
Set-Location, which has the alias cd, is used to navigate around a provider's hierarchy, for example:

Set-Location                 # The root of the current drive 
Set-Location Windows          # A child container named Windows 
Set-Location ..               # Navigate up one level 
Set-Location ....            # Navigate up two levels 
Set-Location Cert:            # Change to a different drive 
Set-Location HKLM:Software   # Change to a specific child container under a drive 

Set-Location may only be used to switch to a container object.

The print working directory pwd variable shows the current location across all providers:

PS> $pwd

pwd and .NET

.NET classes and methods are oblivious to PowerShell's current directory. When the following command is executed, the file will be created in the Start in path (if a shortcut started PowerShell: [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines('file.txt', 'Some content').

.NET constructors and methods are an ideal place to use the pwd variable:[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines("$pwdfile.txt", 'Some content').
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