Web requests

A background in web requests is valuable before delving into interfaces that run over the top of Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

PowerShell can use Invoke-WebRequest to send HTTP requests. For example, the following command will return the response to a GET request for the Hey, Scripting Guy blog:

Invoke-WebRequest https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/ -UseBasicParsing
Parsing requires Internet Explorer
In Windows PowerShell, UseBasicParsing was an important parameter. Use was mandatory when working on Core installations of Windows server as Internet Explorer is not installed. It was also often used to improve the performance of the command where parsing was not actually required.

In PowerShell Core, all requests use basic parsing. The parameter is deprecated and present to support backward compatibility only. The parameter does not affect the output of the command.
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