
In addition to the AST, PowerShell can also convert a script into a series of tokens, each representing an element of a script.

In PowerShell 2, the Tokenize static method of System.Management.Automation.PSParser may be used; an example is as follows:

$script = @'
# A short script
if ($true) {
Write-Host 'Hello world'
$errors = @()
$tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($script, [Ref]$errors)

The tokens array contains objects describing each part of the script. The first of these is shown as follows; it describes the comment at the start of the script:

Content     : # A short script
Type : Comment
Start : 0
Length : 16
StartLine : 1
StartColumn : 1
EndLine : 1
EndColumn : 17

With PowerShell 3, two static methods on the System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser Parser type may be used: ParseInput and ParseFile. The two methods return an AST; tokens are returned via a reference to an array. An example is as follows:

$script = @'
# A short script
if ($true) {
Write-Host 'Hello world'
$tokens = $errors = @()
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput(

The token that's returned is structured differently from the token returned by the Tokenize method in PowerShell 2. The comment token is shown as follows:

Text       : # A short script
TokenFlags : ParseModeInvariant
Kind : Comment
HasError : False
Extent : # A short script

Both AST nodes and the PowerShell 3 token objects are used by PSScriptAnalyzer.

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