Working with namespaces

LINQ to XML handles the specification of namespaces by adding an XNamespace object to an XName object, for example:

PS> [XNameSpace]'http://example/cars' + [XName]'engine' 
LocalName    Namespace              NamespaceName 
---------    ---------              -------------       
engine       http://example/cars    http://example/cars  

As XNamespace expects to have an XName added to it, casting to that type can be skipped, simplifying the expression:

[XNamespace]'http://example/cars' + 'engine' 

A query for an element in a specific namespace will use the following format:

using namespace System.Xml.Linq 
[XDocument]$xDocument = @" 
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<cars xmlns:c="http://example/cars"> 
    <car type="Saloon"> 
$xNScars = [XNameSpace]'http://example/cars' 
$xDocument.Descendants('car').ForEach( { 
    $_.Element($xNScars + 'engine') 
} ) 

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