Statues can think

In this recipe, we are going to develop a reading comprehension and a writing activity. The writing activity will be connecting the differences in the thinking of our students. We are going to develop this activity in Wiki. The story that they are going to read is The Legend of King Midas, who was an extremely greedy man. Accidentally, his daughter becomes a statue. He became wiser after this incident and learned that money is not everything in the world. So, we are going to concentrate on the part in which his daughter turns into a statue. We will ask our students to think from the statue's point of view.

Getting ready

We are going to design a Wiki activity. First of all, we are going to select the website that our students are going to read before writing. After the website is selected, we will enter the course and choose the Weekly outline section in which we want to add the activity. Let's Moodle it!

How to do it...

You are going to follow these steps in order to design the activity previously introduced.

  1. Click on Add an activity and select Wiki.
  2. In the Name block, write the title of the activity.
  3. In the Summary block, write about what the students have to do. We will also add a link to the website as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  4. To link to a website, highlight the word website and click on the chain icon.
  5. In Target, select New window.
  6. Click on OK.
  7. Click on Save and return to course.

How it works...

Students should read the story of King Midas before doing the activity. When students click on the activity, it appears as shown in the next screenshot:

How it works...

If students click on Edit, they can change the input from other students. They can write the answers to the questions mentioned previously. They can also open that website in a new window as we have done previously so that they do not have to close the activity.

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