Setting a system message

To customize your APEX environment it is possible to set a system message to all users of APEX. This message will be visible at the top of the screen when the user is logged on. The system message can be of any type. Let's say you want to set a system message where you welcome the user to the new APEX 4.01 environment.

Getting ready...

You need to be logged in as the administrator user on the internal workspace, so make sure you have access to this environment.

How to do it...

  1. Go to Manage instance.
  2. In the messages section, click the Define system message link.
  3. Select Custom message.
  4. In the message text area, enter the text " Welcome to APEX 4.0.1, your totally new APEX environment. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your System Administrator".
  5. Click the Apply changes button.

The system message is set and is now visible to all users.

How to do it...

There's more...

You can use HTML in your text, for example, to format the code or to put a hyperlink to a URL. If you enter "<a href=>APEX</a>", the user will see the text APEX, which is clickable and will redirect the user to

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