4.3 Elements on the rate of convergence for laws

A modern field of study investigates the rates of convergence for the Kolmogorov ergodic theorem. The scope is to help develop and validate Monte Carlo methods for the approximate simulation from laws, which will be described in Section 5.2. One of the objectives of this section is to facilitate the reading of advanced books on the subject, such as Duflo, M. (1996) and Saloff-Coste, L. (1997). The latter book provides many examples of explicit refined bounds of convergence in law.

We are going to describe the functional analysis framework which is at the basis of the simplest aspects of these studies, which is an extension of the concepts in Section 1.3. If c04-math-0856 is finite, then powerful results can be obtained by classic tools of finite dimensional linear algebra, which they thus illustrate. If c04-math-0857 is infinite, extensions of these tools will be introduced, such as those described in the book of Rudin, W. (1991).

4.3.1 The Hilbert space framework Fundamental Hilbert space, adjoints, and time reversal

Let c04-math-0858 be an irreducible positive recurrent Markov chain on c04-math-0859 with matrix c04-math-0860, and c04-math-0861 be its invariant law. Consider the functional Hilbert space c04-math-0862, in which the scalar product of c04-math-0863 and c04-math-0864 is given by


A fundamental probabilistic interpretation is that


The matrix c04-math-0876 of the time reversal in equilibrium of c04-math-0877 satisfies


Hence, c04-math-0879 is the adjoint of c04-math-0880 in c04-math-0881, and c04-math-0882 is reversible for c04-math-0883 if and only if c04-math-0884 is self-adjoint in c04-math-0885. The link between adjoints and time reversal can be seen in Duality between measures and functions, identification of measures and their densities

The natural duality bracket between measures and functions


allows to identify the dual space c04-math-0888 with a subspace of c04-math-0889. The Cauchy–Schwarz inequality yields that


with equality if c04-math-0891 is equal to the density c04-math-0892 of c04-math-0893 w.r.t. c04-math-0894. Thus, c04-math-0895 is a Hilbert space included in c04-math-0896, with scalar product given, for c04-math-0897 and c04-math-0898, by


which is the scalar product in c04-math-0900 of their densities w.r.t. c04-math-0901. The adjoint of c04-math-0902 on c04-math-0903 is the operator c04-math-0904 on c04-math-0905, which has norm c04-math-0906, and

Duality formulae

The following duality formulae should be kept in mind:

Choice of identifications and duality

These computations become clearer if we use as a reference duality bracket the scalar product of c04-math-0909 itself, which identifies it with its own dual c04-math-0910. For c04-math-0911 and c04-math-0912,


which identifies c04-math-0914 to its density c04-math-0915 and c04-math-0916 to c04-math-0917. Note that the total variation norm can be expressed as the c04-math-0918 norm of the densities.

We elect to use the natural duality already used in Section 1.3 and use the duality formulae (3.8), even though the notations c04-math-0919 and c04-math-0920 are compatible with both duality frameworks.

This duality could be identified with the natural duality between the sequence spaces c04-math-0921 and c04-math-0922, in which case c04-math-0923 and c04-math-0924 are identified with the spaces c04-math-0925 and c04-math-0926 of square-summable sequences with the corresponding weights, and the space c04-math-0927 is the pivot space in the Gelfand triple


All this makes for a better understanding of Section 3.3.3. Simple bounds and orthogonal projections


4.3.2 Dirichlet form, spectral gap, and exponential bounds Dirichlet form, spectral gap, and Poincaré inequality

The notations c04-math-1007 and c04-math-1008 can be used if the context is clear. If c04-math-1009, then often it is said that “there is a spectral gap.” Exponential bounds for convergence in law

Exponential convergence

This almost tautological result justifies the notions that have been introduced: if c04-math-1038, then c04-math-1039 provides a geometric convergence rate for c04-math-1040 toward c04-math-1041. If c04-math-1042 is finite, it is so as soon as c04-math-1043 is irreducible, and this will be generalized to an arbitrary irreducible aperiodic matrix c04-math-1044 in Exercise 4.10.

If c04-math-1045 is not irreducible or is not aperiodic, clearly c04-math-1046 and c04-math-1047 are not irreducible, and then c04-math-1048. Exercise 4.6 will show that c04-math-1049 or c04-math-1050 may well not be irreducible, even if c04-math-1051 is irreducible aperiodic.

Spectral gap bounds

An effective method for finding explicit lower bounds for the spectral gap can be to establish Poincaré inequalities using graph techniques. This will be done in Exercises 4.11 and 4.12. This technique is developed on many examples in Duflo, M. (1996) and Saloff-Coste, L. (1997), Chapter 3. Application to the chain with two states

The Markov chain on c04-math-1052 with matrix c04-math-1053 for c04-math-1054 is irreducible if and only if c04-math-1055 and aperiodic if and only if c04-math-1056.

If c04-math-1057, then c04-math-1058, any law is invariant, and c04-math-1059. Else, the only invariant law is c04-math-1060 and c04-math-1061 is reversible for c04-math-1062, and c04-math-1063 if and only if c04-math-1064. Moreover,


and c04-math-1066 and c04-math-1067 imply that, up to sign for c04-math-1068,


Thus, c04-math-1070 varies continuously, between c04-math-1071 when c04-math-1072 and the chain is not irreducible and c04-math-1073 when c04-math-1074 and the chain has period c04-math-1075.

As c04-math-1076 and hence c04-math-1077 and


and the explicit form for c04-math-1079 given in Section 1.3.3 shows that the exponential bounds in Theorem 4.3.5 cannot be improved.

4.3.3 Spectral theory for reversible matrices General principles

The spectrum c04-math-1080 of a bounded operator c04-math-1081 on a Banach space is the set of all c04-math-1082 such that c04-math-1083 is not invertible. The spectral radius is given by c04-math-1084.

If c04-math-1085 is a transition matrix having an invariant law c04-math-1086, then c04-math-1087 is reversible w.r.t. c04-math-1088 and c04-math-1089, and c04-math-1090 and c04-math-1091 are both reversible w.r.t. c04-math-1092 and nonnegative: c04-math-1093 and c04-math-1094. In this way, we can reduce some problems to reversible matrices. These correspond to self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space, of which the spectral theory is a powerful tool developed, for example, in Rudin, W. (1991), Chapter 12.

If c04-math-1095 is an irreducible transition matrix on a state space c04-math-1096, which is reversible w.r.t. a probability measure c04-math-1097, then c04-math-1098 is self-adjoint in the Hilbert space c04-math-1099, and hence, its spectrum c04-math-1100 is real, see Rudin, W. (1991) Theorem 12.15. Theorem 4.2.15 then yields that the only elements of the spectrum of modulus c04-math-1101 can be c04-math-1102 (always a simple eigenvalue) and c04-math-1103 and that c04-math-1104 is in the spectrum if and only if c04-math-1105 has period c04-math-1106 and then it is a simple eigenvalue. Finite state spaces

Let c04-math-1107 be an irreducible transition matrix, which is reversible w.r.t. a probability measure c04-math-1108, on a finite state space c04-math-1109.

Classic results of linear algebra and Theorem 4.2.15 yield that the spectrum c04-math-1110 is constituted of c04-math-1111 (possibly repeated) real eigenvalues


and that c04-math-1113 can be diagonalized in an orthonormal basis of c04-math-1114 constituted of corresponding eigenvectors c04-math-1115, c04-math-1116, … , c04-math-1117. This yields the spectral decomposition

in which


denotes the orthogonal projection in c04-math-1120 on the eigenspace of c04-math-1121. The expression in terms of these projections is unique, even though the orthonormal basis is not.



for c04-math-1123, it holds that

with equality if and only if c04-math-1125 is in the vector space generated by the eigenvalues with modulus c04-math-1126. If c04-math-1127 has period c04-math-1128, then c04-math-1129 is an eigenvalue and hence c04-math-1130, else if c04-math-1131 is aperiodic, then c04-math-1132 gives the geometric rate of convergence. The corresponding result for c04-math-1133 is obtained analogously or by duality.

Ehrenfest Urn

As an example, we refer to the macroscopic description of the Ehrenfest Urn in Section 1.4.4. Its eigenvalues are of the form


the latter as c04-math-1135 has period c04-math-1136. Moreover, the corresponding eigenvectors were computed. General state spaces

When c04-math-1137 is infinite, the spectral decomposition in terms of orthogonal projections (3.9) can be generalized in integral form into a resolution of the identity, using the spectral theorem given, for example, in Rudin, W. (1991) Theorem 12.23. This yields results analogous to (3.10). We state without further explanations the following important result, which we have just proved when c04-math-1138 is finite and hence, c04-math-1139 is finite dimensional, and which is still classic in infinite dimensions.

If c04-math-1150, then c04-math-1151 and c04-math-1152 converge to c04-math-1153 exponentially as c04-math-1154 goes to infinity. Moreover, c04-math-1155 if and only if c04-math-1156 or c04-math-1157 are in the closure of c04-math-1158, which can happen when c04-math-1159 is infinite even when c04-math-1160 is irreducible aperiodic. In this situation, a modern research topic is to establish polynomial rates of convergence bounds. Relation with spectral gaps and Dirichlet forms

The advantage of the Dirichlet form techniques is that they can be applied to a transition matrix c04-math-1161 which is not necessarily reversible w.r.t. its invariant law c04-math-1162. Moreover, it is often difficult to estimate a spectrum, and the following result allows the estimation of c04-math-1163 from the spectral gap c04-math-1164, and the latter can often be estimated using, for instance, Poincaré inequalities.

4.3.4 Continuous-time Markov chains

The theory of continuous-time Markov chains c04-math-1191 is simpler than the theory for discrete-time Markov chains for everything concerning the long-time limits of the instantaneous law and their rates of convergence, for instance in terms of Dirichlet forms, spectral gaps, and spectral theory. Notably, the notion of period disappears.

If the generator (or c04-math-1192-matrix) c04-math-1193 is bounded as an operator on c04-math-1194, that is, if


then the transition semigroup c04-math-1196 with generic term c04-math-1197 is given by the sum of the exponential series


which is normally convergent for the operator norm c04-math-1199, and the Gronwall Lemma yields that it is the unique solution of the Kolmogorov equations


Moreover, c04-math-1201 for some transition matrix c04-math-1202, and the evolution of a continuous-time Markov chain with bounded generator c04-math-1203 corresponds to jumping at the instants of a Poisson process of intensity c04-math-1204 according to a discrete-time Markov chain with transition matrix c04-math-1205.

Hence, Saloff-Coste, L. (1997, Sections 1.3.1 and 2.1.1) considers the continuous-time Markov chain with generator c04-math-1206. The first inequality of the proof of Theorem 4.3.5 is replaced if c04-math-1207 by


obtained by the Kolmogorov equations and the differentiation of bilinear forms, yielding the inequalities


in which the spectral gap c04-math-1210 appears directly. If c04-math-1211 and hence c04-math-1212 are reversible, formulae such as (3.10) become


in which c04-math-1214 is again the spectral gap, which explains this denomination.


4.1 The space station, the mouse, and three-card Monte See Exercises 1.1, 1.2, and 1.5.

  1. (a) What is the asymptotics for the proportion of time in which the astronaut is in the central unit? in which the mouse is in room c04-math-1215? in which the three cards are in their initial positions?
  2. (b) Find the periods of the chains.
  3. (c) After a very long period of time, an asteroid hits one of the peripheral units of the space station. Estimate the probability that the astronaut happens to be in the unit when this happens.
  4. (d) The entrance door of the apartment is in room c04-math-1216, and after a very long period of time, the tenant comes back home. Give an approximation for the probability that he does so precisely when the mouse is in room c04-math-1217.
  5. (e) For three-card Monte, give an approximation of the probability that after c04-math-1218 steps the three cards are in their initial positions. Same question after c04-math-1219 steps.
  6. (f) For three-card Monte, an on-looker waits for a large number of card exchanges and then designates the middle card as the ace of spades. He bets c04-math-1220 dollars, which he will loose if he is wrong and which will be given back to him with an additional c04-math-1221 dollars if he is right. Give an approximation for the expectation of the sum he will end up with. If c04-math-1222 and this large number is c04-math-1223, give an order of magnitude in the error made in this approximation.

4.2 Difficult advance, see Exercise 3.9 For c04-math-1224, give the long-time limit of the probability that the chain is in c04-math-1225. For c04-math-1226, give for c04-math-1227 the long-time limit of the ratio between the time spent in c04-math-1228 and the time spent in c04-math-1229.

4.3 Queue with c04-math-1230 servers, see Exercise 3.10 When c04-math-1231, give the long-time limit of the fraction of time that all c04-math-1232 servers are operating simultaneously.

4.4 Centered random walk, 1-d On c04-math-1233, let c04-math-1234 be a sequence of i.i.d. integrable r.v., c04-math-1235 be an independent r.v., and c04-math-1236 be the corresponding random walk. Let c04-math-1237, recall that then c04-math-1238 is null recurrent, and let c04-math-1239 and c04-math-1240. Let c04-math-1241 and c04-math-1242 for c04-math-1243.

  1. (a) Prove that the Markov chain is irreducible on c04-math-1244, that the uniform measure is the unique invariant measure, and that the c04-math-1245 are stopping times.
  2. (b) Prove that if c04-math-1246, then c04-math-1247.
  3. (c) Prove that if c04-math-1248, then
  4. (d) Prove that the c04-math-1250 are i.i.d. and have same law as c04-math-1251 when c04-math-1252.
  5. (e) Let now c04-math-1253 be square integrable, and c04-math-1254. Prove that c04-math-1255 converges a.s. to c04-math-1256.

4.5 Period and adjoint Let c04-math-1257 be an irreducible transition matrix with period c04-math-1258 having an invariant measure c04-math-1259, and c04-math-1260 the adjoint of c04-math-1261 w.r.t. c04-math-1262. Prove that c04-math-1263 has period c04-math-1264 and describe its decomposition in aperiodic classes. Are the matrices c04-math-1265 and c04-math-1266 irreducible?

4.6 Renewal process Let c04-math-1267, the renewal process c04-math-1268 with c04-math-1269 and c04-math-1270, and its matrix c04-math-1271.

  1. (a) Prove that c04-math-1272 is irreducible, aperiodic, and positive recurrent.
  2. (b) Give the limit for large c04-math-1273 of c04-math-1274.
  3. (c) Give the long-time limit of the instantaneous probability that the age of the component is greater than or equal to c04-math-1275. Give a bound for the distance between this limit probability and the probability at time c04-math-1276.
  4. (d) Determine for c04-math-1277 the recurrent classes of the matrices c04-math-1278 and c04-math-1279. For which c04-math-1280 are these matrices irreducible?

4.7 Distance to equilibrium Let c04-math-1281 be an irreducible Markov chain on c04-math-1282 with matrix c04-math-1283 having an invariant law c04-math-1284.

  1. (a) Prove that, for c04-math-1285 in c04-math-1286 and c04-math-1287 in c04-math-1288 and c04-math-1289,
  2. (b) Prove that if c04-math-1291, then c04-math-1292.

4.8 Dirichlet form Let c04-math-1293 be an irreducible transition matrix and c04-math-1294 an invariant measure. As a generalization of the Dirichlet form, for c04-math-1295 in c04-math-1296, let c04-math-1297.

  1. (a) Let c04-math-1298. Prove that c04-math-1299, that c04-math-1300 if and only if c04-math-1301 is constant, and that
  2. (b) Prove that any nonnegative subharmonic function of c04-math-1303 is constant. Generalize to lower-bounded subharmonic functions.
  3. (c) Let c04-math-1304 be harmonic and in c04-math-1305. Prove that c04-math-1306 and c04-math-1307 are subharmonic. Conclude that c04-math-1308 is constant.

4.9 Spectral gap bounds Let c04-math-1309 be an irreducible transition matrix on c04-math-1310 having an invariant law c04-math-1311, and c04-math-1312.

  1. (a) Prove that c04-math-1313.
  2. (b) Prove that if c04-math-1314, then c04-math-1315 is an irreducible transition matrix, and that c04-math-1316. Deduce from this that c04-math-1317.
  3. (c) Prove that if c04-math-1318, then c04-math-1319 is included in the complex half-plane of nonnegative real parts.

4.10 Exponential bounds Let c04-math-1320 be an irreducible transition matrix on c04-math-1321 having an invariant law c04-math-1322.

  1. (a) Prove that, for c04-math-1323 and c04-math-1324 and c04-math-1325 in c04-math-1326 and c04-math-1327 in c04-math-1328,
  2. (b) Prove that if c04-math-1330 is finite and c04-math-1331 is aperiodic, then there exists c04-math-1332 such that c04-math-1333 is strongly irreducible. Deduce from this some exponential convergence bounds.

4.11 Poincaré inequality and graphs Let c04-math-1334 be an irreducible transition matrix on c04-math-1335 which is reversible w.r.t. a law c04-math-1336, and


Choose a length function c04-math-1338, for every c04-math-1339 a simple path


in which c04-math-1341 are distinct elements of c04-math-1342, and let

  1. (a) Prove that c04-math-1344. Of which Markov chain, is this the Dirichlet form?
  2. (b) Prove that, for c04-math-1345 and c04-math-1346 in c04-math-1347,

    Deduce from this that

  3. (c) Prove that c04-math-1350.

4.12 Spectral gap of the M/M/1 queue The results of Exercise 4.11 are now going to be applied to the random walk with reflection at c04-math-1351 on c04-math-1352 with matrix c04-math-1353 given by c04-math-1354 and c04-math-1355. Let c04-math-1356 and c04-math-1357 for c04-math-1358 in c04-math-1359.

  1. (a) Check that c04-math-1360 is irreducible, aperiodic, and reversible for c04-math-1361. Check that any c04-math-1362 in c04-math-1363 are linked by a simple path c04-math-1364, which goes from neighbor to neighbor. Check that if the length function satisfies c04-math-1365, then
  2. (b) Prove that the choice c04-math-1367 for c04-math-1368 in c04-math-1369 yields

    Actually, this bound is the exact value for the spectral gap, which is well known as c04-math-1371 is the generator of the continuous-time Markov chain of the number of jobs in an c04-math-1372 queue.

4.13 Entropy Let c04-math-1373 with c04-math-1374. For laws c04-math-1375 and c04-math-1376 on c04-math-1377, the relative entropy of c04-math-1378 w.r.t. c04-math-1379 is defined by

  1. (a) Prove that c04-math-1381 is strictly convex and continuous on c04-math-1382 and that c04-math-1383 is strictly convex and continuous with values c04-math-1384 and vanishes if and only if c04-math-1385.
  2. (b) Let c04-math-1386 be an irreducible transition matrix on c04-math-1387 with an invariant law c04-math-1388. Prove that c04-math-1389 and that if there exists c04-math-1390 such that c04-math-1391 for all c04-math-1392, then c04-math-1393 if and only if c04-math-1394. The adjoint c04-math-1395 can be used for this.
  3. (c) Let c04-math-1396 hereafter be aperiodic, and the state space c04-math-1397 be finite. Prove that there exists c04-math-1398 such that c04-math-1399 and that c04-math-1400 is relatively compact.
  4. (d) Prove that the limits c04-math-1401 and c04-math-1402 exist and are equal. For any accumulation point c04-math-1403 of c04-math-1404, prove that c04-math-1405, and deduce from this that c04-math-1406. Conclude that c04-math-1407 converges to c04-math-1408.
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