Requests with arguments

The search code method of the GitHub REST API is used to demonstrate how arguments can be passed to a REST method.

The documentation for the method is found in the following API reference:

The following example uses the search code method by building a query string and appending that to the end of the URL. The search looks for occurrences of the Get-Content term in PowerShell language files in the PowerShell repository. The search term is therefore the following:

Get-Content language:powershell repo:powershell/powershell
This Get-Content is not PowerShell's Get-Content.

PowerShell has a Get-Content command. The Get-Content term used in the previous string should not be confused with the PowerShell command.

Converting the example from the documentation, the URL required is as follows. Spaces may be replaced by + when encoding the URL:

In Windows PowerShell, which can use the HttpUtility type within the System.Web assembly, the task of encoding the URL can be simplified:

using assembly System.Web

$queryString = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString('')
$queryString.Add('q', 'Get-Content language:powershell repo:powershell/powershell')
Invoke-RestMethod ('{0}' -f $queryString)

Running $queryString.ToString() will show that the colon character has been replaced by %3, and the forward slash in the repository name by %2.

PowerShell Core cannot use the HttpUtility type, which would leave an author trying to find a means of properly encoding the URL. However, the arguments for the search do not necessarily have to be passed as a query string. Instead, a body for the request may be set, as shown here: 

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Body @{
q = 'Get-Content language:powershell repo:powershell/powershell'

Invoke-RestMethod converts the body (a hashtable) to JSON and handles any encoding required. The result of the search is the same whether the body is set or a query string is used.

In both cases, details of issues are held within the items property of the response:

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Body @{
q = 'Get-Content language:powershell repo:powershell/powershell'
} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty items | Select-Object number, title

This pattern, where the actual results are nested under a property in the response, is frequently seen with REST interfaces. Exploration is often required.

It is critical to note that REST interfaces are case-sensitive; using a parameter named Q would result in an error message, as shown here:

PS> Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Body @{
>> Q = 'Get-Content language:powershell repo:powershell/powershell'
>> }
Invoke-RestMethod : {"message":"Validation Failed","errors":[{"resource":"Search","field":"q","code":"missing"}],"documentation_url":""}
At line:1 char:1
+ Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Body @{
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Method: GET, Re...rShell/6.1.0
}:HttpRequestMessage) [Invoke-RestMethod], HttpResponseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand

The GitHub API returns an easily understood error message in this case. This will not be true of all REST APIs; it is not uncommon to see a generic error returned by an API. An API may return a simple HTTP 400 error and leave it to the user or developer to figure out what went wrong.

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