, 143–145, 144
    • termination when personally burdened, 147–149, 148
    • termination with transition period, 151–153, 152
    • transfer request, 57–58, 59–61
    • turning down assignment, 43–47, 44–46
    • types of supervisors, 91
    • unjust criticism, ending, 131–134, 132–133
    • verbal abuse, ending, 127–129, 128
    • work from home, request for, 83–86, 84–85
    • workload assistance request, 23–26, 24–25
  • Suppliers. See Vendors or suppliers


  • Tattling on peer, 313–316, 314–315
  • Teasing of child, ending (lifescript adaptation), 369
  • Technology
    • business communication and, xvi
    • improper use during meetings, 247–250, 248–249
    • Internet, personal use of, 223–225, 224
    • social media, problematic posts on, 251–254, 252–253
  • Teleconference/Skype manners (lifescript adaptation), 250
  • Telephones
    • manners, improvement in, 239–241, 240
    • personal use of, 223–225, 224
  • Termination
    • close to retirement, 143–145, 144
    • of company icon, 135–137, 136
    • endangered job, warning coworker about, 449–452, 450–451
    • by friend, 139–141, 140
    • of friend, 307–309, 308
    • non‐business relationship (lifescript adaptation), 170
    • termination agreements, 7, 9
    • transition period after, 151–153, 152
    • voluntary resignation, hinting at need for, 303–306, 304–305
    • when personally burdened, 147–149, 148
  • Theft
    • idea theft, reporting to supervisor, 317–320, 318–319
    • pilfering by coworker, 401–403, 402
  • Threat by coworker (lifescript adaptation), 341
  • Time management. See Deadlines; Workload
  • Time off requests, 185–188, 186–187
  • Title change request (lifescript adaptation), 183
  • Transfer
    • asking supervisor for, 20–21, 22, 57–58, 59–61
    • putting through transfer (lifescript adaptation), 302
    • responding to direct report's request (lifescript adaptations), 183, 199
    • temporary transfer (lifescript adaptation), 34


  • Vacation time
    • coworker, asking to switch, 429–432, 430–431
    • denying request for, 193–195, 194
  • Vendors or suppliers
    • exclusivity, ending (lifescript adaptation), 293
    • leaving (lifescript adaptation), 9
    • potential problems with, 111–114, 112–113
  • Verbal abuse, 127–129, 128
  • Volunteer or charity work (lifescript adaptations)
    • correcting volunteer's mistakes, 400
    • extra hours, request for, 289
    • financial resources reduction, 77, 297
    • lethargic efforts by volunteer, 262
    • new tasks for, 41
    • new volunteer meeting, 175
    • relief from a project, 52
    • staffing/help reduction, 69


  • Warnings, to supervisors, 111–114, 112–113
  • Workload
    • acceleration of coworker's pace, asking for, 405–407, 406
    • asking for help with, 23–26, 24–25
    • assignment, turning down, 43–47, 44–46
    • extra hours, asking coworker for, 387–391, 388–389
    • project relief request, 49–52, 50–51
    • projects with more exposure, request for, 27–30, 28–29, 36
    • work/life balance, xix, 58, 83. See also Scheduling
    • work quality improvement by coworker, 393–396, 394–395
    • work redo, asking of coworker, 409–411, 410
  • Workspace
    • appearance of (lifescript adaptation), 216
    • size and privacy of (lifescript adaptation), 86
    • size of, 267–270, 268–269
  • Wrongful accusation of direct report (lifescript adaptation), 274
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