
The ConvertTo-Json command can be used to convert a PowerShell object (or hashtable) into JSON:

PS> Get-Process -Id $PID | 
    Select-Object Name, Id, Path | 
    "Name":  "powershell_ise", 
    "Id":  3944, 
    "Path":  "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell_ise.exe" 

By default, ConvertTo-Json will convert objects into a depth of two. Running the following code will show how the value for three is simplified as a string:

    one = @{    # 1st iteration 
        two = @{    # 2nd iteration 
            three = @{ 
                four = 'value' 
} | ConvertTo-Json 

The three property is present, but the value is listed as System.Collections.Hashtable, as acquiring the value would need a third iteration. Setting the value of the Depth parameter to three allows ConvertTo-Json to fully inspect the properties of three.

Going too deep

JSON serialization is a recursive operation. The depth may be increased, which is useful when converting a complex object.
Some value types may cause ConvertTo-Json to apparently hang. This is caused by the complexity of those value types. Such value types may include circular references.

A ScriptBlock object, for example, cannot be effectively serialized as JSON. The following command takes over 15 seconds to complete and results in a string that's over 50 million characters long:

Measure-Command { { 'ScriptBlock' } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6 -Compress }

Increasing the recursion depth to 7 results in an error as keys (property names) begin to duplicate.
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