
Classes that inherit from ValidateEnumeratedArgumentsAttribute may be used to test each of the elements in an array (when associated with an array-based parameter), or a single item (when associated with a scalar parameter).

Classes that implement ValidateEnumeratedArgumentsAttribute must inherit from  System.Management.Automation.ValidateEnumeratedArgumentsAttribute. The class must implement a Validate method that is marked as abstract in the ValidateEnumeratedArgumentsAttribute class.

The ValidateElement method accepts one argument with the System.Object type. This is shown in the .NET reference:

The ValidateElement method does not return any output; it either runs successfully or throws an error. The error will be displayed to the end user.

The following validates that an IP address used as an argument falls in a private address range. If the address is not part of a private range, or not a valid IP address, the command will throw an error:

using namespace System.Management.Automation

class ValidatePrivateIPAddressAttribute : ValidateEnumeratedArgumentsAttribute {
Hidden $ipAddress = [IPAddress]::Empty

Hidden [Boolean] IsValidIPAddress([String]$value) {
return [IPAddress]::TryParse($value, [Ref]$this.ipAddress)

Hidden [Boolean] IsPrivateIPAddress([IPAddress]$address) {
$bytes = $address.GetAddressBytes()
$isPrivateIPAddress = switch ($null) {
{ $bytes[0] -eq 192 -and
$bytes[1] -eq 168 } { $true; break }
{ $bytes[0] -eq 172 -and
$bytes[1] -ge 16 -and
$bytes[2] -le 31 } { $true; break }
{ $bytes[0] -eq 10 } { $true; break }
default { $false }
return $isPrivateIPAddress

[Void] ValidateElement([Object]$element) {
if (-not $element -is [IPAddress]) {
if ($this.IsValidIPAddress($element)) {
$element = $this.ipAddress
} else {
throw '{0} is an invalid IP address format' -f $element
if (-not $this.IsPrivateIPAddress($element)) {
throw '{0} is not a private IP address' -f $element

The attribute defined in the preceding code may be used with any parameter to validate IP addressing, as shown in the following short function:

function Test-Validate {
param (

Write-Host $IPAddress

Validation like this can be implemented with ValidateScript, which also inherits from ValidateEnumeratedArgumentsAttribute. ValidateScript can call functions, centralizing the validation code.

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