tab, tab
Tab key, Key names
tabbed pages, usage guidelines, Other user interface elements
table of contents, Make text scannable, table of contents
tables, Accessible webpages, TablesCross-references, Tables, Column headings, International considerations, Formatting, Cross-references, Cross-references in “See also” sections, Page breaks, International considerations, Em dash, En dash
accessibility guidelines, Accessible webpages
active voice in column headings, International considerations
cross-references to, Cross-references in “See also” sections
empty cells, Em dash, En dash
formatting, Formatting, Page breaks
international considerations, International considerations
tablet and tablet PC, tablet, tablet PC
tabs, Ribbons, menus, and toolbars, Capitalization
capitalization guidelines, Capitalization
on ribbons, Ribbons, menus, and toolbars
tags, Tags, XML tag, element, and attribute formatting, Capitalization, Other formatting
formatting conventions, Capitalization
HTML, Other formatting
XML, XML tag, element, and attribute formatting
Taiwan, Taiwan
take advantage of, leverage
Talking-Head Video is Boring Online (Neilsen), Video content for the web
tap, Keyboard procedures, pen, tap
target disk, target drive, and target file, target disk, target drive, target file
task analysis, Task analysis
taskbar, taskbar
team blogging, Blogs
technical blogs, Make the right content choices
technical content, AnthropomorphismWords to watch out for, Anthropomorphism, Words to watch out for, Procedures and technical contentReadme files and release notes, Document conventions in procedures, Document conventions in procedures, Document conventions, Document conventionsCloud computing style, Document conventions, Document conventions, Cloud computing styleStandardization and consistency, Cloud computing style, Cloud terminology, Cloud terminology, Cloud terminology, Reference documentationGeneral guidelines, Standardization and consistency, What to include in a reference topic, Code examples, General guidelines, Referring to code examples, Additional resources for writing codeCommand syntax, Security, Command syntax, Command syntax, File names and extensions, File names and extensions, Version identifiers, Out-of-band release terminology, Protocols, Protocols, XML tag, element, and attribute formattingOther formatting, Element name formatting, Element name formatting, Other formatting, Other formatting, Other formatting, Readme files and release notesReadme files and release notes, Readme files and release notesReadme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes, Cross-references, Indicative mood
anthropomorphism in, AnthropomorphismWords to watch out for, Anthropomorphism, Words to watch out for
cloud computing style, Cloud computing styleStandardization and consistency, Cloud terminology, Cloud terminology, Cloud terminology, Standardization and consistency
code examples, Code examples, Referring to code examples
cross-references in, Cross-references
document conventions, Document conventionsCloud computing style, Cloud computing style
file names and extensions, File names and extensions
formatting, Procedures and technical contentReadme files and release notes, Document conventions in procedures, Document conventions in procedures, Document conventions, Document conventions, Document conventions, Command syntax, File names and extensions, Protocols, Element name formatting, Other formatting, Readme files and release notes
HTML formatting, Other formatting
indicative mood, Indicative mood
out-of-band release information, Out-of-band release terminology
protocols, Protocols
readme files, Readme files and release notesReadme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes
reference documentation, Reference documentationGeneral guidelines, What to include in a reference topic, General guidelines
release notes, Readme files and release notesReadme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes
security-related information, Additional resources for writing codeCommand syntax, Security, Command syntax
version information, Version identifiers
XML formatting, XML tag, element, and attribute formattingOther formatting, Element name formatting, Other formatting
technical information, Make the right content choices
technical language, avoiding, Organize your text
technical papers, Make the right content choices
technical support topics, keywords for, Standardize keywords across products
technical terms, Technical terms, Technical terms
industry-wide meaning, Technical terms
technical white papers, Make the right content choices
technologies, capitalization, Capitalization of feature names and technologiesTitle capitalization, International considerations, Title capitalization
telephone numbers, Names and contact information, Names and contact information, Phone numbersTime zones, International phone numbersTime zones, International phone numbers, Fictitious phone numbers, Time zones, Time zones
fictitious, Fictitious phone numbers
international, Names and contact information, International phone numbersTime zones, International phone numbers, Time zones
toll-free, Names and contact information
telnet and Telnet, telnet, Telnet
tenant, Cloud terminology
tense, present, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Grammar
terabyte, TB
term lists, Term lists
terminal, terminal
terminate, terminate
terminology, User interface syntax, Ribbon terminologyMenus, Menus, Kinds of menus, Toolbars, How to refer to Backstage view, Mouse terminologyKey names, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, Key names, User interface text, Cloud terminologyStandardization and consistency, Cloud terminology, Cloud terminology, Standardization and consistency, Out-of-band release terminology
for Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view
for cloud computing, Cloud terminologyStandardization and consistency, Cloud terminology, Cloud terminology, Standardization and consistency
for menus, Kinds of menus
for mouse, Mouse terminologyKey names, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, Key names
for out-of-band software releases, Out-of-band release terminology
for toolbars, Toolbars
in UI text, User interface syntax, User interface text
on ribbon, Ribbon terminologyMenus, Menus
text, Content for the web, Make text scannable, Global art, Web, software, and HTML issues, User interface textCapitalization, User interface formatting, User interface formatting, Capitalization, Bold formatting, Document conventions, Title and heading style and conventions, Line breaksMarginal notes, Marginal notes
between headings, Title and heading style and conventions
formatting conventions, User interface formatting, Bold formatting, Document conventions
in art, Global art
in user interface, User interface textCapitalization, User interface formatting, Capitalization
line breaks, Line breaksMarginal notes, Marginal notes
localized, space for, Web, software, and HTML issues
placement of, Make text scannable
text alignment, justify, justified
text box, text boxthen, then, then
text boxes, Webpage controls, Other user interface elements
text expansion, allowing for, User interface text
than vs. from, from vs. than
thank you, Attitude
that, that vs. which, who vs. thatWindows NT Server, Windows NT Workstation, Windows NT Server, Windows NT Workstation
vs. which, that vs. which
vs. who, who vs. thatWindows NT Server, Windows NT Workstation, Windows NT Server, Windows NT Workstation
that is, hybrid cloud
then, thentime-out, time out, time-out, time out
they, Agreement
third-party content, legal issues with, Legal issues with worldwide content
thread, thread
three-dimensional, three-dimensional, 3-D
tilde (~), Captions
Tiles on Windows Phone, Start screen and Tiles, Tile, Live Tile
time bomb and timebomb, time bomb, timebomb
time out and time-out, time-out, time out
time stamp, time stamp
time zones, Time and place, Time zones, Time zones
times, International considerations, A.M., P.M., midnight
24-hour notation, International considerations, A.M., P.M.
midnight, midnight
tip icon, Tips
tips, Make the right content choices, Organize your text, Tips
use, Make the right content choices, Organize your text
title bar, title bar
title capitalization, Title capitalizationCapitalization and punctuation, Title capitalization, Capitalization and punctuation, Hyphens, hyphenation
hyphenated compounds, Hyphens, hyphenation
title captions, Captions
titled, titled vs. entitled
titles, Titles, Capitalization of titles and headings, Titles and headingsMicrosoft in product and service names, Title and heading style and conventions, Title and heading style and conventions, Title and heading style and conventions, Microsoft in product and service names, Cross-references in “See also” sections
capitalization, Capitalization of titles and headings
first sentence following, Title and heading style and conventions
of “See Also” sections, Cross-references in “See also” sections
usage guidelines, Titles
vs. in, Title and heading style and conventions
titles of persons, Names and contact information
TLD (top-level domain), domain
toggle, toggle
tone, Contractions, Video content for the web, Blogs, User interface text, tone
conversational, Contractions
of blog posts, Blogs
of UI text, User interface text
of video content, Video content for the web
tool, tool
toolbar buttons, Toolbars, Capitalization
toolbars, ToolbarsWebpage controls, dialog boxes, and property sheets, Toolbars, Kinds of toolbars, Kinds of toolbars, Webpage controls, dialog boxes, and property sheets, Capitalization
capitalization guidelines, Capitalization
toolbox, toolbox
toolkit, toolkit
tools, Accessible content, Ribbon terminology
Tools tab, Ribbons
tooltip, ScreenTip, tooltip
top left and top right, top left, top right
top-level domain (TLD), domain
topic, topic
touch procedures, referring to, Pen-computing procedures
toward, toward
Trace Research and Development Center, University of Wisconsin, Accessibility guidelines and requirements
trackbar controls, Other user interface elements
trademark information, Legal issues with worldwide content, How to refer to Backstage view, Readme files and release notes
trademark symbol ((tm)), Captions
trailing, trailing
transcripts, Accessible webpages
transitive verbs, Transitive and intransitive verbs
translation, Consistency, Content for a worldwide audience, Machine translation syntaxMachine translation syntax, Machine translation syntax, Terminology and word choice, Global art, Accessible writing, International considerations, International considerations, International considerations, International considerations, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations, International considerations
abbreviations, International considerations
acronyms, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations
consistent terminology and, Consistency
directional terms, Accessible writing
error messages, International considerations
gerunds, International considerations
Machine translation, Machine translation syntaxMachine translation syntax, Machine translation syntax, Terminology and word choice
plurals, International considerations
text in graphics, Global art
voice and, International considerations
trojan and trojan horse, trojan horse, trojan
troubleshoot, debug
troubleshooting, Make the right content choices
turn, turn
turn on and turn off, Dialog box options, check box
turnkey, turnkey
tutorial, CBT, tutorial
two-dimensional, two-dimensional, 2-D
type, User interface syntax, Toolbars, Dialog box options, input, press, type vs. enter
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