Peek Definition

Imagine that you have a large number of code files, and you need to edit the definition of a variable or field that you are currently using. With many other editors – or development environments – you most likely have to save all the files in text format, then search through all these code files and be sure to replace that variable name. This task not only can be annoying, but can also distract you from the original code you were writing.

Visual Studio Code brilliantly solves this problem by providing the Peek feature, which can be enabled in different ways:

  • Right-click a variable, field, or function name and select Peek Definition.
  • Use the Alt + F12 keyboard shortcut.

An interactive pop-up window should appear, showing source code that defines the selected element. The following screenshot shows the Peek Definition for a table source in a report:

You can then see what has been written, and also directly edit it.

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