Managing subnets

Now, we have sites and site links set up. The next step is to assign the subnets to each site. This can be set up using the New-ADReplicationSubnet cmdlet:

New-ADReplicationSubnet -Name "" -Site LondonSite

The preceding PowerShell command will create new subnet,, and will assign it to LondonSite.

Using Set-ADReplicationSubnet, we can change value of the existing subnet:

Set-ADReplicationSubnet -Identity "" -Site CanadaSite

The preceding command will change the site of the subnet into CanadaSite.

We can use the Get-ADReplicationSubnet cmdlet to find the subnet data:

Get-ADReplicationSubnet -Filter {Site -Eq "CanadaSite"}

The preceding command will list all the subnets under CanadaSite:

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