The HelpMessage property

HelpMessage is only applied to Mandatory parameters and is not particularly useful. If a parameter is mandatory and is not passed when a command is called, a prompt for the parameter value will appear. Typing !? in the prompt, instead of a value, will display the help message text:

PS> function Test-HelpMessage {
>> param (
>> [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Help text for Parameter1')]
>> $Parameter1
>> )
>> }
PS> Test-HelpMessage

cmdlet Test-HelpMessage at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
Parameter1: !?
Help text for Parameter1

Given that HelpMessage is only visible when explicitly requested in this manner, it is most often ignored entirely. It is better to spend time writing help content for a parameter than writing values for HelpMessage.

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