
Commuting: Taking it in Your Stride

‘Travelling. It leaves you speechless. Then turns you into a storyteller.’ – Ibn Battuta

Like any journey, journeys to and from work are times of transition. And in times of transition, your mind is likely to be either projecting into the future (you are, after all, going somewhere) or dwelling on what you've just left behind.

Maybe you see your daily commute as a time between other obligations, when what you have left at work has stayed at work and you haven't yet become immersed in home activities. Your commute may be the one part of the day when you can disconnect, a perfect time to spend time listening to music, podcasts and audiobooks.

Or perhaps you see it as a stressful waste of your time, particularly when unexpected delays, interruptions and cancellations occur due to weather, ‘technical difficulties’, strikes or other reasons beyond your control.

The lack of information and uncertainty make you anxious, which makes the wait seem longer. You're powerless. It feels unfair and you start getting wound up – even angry. And yet, delays and cancellations are inevitable – this is the reality of travel.

How to remain calm, patient and flexible so that you can take commuting and any delays in your stride? A mindful approach can help you to keep your cool until you get on your way again.

Reframing the way you view the trip can turn your commute from a daily source of stress into a peaceful time to yourself between the demands of work and home.

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