p-code, p-code
P.M., A.M., P.M.
PaaS (platform as a service), platform as a service (PaaS)
page, page
page breaks, Page breaksLine breaks, Page breaks, Line breaks
page descriptions, Links
Page Down key, Key names
page elements, capitalizing, Capitalization
page layout, Page layoutMarginal notes, Page breaksLine breaks, Page breaks, Line breaksMarginal notes, Line breaks, Line breaks, Marginal notes, Marginal notes, Marginal notes, Index subentries
indexes, Index subentries
line breaks, Line breaksMarginal notes, Marginal notes
marginal notes, Marginal notes
page breaks, Page breaksLine breaks, Line breaks
page loading times, Global art
Page Up key, Key names
pages, Make text scannable, Web, software, and HTML issues, Web, software, and HTML issues
size, minimizing, Web, software, and HTML issues
text and graphics load order, Web, software, and HTML issues
text placement, Make text scannable
palette, palette
pan, pan
pane, pane
panes, formatting, Bold formatting
panorama, panorama
paper size, 8.5-by-11-inch paper
paragraph mark (¶), Names of special characters
parallel structure, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Parallelism in lists, Parallelism in lists, Parallelism in procedures, Parallelism in sentences, Parallelism in sentences, How to write procedure steps, Title and heading style and conventions, ListsBulleted lists, Bulleted lists, Content, different
comparative statements, different
headings, Title and heading style and conventions
lists, Parallelism in lists, ListsBulleted lists, Bulleted lists
procedures, Parallelism in procedures, How to write procedure steps
sentences, Parallelism in sentences
table entries, Content
use of, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Parallelism in lists, Parallelism in sentences
parameter, argument vs. parameter, parameter
vs. argument, argument vs. parameter
parent/child, parent/child
parentheses (()), Phone numbers, Names of special characters, Parentheses, Parentheses, parenthesis, parentheses
in telephone numbers, Phone numbers
parenthesis, parenthesis, parentheses
parts of speech, capitalizing, Title capitalizationCapitalization and punctuation, Capitalization and punctuation
passive voice, Grammar, Agreement, International considerations
use of, Agreement, International considerations
patch, patch
patch management, patch management
patching, patching
path, pathpen, pen
Pause key, Key names
PC, computer, PCpen, pen
PC Card, PC Card vs. PCMCIA
pen, pen
pen computing, referring to, Pen-computing procedures
people names, Names and contact information
in globalized content, Names and contact information
people with disabilities, Accessible contentAcceptable terminology, Accessible webpages, Accessible writing, Acceptable terminology, assistive, deaf or hard of hearing
assistive devices, assistive
deaf, hard of hearing, deaf or hard of hearing
per, perphoto, percent, percentage, photo
percent sign (%), Names of special characters, percent, percentage
percentage, percent, percentage
perimeter network, demilitarized zone, perimeter network, screened subnet
Period character, Special character names
periods, PeriodsWhen not to use commas, Periods, When not to use commas
formatting, Periods
peripheral, peripheral
permissions, permissions, rights
personal information, collecting from worldwide audience, Names and contact informationWeb, software, and HTML issues, Names and contact information, Web, software, and HTML issues
phone, cellular, phone, smartphone
phone numbers, Phone numbersTime zones, Fictitious phone numbers, Time zones
phones, referring to, Content for multiple platforms
photo, photo
photocopy, copy
phrases, Machine translation syntax
linking, Machine translation syntax
physical vulnerability, vulnerability
pi (p), Names of special characters
pin, pinPlug and Play, Plug and Play
pinch, pinch
ping and PING, ping, PING
pipe, pipe
pipe (|), Names of special characters
pixel, pixel
place names, legal restrictions on, Legal issues with worldwide content
place, globalization of, Time and placeNames and contact information, Time and place, Names and contact information
placeholder, placeholder
placeholders, Document conventions in procedures, x
formatting conventions, Document conventions in procedures
x, x
Plain Language Action Network, Additional globalization resources
plain language, use of, Language, Organize your text
plain text and plaintext, plaintext vs. plain text
platform, platform
platform as a service (PaaS), Cloud terminology, platform as a service (PaaS)
platform requirements, documenting, What to include in a reference topic
playlist, playlist
please, Attitude
Plug and Play, Plug and Playpop-up, Plug and Play, pop-up
plug-in, plug-in
plural word forms, Plural nounsPossessive nouns, Plural nouns, International considerations, Possessive nouns, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations
acronyms, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations
international considerations, International considerations
plus or minus sign (±), Names of special characters
plus sign (+), Names of special characters, software-plus-services
Plus Sign character, Special character names
podcasts, Make the right content choices
point to, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, point to
pointer, arrow pointer, point to, selection cursor
pointers, How to refer to the mouseWhich verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, I-beam
I-beam, I-beam
referring to, How to refer to the mouseWhich verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions
pointing device, pointer
points, use of, Menus
polite tone of communication, Attitude
pop-up, pop-uppost office vs. postoffice, pop-up, post office vs. postoffice
pop-up list, pop-up
pop-up menu, pop-up
pop-up window, dialog box, pop-up
port, port
portable computer, portable computer, tablet, tablet PC
Porter, Alan, Wikis
portrait orientation, portrait orientation
possessive word forms, Style of toolbar names and buttons, Possessive nounsPossessive nouns, Possessive nouns, ApostrophesColons, Apostrophes, Apostrophes, Colons
nouns, Possessive nounsPossessive nouns, Possessive nouns
pronouns, Apostrophes
toolbars and toolbar buttons, Style of toolbar names and buttons
post office and postoffice, post office vs. postoffice
postal code, Names and contact information, ZIP Code
pound sign (#), pound key, pound sign (#)
power cord, power cord
power down, power up, power off, and power on, power down, power up, power off, power on
power user, power user
pre-, pre-
preceding, above, preceding
predicate adjectives, hyphenating, Hyphens, hyphenation
Preface, Preface
prefixes, Prefixes
prepositions, Capitalization of titles and headings, Prepositions, save
capitalization, Capitalization of titles and headings
save, for use with, save
present tense, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Verbs and verb forms
press, Pen-computing procedures, depress, hit, pressprint, printout, press, print, printout
vs. hit, hit
Press, press
press and drag, drag
press and hold, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, press
preview, beta, sample vs. preview
previous, above, earlier
print, print, printout
print queue, print queue
Print Screen key, Key names
printed materials, Citing books and printed articlesCD-ROMs and computer programs, examples, Books, general bibliographic style, Books, examples, CD-ROMs and computer programs, examples, Page breaksLine breaks, Line breaksMarginal notes, Line breaks, Marginal notes, Indexes and keywordsKeywords and online index entries, Keywords and online index entries
bibliographic style, Books, general bibliographic style
citing, Citing books and printed articlesCD-ROMs and computer programs, examples, Books, examples, CD-ROMs and computer programs, examples
indexing, Indexes and keywordsKeywords and online index entries, Keywords and online index entries
line breaks, Line breaksMarginal notes, Marginal notes
page breaks, Page breaksLine breaks, Line breaks
printout, print, printout
privacy laws, considering, Legal issues with worldwide content
private, Security
private cloud, Cloud terminology, private cloud, hosted private cloud
privileges, permissions, privileges
procedures, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Make the right content choices, Accessible writing, Ribbon terminology, Style of menu names and commands, Backstage view, Bold formattingBold formatting, Bold formatting, Bold formatting, Procedures, How to format procedures, How to format proceduresHow to write procedure steps, Multiple-step proceduresSupplementary information and text within procedures, Multiple-step procedures, Multiple-step procedures, Multiple-step procedures, Multiple-step procedures, Multiple-step proceduresDocument conventions in procedures, Multiple-step procedures, Multiple-step procedures, How to write procedure steps, How to write procedure steps, Right angle brackets for menu items, Document conventions in proceduresMouse procedures, Document conventions in procedures, Document conventions in procedures, Mouse procedures, Mouse procedures, Pen-computing procedures, Multiple input methods and branching within proceduresSupplementary information and text within procedures, Multiple input methods and branching within procedures, Multiple input methods and branching within procedures, Multiple input methods and branching within procedures, Multiple input methods and branching within proceduresSupplementary information and text within procedures, Multiple input methods and branching within procedures, Supplementary information and text within procedures, Supplementary information and text within procedures, Supplementary information and text within procedures, Supplementary information and text within procedures, Title and heading style and conventions, Numbered lists, Imperative mood
Backstage view, referring to, Backstage view
bold formatting, Bold formattingBold formatting, Bold formatting, Bold formatting
command name style, Style of menu names and commands
document conventions, Document conventions in proceduresMouse procedures, Mouse procedures
heading style, Title and heading style and conventions
imperative mood, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Imperative mood
mouse actions, referring to, Mouse procedures
multiple input methods, documenting, Multiple input methods and branching within proceduresSupplementary information and text within procedures, Multiple input methods and branching within procedures, Supplementary information and text within procedures
multiple ways to perform, documenting, Multiple input methods and branching within proceduresSupplementary information and text within procedures, Supplementary information and text within procedures
multiple-step, How to format proceduresHow to write procedure steps, How to write procedure steps
number of steps, Accessible writing
numbered lists for, How to format procedures, Numbered lists
parallel structure, Multiple-step procedures
placement on page or screen, Multiple-step procedures
preferred method, documenting, Procedures
punctuation, Multiple-step procedures
ribbon, referring to, Ribbon terminology
setting off from text, Multiple-step procedures
single-step, Multiple-step procedures
style guidelines, Multiple-step proceduresSupplementary information and text within procedures, Multiple-step procedures, How to write procedure steps, Right angle brackets for menu items, Document conventions in procedures, Multiple input methods and branching within procedures, Multiple input methods and branching within procedures, Multiple input methods and branching within procedures, Supplementary information and text within procedures
supplementary information, Supplementary information and text within procedures
touch, referring to, Pen-computing procedures
with screen shots, Make the right content choices
writing steps of, Multiple-step proceduresDocument conventions in procedures, Document conventions in procedures
product claims, legal restrictions on, Legal issues with worldwide content
product documentation, procedures in, Procedures
product ID, product ID
product information, Make the right content choices
product key, CD key, product ID
product names, Capitalization, Organizational guidelinesHow to punctuate lists, How to punctuate lists
capitalization conventions, following, Capitalization
Microsoft in, Organizational guidelinesHow to punctuate lists, How to punctuate lists
product vulnerability, vulnerability
products, Accessible writing, Version identifiersOut-of-band release terminology, Version identifiers, General guidelines, Out-of-band release terminology, higher, lay out, laid out, layout
text descriptions, Accessible writing
version information, Version identifiersOut-of-band release terminology, Version identifiers, General guidelines, Out-of-band release terminology, higher, lay out, laid out, layout
program, applet, program vs. applicationproperty sheet, property page, property sheet, property page
vs. application, program vs. applicationproperty sheet, property page, property sheet, property page
program file, application file, program file
program input, monospace font for, Document conventions in procedures
programmer, application developer
programming elements, Cloud terminologyWhat to include in a reference topic, Reference topic titles, What to include in a reference topic, What to include in a reference topic, What to include in a reference topic, What to include in a reference topic, What to include in a reference topic, What to include in a reference topic, What to include in a reference topic, What to include in a reference topic, Code examples
code examples, Code examples
declaration/syntax, What to include in a reference topic
exceptions, What to include in a reference topic
parameters, What to include in a reference topic
permissions, What to include in a reference topic
reference documentation on, Cloud terminologyWhat to include in a reference topic, Reference topic titles, What to include in a reference topic
references or links, What to include in a reference topic
remarks, What to include in a reference topic
requirements, What to include in a reference topic
programming language constructs, documenting, Reference documentationGeneral guidelines, Reference topic titles, What to include in a reference topic, Code examples, General guidelines
programs, Folders and icons, Books, examples, exit, running foot, running head
citing, Books, examples
exiting, exit
running, running foot, running head
starting, Folders and icons
progress bars, Other user interface elements
progress indicator, progress indicator
progressive disclosure controls, Other user interface elements
prohibition sign, prohibition sign
prompt, prompt
pronoun-antecedent agreement, Agreement
pronouns, Global English syntax, Capitalization of titles and headings, International considerations, Possessive nouns, Possessive nouns
apostrophes in, Possessive nouns
based on possessives, Possessive nouns
capitalization, Capitalization of titles and headings
masculine and feminine, International considerations
optional, Global English syntax
prop, prop
properties, properties
property page and property sheet, property sheet, property page
property sheets, Property sheetsHow to refer to Backstage view, Property sheets, How to refer to Backstage view
property values, documenting, What to include in a reference topic
protect, Security
protected mode, protected mode
protocols, referring to, Out-of-band release terminology
public cloud, Cloud terminology, public cloud
publishing web content, Content for the web
pull quotes, pull quote
pull-down, pull-down
punctuation, Punctuation, Punctuation, Punctuation, Global English syntax, Machine translation syntax, Key names, How to write procedure steps, Title and heading style and conventions, ListsBulleted lists, Bulleted lists, Capitalization and punctuation, Fractions as words and decimals, URLs, addresses, URLs, addresses, Captions, Callouts, PunctuationFormatting punctuation, Periods, When to use commasApostrophes, ApostrophesColons, Apostrophes, Colons, Semicolons, Semicolons, Quotation marks, Placement of quotation marks, Placement of quotation marks, Parentheses, Hyphens, hyphenationHyphens, hyphenation, Hyphens, hyphenation, Hyphens, hyphenation, DashesEllipses, Ellipses, Ellipses, Slash mark, Formatting punctuation, Sort order
apostrophes, ApostrophesColons, Colons
callouts, Callouts
capitalization and, Title and heading style and conventions
captions, Captions
commas, When to use commasApostrophes, Apostrophes
dashes, DashesEllipses, Ellipses
errors of, avoiding, Machine translation syntax
exclamation points, Punctuation
formatting, Key names
fractions, Fractions as words and decimals
hyphens, Hyphens, hyphenationHyphens, hyphenation, Hyphens, hyphenation, Hyphens, hyphenation
lists, ListsBulleted lists, Bulleted lists
optional, Global English syntax
parentheses, Parentheses
periods, Periods
placement, Placement of quotation marks
procedures, How to write procedure steps
quotation marks, Quotation marks
semicolons, Punctuation, Semicolons
slash mark, Slash mark
sort order, Sort order
tables, Capitalization and punctuation
URLs, URLs, addresses, URLs, addresses
purge, purge
push button and push-button, push button, push-buttonrange selection, radio button, range selection
push-to-talk, push-to-talk
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