
Writing this book took effort not only on the part of the authors, but also from some of the very talented staff at Apress, as well as the technical reviewer. Therefore, we would like to thank Steve Anglin, Matthew Moodie, Douglas Pundick, Mark Powers, Brendan Frost, Ana Panchoo, and Jill Balzano.

We would also like to extend our deepest appreciation to the technical reviewer—Shane Kirk—for his expert appraisals and attention to detail. This book is so much better because of his efforts.

Writing a technical book about a subject that frequently changes is a daunting task. When the documentation didn't say, and the source code didn't reveal, we would search the Internet for answers. And we'd eventually find what we were looking for, buried here and there. To all the other Android developers out there who are working along with us to provide answers, we thank you.

Finally, the authors are deeply grateful to their families for letting us toil away on nights, early mornings, and weekends. It takes great dedication to write a book, and perhaps even more to put up with authors while they write.

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