
I am deeply indebted to the works of Steve Mellor and Sally Shlaer, whose methodology is the basis of MBD. They pioneered the translation approach to software development and provided the much-needed design rigor for OOA models. In addition, Steve Mellor is the best OO modeler I’ve ever encountered, and his examples have been marvelously instructive.

I am equally indebted to Rebecca Wirfs-Brock for her incredibly detailed and insightful reviews of the manuscripts.

Pathfinder Solutions provided a fertile testing ground for ideas. Greg Eakman, Carolyn Duby, and Peter Fontana were particularly supportive.

I would also like to acknowledge the remarkable patience and faith of Chris Guzikowski and Raina Chrobak at Addison-Wesley. I am also very appreciative of the editing efforts of Elizabeth Ryan, Diane Freed, and Chris Zahn.

Although this book was started after I retired, I am in debt to Teradyne/ATB for providing a world-class software development shop full of superstar developers who formed a crucible for many of the ideas in this book.

Finally, I am indebted to the myriad Internet correspondents over three decades that provided a sounding board for explaining the concepts in this book. Any clarity of expression that readers might find is largely the result of refining explanations in public forums.

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