Installing OMS agents

The next step of the configuration is to install the monitoring agents on the domain controllers and getting them connected with OMS:

  1. Log in to the domain controller as domain administrator.
  2. Log in to the OMS portal.
  3. Go to Settings | Connected Sources | Windows Servers then click on Download Windows Agent (64bit). It will download the monitoring agent to the system:
  1. Once it is downloaded, double-click on the setup file and start the installation process.
  2. In the first window of the wizard, click on Next to begin the installation.
  3. In the next window, read and accept the license terms.
  4. In the next window, we can select where it should install. If there are no changes, click on Next to continue.
  5. In the next window, it asks where it will connect to. In our scenario, it will connect to OMS directly:
  1. In the next window, it asks about the OMS Workspace ID and Workspace Key. These can be found in the OMS portal at Settings | Connected Sources | Windows Servers. If this server is behind a proxy server, we can also specify the proxy settings in this window. Once the relevant info has been provided, click on Next to continue:
  1. In the next window, it asks how I need to check agent updates. It is recommended that you use the Windows Update option. Once the selection has been made, click on the confirmation page, and click on Install to begin the installation.
  2. Follow the same steps for other domain controllers.
  3. After a few minutes, we can see that the newly added servers are connected as data sources under Settings | Connected Sources | Windows Servers:
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