This is a command-line utility which can be used to display RSoP information for users and computers. It can be used either locally or remotely.

The following command will provide RSoP summary data for the currently logged-in user. This is similar to a RSOP.msc default run in logging mode:

Gpresult /r

The preceding command will list the summary data for the user and computer configurations. We also can scope it out to user configurations using:

gpresult /r /scope:user

We also can scope it out to computer configurations using:

gpresult /r /scope:computer

We also can run this by targeting a remote system:

gpresult /s REBEL-SRV01 /r

In the preceding command, ;/s is to specify the remote computer name. It will use the same account details of the user who is running the command:

We also run it by specifying user account details:

gpresult /s REBEL-SRV01 /u therebeladminR540328 /p 1Qaz2Wsx /r

The preceding command will use the ;therebeladminR540328 user account with its password specified with the ;/p parameter.

We also can export the result as an HTML report. This is really useful for troubleshooting:

gpresult /h r01.html

The preceding command will run RSoP summary data for the currently logged-in system and save it as an HTML report:

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