Mocking non-local commands

In some cases, it is desirable to mock commands that are not available on the test system. One possible approach in these circumstances is to create a function that reflects the command first, then mock the function.

For example, consider a function that creates and configures a DNS zone with a predefined set of parameter values:

function New-DnsZone {
param (

$params = @{
Name = $Name
DynamicUpdate = 'Secure'
ReplicationScope = 'Domain'
if (-not (Get-DnsServerZone $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone @params

It may not be desirable to install the DNS module on a development system when testing the script. To mock and verify that Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone is called, a function must be created first:

Describe CreateDnsZone {
BeforeAll {
function Get-DnsServerZone { }
function Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone { }

Mock Get-DnsServerZone
Mock Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone

It 'When the zone does not exist, calls Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone' {
New-DnsZone -Name name

Assert-MockCalled Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone

Creating the function first is enough to satisfy the tests, but the approach is basic. The test will not fail if the parameter names that are used are incorrect.

A more advanced function to mock may be created by visiting a system with the command installed and retrieving the following param block:

$command = Get-Command Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone

The first of the parameters from the block is shown as follows:

 [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ADForwardLookupZone', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='ADReverseLookupZone', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='FileForwardLookupZone', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='FileReverseLookupZone', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

Adding a reasonable parameter block will improve the overall quality of the tests. The tests will fail if a non-existent parameter is used, or if an invalid parameter combination is used.

Stub commands

I refer to the functions used like this as stub commands, and have written a module that will interrogate other modules and generate a psm1 file, which can be imported by a stub module. This approach is based on, but is more detailed than, the method described previously.

The module is available in the PowerShell Gallery and can be installed as follows: Install-Module Indented.StubCommand -Scope CurrentUser.
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