The ValueFromRemainingArguments property

Setting the ValueFromRemainingArguments property allows a parameter to consume all of the other arguments supplied for a command. This can be used to make an advanced function act in a similar manner to a basic function.

For example, this basic function will fill the Parameter1 parameter with the first argument, and will ignore all others. The extra values are added to the $args automatic variable and are listed in the UnboundArguments property of the $MyInvocation automatic variable:

function Test-BasicBinding {
param (


Calling the function with non-existent parameters will not raise an error. The additional values will be added to the UnboundArguments array (and the $args variable):

PS> Test-BasicBinding -Parameter1 value1 -Parameter2 value2

Without a declared parameter in the param block, Parameter2 is just another value, it is not parsed as the name of a parameter. The ValueFromRemainingArguments property can be used to make an advanced function behave in much the same way as the preceding basic function:

function Test-AdvancedBinding {
param (



If the $OtherArguments parameter is not for the normal use of the function, the DontShow property might be added to make it less obvious and intrusive.

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