
Being Persuasive

‘My most brilliant achievement was my ability to persuade my wife to marry me.’ – Winston Churchill

Most of us find ourselves having to persuade someone at some point. Maybe you've wanted to persuade a colleague to do a piece of work with you or you've wanted to persuade your manager to take on your brilliant idea. Perhaps you've tried to persuade your teenager to join in with a family event or your partner to agree to a holiday somewhere.

Persuasion is not about trying to make someone do something or to argue that your idea or way of doing something is best. That would probably put most people on the defensive.

Persuasion requires the mindful qualities of engagement, acknowledgement and patience. In order to convince someone to do what you want, you will need to explain what it is you want them to do and what they may stand to gain. Appeal to reason and feelings. You have to be prepared to negotiate and compromise with the person you're hoping to persuade.

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