
Symbols & Numbers

! debugger command, pdb module, 187

!= not equal to operator, 66

‘ single quotes, 11, 27

‘’’ triple quotes, 11, 27

“ double quotes, 11, 27

“”” triple quotes, 11, 27

# comment, 6, 26

#! in Unix shell scripts, 6, 176

rewriting on package installation, 153

% modulo operator, 65

% string formatting operator, 8, 70, 162

%= operator, 75

& bitwise-and operator, 65

& set intersection operator, 15, 75

&= operator, 75

() function call operator, 76

() tuple, 14, 29

* keyword only arguments, Python 3, 625

* multiplication operator, 65

* passing sequences as function arguments, 94

* sequence replication operator, 67

* variable arguments in function definition, 94

* wildcard

from module import, 24, 145

iterable unpacking in Python 3, 623

** passing dictionaries as keyword arguments, 95

** power operator, 65

** variable keyword arguments in function definition, 95

**= operator, 75

*= operator, 75

+ addition operator, 65

+ list concatenation operator, 12

+ sequence concatenation operator, 67

+ string concatenation operator, 11

+ unary plus operator, 65

+= operator, 75

- hyphen character, used as filename, 174

- set difference operator, 15, 75

- subtraction operator, 65

- unary minus operator, 65

-*- coding: comment, in source code, 31

-= operator, 75

. attribute binding operator, 33, 48, 76, 118

and modules, 51

special methods for, 57

. directory reference in relative import statements, 150

... Ellipsis, 30, 54, 59

... interpreter prompt, 175

/ division operator, 65

// truncating division operator, 65

//= operator, 75

/= operator, 75

: colon in string formatting specifiers, 72

; semicolon, 7, 26

< left alignment in string format specifiers, 73

< less than operator, 66

<< left shift operator, 65

<<= operator, 75

<= less than or equal to operator, 66

== equal to operator, 66, 78

> greater than operator, 66

> right alignment in string format specifiers, 73

>= greater than or equal to operator, 66

>> file redirection modifier to print, 10, 163

>> right shift operator, 65

>>= operator, 75

>>> interpreter prompt, 5, 175

@ decorator, 30, 101

[::] extended slicing operator, 39-40, 67-68

[:] slicing operator, 39-40, 67-68

[] indexing operator, 39-40, 67

and special methods, 58

on mappings, 45

on sequences, 68

[] list, 12, 29

line continuation character, 9, 25, 29

string escape codes, 27

^ bitwise-xor operator, 65

^ centered alignment in string format specifiers, 73

^ set symmetric difference operator, 15, 75

^= operator, 75

_ variable, interactive mode, 6, 176

{} dict, 16, 29

{} placeholder in format strings, 72

{} set literal, Python 3, 622

| bitwise-or operator, 65

| set union operator, 15, 75

|= operator, 75

~ bitwise-negation operator, 65

~ expanding user home directory in filenames, 397

$variables in strings, 72

0b binary integer literal, 27

0o octal integer literal, 27

0x hexadecimal integer literal, 27

2’s complement and integers, 66

2to3 tool, 635-637

limitations of, 636

-3 command line option, 173, 635


‘a’ mode, to open() function, 159

a(args) debugger command, pdb module, 187

a2b_base64() function, binascii module, 547

a2b_hex() function, binascii module, 548

a2b_hqx() function, binascii module, 548

a2b_uu() function, binascii module, 547

abc module, 136, 257

ABCMeta metaclass, 136, 257

abort() function, os module, 390

abort() method, of FTP objects, 497

abs() function, 66, 201

operator module, 273

__abs__() method, 61

absolute imports, 151

Python 3, 634

compared to relative imports, 151

absolute value, 66

abspath() function, os.path module, 396

abstract base class, 34, 136, 257

calling methods in subclasses, 137

checking performed, 137

container objects, 265

error if instantiated, 137

example, 258

files and I/O, 354

numeric types, 253

registering pre-existing classes, 137

special methods for, 57

@abstractmethod decorator, 136-137, 257-258

__abstractmethods__ attribute, of types, 50

@abstractproperty decorator, 136-137, 257-258

accept() method

of Listener objects, 433

of dispatcher objects, 456

of socket objects, 478

accept2dyear variable, time module, 405

access control specifiers, lack of, 127

access() function, os module, 386

acos() function, math module, 251

acosh() function, math module, 251

acquire() method

of Condition objects, 441

of Lock objects, 438

of RLock objects, 438

of Semaphore objects, 439

activate() method, of SocketServer class, 493

active_children() function, multiprocessing module, 434

active_count() function, threading module, 443

ActivePython, 5

add() function, operator module, 273

add() method

of TarFile objects, 320

of sets, 15, 46

__add__() method, 60

add_data() method, of Request objects, 516

add_header() method

of Message objects, 555

of Request objects, 516

add_option() method, of OptionParser objects, 158, 375

add_password() method, of AuthHandler objects, 519

add_section() method, of ConfigParser objects, 332

add_type() function, mimetypes module, 567

add_unredirected_header() method, of Request objects, 517

addfile() method, of TarFile objects, 320

addFilter() method

of Handler objects, 364

of Logger objects, 359

addHandler() method, of Logger objects, 361

addition operator +, 65

addLevelName() function, logging module, 366

address attribute

of BaseManager objects, 431

of Listener objects, 433

address families, of sockets, 470

address_family attribute, of SocketServer class, 492

addresses, network, 471

addressof() function, ctypes module, 617

adjacent string literals, concatenation of, 27

adler32() function, zlib module, 328

advanced string formatting, 8, 42, 72

AF_* constants, socket module, 470

aifc module, 588

aio_* family of system calls, lack of, 469

AJAX, example of, 531

alarm() function, signal module, 399

alarms, 399

alias debugger command, pdb module, 187

alignment() function, ctypes module, 617

__all__ variable

and import statements, 145

in packages, 150

all() function, 40, 67, 201

allow_reuse_address attribute, of SocketServer class, 492

altsep variable, os module, 386

altzone variable, time module, 405

and operator, boolean expressions, 9, 77

and_() function, operator module, 274

__and__() method, 60

__annotations__ attribute, of functions, 624

anonymous functions, 112

any() function, 40, 67, 201

anydbm module, 310

api_version variable, sys module, 229

%APPDATA% environment variable, Windows, 177

append() method

of Element objects, 576

of array objects, 259

of deque objects, 262

of lists, 12, 40

appendChild() method, of DOM Node objects, 571

appendleft() method, of deque objects, 262

application logging, 355

applications, WSGI, 540

applicative order evaluation, 76

apply() method, of Pool objects, 424

apply_async() method, of Pool objects, 424

args attribute

of Exception objects, 213

of exceptions, 88

of partial objects, 268

argtypes attribute, of ctypes function objects, 613

argv variable, sys module, 13, 157, 174, 229

ArithmeticError exception, 87, 212

array module, 259

Array() function, multiprocessing module, 426

Array() method, of Manager objects, 428

array() function, array module, 259

arrays, creating from uniform type, 259

arraysize attribute, of Cursor objects, 299

as qualifier

of except statement, 22, 85

of from-import statement, 145

of import statement, 24, 144

of with statement, 62, 90

as_integer_ratio() method, of floating point, 39

as_string() method, of Message objects, 555

ascii encoding, description of, 169

ascii() function, 201

and Python 3, 201

future_builtins module, 217

ASCII, and compatibility with UTF-8, 170

ascii_letters variable, string module, 287

ascii_lowercase variable, string module, 287

ascii_uppercase variable, string module, 287

asctime() function, time module, 405

asin() function, math module, 251

asinh() function, math module, 251

assert statement, 91

assert_() method, of TestCase objects, 185

assertAlmostEqual() method, of TestCase objects, 185

assertEqual() method, of TestCase objects, 185

AssertionError exception, 87, 91, 213

assertions, 91

stripping with -O option, 148

assertNotAlmostEqual() method, of TestCase objects, 185

assertNotEqual() method, of TestCase objects, 185

assertRaises() method, of TestCase objects, 185


and reference counting, 34

augmented, 61

in-place operators, 61

of instance attributes, 131

of variables, 7

to variables in nested functions, 97

associative array, 16, 44

associativity of operators, 78

astimezone() method, of datetime objects, 340

asynchat class, asynchat module, 452

asynchat module, 452

use of, 467

asynchronous I/O, 415

asynchronous networking

and blocking operations, 469

when to consider, 467

asyncore module, 415, 455

use of, 467

AsyncResult objects, multiprocessing module, 425

atan() function, math module, 251

atan2() function, math module, 251

atanh() function, math module, 251

atexit module, 179, 219

atomic operations, disassembly, 193

attach() method, of Message objects, 556

attrgetter() function, operator module, 275

attrib attribute, of Element objects, 576

attribute assignment, on instances, 131

attribute binding operator ., 33, 76

optimization of, 196

attribute binding

and inheritance, 119

and methods, 48

instances and classes, 118

of user-defined objects, 131

process of, 57

redefining in classes, 132

special methods for, 57

attribute deletion, on instances, 131

attribute lookup in string formatting, 72

AttributeError exception, 87, 213

and attribute binding, 132

attributes attribute, of DOM Node objects, 570


computed as properties, 117, 124

creation in __init__() method, 118

descriptors, 58, 126

encapsulation of, 127

lookup in composite string formatting, 42

of objects, 33

private, 127

restricting names with __slots__, 132

user defined on functions, 114

audioop module, 588

augmented assignment operators, 61, 75

authentication, fetching URLs, 519

authkey attribute, of Process objects, 416

awk UNIX command, similarity to list comprehensions, 111


-B command line option, 173

b character, before a string literal, 29

b(reak) debugger command, pdb module, 187

b16decode() function, base64 module, 547

b16encode() function, base64 module, 547

b2a_base64() function, binascii module, 547

b2a_hex() function, binascii module, 548

b2a_hqx() function, binascii module, 548

b2a_uu() function, binascii module, 547

b32decode() function, base64 module, 546

b32encode() function, base64 module, 546

b64decode() function, base64 module, 546

b64encode() function, base64 module, 546

backslash rules, and raw strings, 29

‘backslashreplace’ error handling, Unicode encoding, 166

BadStatusLine exception, http.client module, 504

base class, 21

base-10 decimals, 243

and floating point, 12

base64 encoding, description of, 545

base64 module, 545

BaseCGIHandler() function, wsgiref.handlers module, 542

BaseException class, 212

BaseException exception, 87

BaseHTTPRequestHandler class, http.server module, 508

BaseHTTPserver module, see http.server, 506

BaseManager() function, multiprocessing module, 430

basename() function, os.path module, 396, 398

BaseProxy class, multiprocessing module, 432

BaseRequestHandler class, SocketServer module, 490

__bases__ attribute

of classes, 131

of types, 50

basestring variable, 202

basicConfig() function, logging module, 355

BasicContext variable, decimal module, 248

.bat files, Windows, 176

bdb module, 585

Beautiful Soup package, 563

betavariate() function, random module, 255

bidirectional() function, unicodedata module, 293

big endian format, 167

big endian, packing and unpacking, 292

bin() function, 77, 202

binary data structures, packing and unpacking, 290

binary distribution, creating with distutils, 153

binary file mode, 159

binary files, 350

buffered I/O, 351

caution on using line-oriented functions, 351-352

binary integer literals, 27

Binary() function

database API, 301

xmlrpc.client module, 526

binascii module, 547

bind() method

of SocketServer class, 493

of dispatcher objects, 456

of socket objects, 478

binhex module, 587

bisect module, 261

bisect() function, bisect module, 261

bisect_left() function, bisect module, 261

bisect_right() function, bisect module, 261

bitwise operations and native integers, 66

bitwise-and operator &, 65

bitwise-negation operator ~, 65

bitwise-or operator |, 65

bitwise-xor operator ^, 65

blank lines, 26

block_size attribute, of digest objects, 559

blocking operations, and asynchronous networking, 469

Bluetooth protocol, 470

address format, 472

BOM (byte order marker), 280

and Unicode, 168

BOM_* constants, codecs module, 280

bool type, 38

bool() function, 202

__bool__() method, 56, 58

boolean expressions, 9, 77

evaluation rules, 78

boolean operators, 66

boolean values, 27, 38

boolean() function, xmlrpc.client module, 525

bound method, 49, 125

BoundedSemaphore object

multiprocessing module, 427

threading module, 439

BoundedSemaphore() method, of Manager objects, 428

break statement, 83-84

and generators, 103

breaking long statements on multiple lines, 9


setting in debugger, 187

setting manually, 186

browser, launching from Python, 544

BSD, kqueue interface, 460

BTPROTO_* constants, socket module, 477

buffer, circular, 262

buffer_info() method, of array objects, 259

buffered binary I/O, 351

BufferedIOBase abstract base class, 354

BufferedRandom class, io module, 352

BufferedReader class, io module, 351

BufferedRWPair class, io module, 352

BufferedWriter class, io module, 352

buffering, and generators, 165

build_opener() function, urllib.request module, 518

built-in exceptions, 23, 87

built-in functions and types, 201

built-in functions, using Python 3 functions in Python 2, 217

built-in types, 37

__builtin__ module, 201

builtin_module_names variable, sys module, 229

BuiltinFunctionType, 49

BuiltinFunctionType type, 47, 237

builtins module, Python 3, 201

byref() function, ctypes module, 615

byte literals, 29

byte strings, 41

and WSGI, 541

and files, 160

and system interfaces in Python 3, 630

as in-memory binary files, 352

decoding as Unicode, 165

different behavior in Python 3, 629

lack of formatting in Python 3, 629

mixing with Unicode strings, 70, 167

mutable byte arrays, 202

use in system interfaces, 633

bytearray() function, 202

byteorder variable, sys module, 229

bytes datatype, Python 3, 29

bytes() function, 202-203

bytes, escape code in strings, 28

BytesIO class, io module, 352

byteswap() method, of array objects, 259

bz2 module, 313

BZ2Compressor() function, bz2 module, 313

BZ2Decompressor() function, bz2 module, 314

BZ2File() function, bz2 module, 313


C extensions, 591

and .egg files, 147

and module reloading, 149

compiling with distutils, 596

creating with SWIG, 619

example with ctypes, 618

releasing global interpreter lock, 444

-c command line option, 173-174

C#, 620

c(ont(inue)) debugger command, pdb module, 188

C++, difference in class system, 119


Python variables compared to, 7

implementation of functions, 49

C/C++ code, in third-party packages, 154

C3 linearization algorithm, and inheritance, 121

c_* datatypes, ctypes module, 614

CacheFTPHandler class, urllib.request module, 518

caching results of a function, 242

calcsize() function, struct module, 291

calendar module, 588

call() function, subprocess module, 403

__call__() method, 50, 62

Callable abstract base class, 265

callable objects

and __call__() method, 62

classes, 50

instances, 50

types of, 47

callback functions, 98

and lambda, 112

calling Python functions from C, 610

calling a function, 18, 93

_callmethod() method, of BaseProxy objects, 433

callproc() method, of Cursor objects, 298

cancel() method, of Timer objects, 438

cancel_join_thread() method, of Queue objects, 418

CannotSendHeader exception, http.client module, 504

CannotSendRequest exception, http.client module, 504

capitalize() method, of strings, 41-42

capitals attribute, of Context objects, 247

capwords() function, string module, 290

case conversion, of strings, 43-44

case sensitivity, of identifiers, 26

case statement, lack of, 9

cast() function, ctypes module, 617

catching all exceptions, 85

catching multiple exceptions, 85

category() function, unicodedata module, 170, 293

__cause__ attribute, of Exception objects, 213, 627

caution with range() function, 17

CDLL() function, ctypes module, 612

ceil() function, math module, 251

center() method, of strings, 41-42

cert_time_to_seconds() function, ssl module, 488

CGI script, 533

advice for writing, 537

environment variables, 533

executing XML-RPC server within, 529

running WSGI application, 542

use of databases, 538

web frameworks, 538

cgi module, 533

CGIHandler() function, wsgiref.handlers module, 542

CGIHTTPRequestHandler class, http.server module, 507

CGIHTTPServer module, see http.server, 506

cgitb module, 539

CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler class, xmlrpc.server module, 528

chain() function, itertools module, 270

chained comparisons, 66

chained exceptions, Python 3, 627

changing display of results, interactive mode, 176

changing module name on import, 144

changing the working directory, 379

changing user-agent header in HTTP requests, 517

character substitution, 42

characters() method, of ContentHandler objects, 581


escape codes, 28

specifying Unicode, 28

chdir() function, os module, 379

check_call() function, subprocess module, 403

check_unused_args() method, of Formatter objects, 289

checking if running as main program, 146

checking multiple cases with a conditional, 9

chflags() function, os module, 386

chicken, multithreaded, 414

childNodes attribute, of DOM Node objects, 570

chmod() function, os module, 387

choice() function, random module, 254

chown() function, os module, 387

chr() function, 77, 203

chroot() function, os module, 379

chunk module, 588

cipher() method, of ssl objects, 487

circular buffer or queue with deque objects, 262

cl(ear) debugger command, pdb module, 188

class decorators, 102, 141

class method, 48, 123

attribute binding of, 124

practical use of, 124

class statement, 21, 117

and inheritance, 21, 119

execution of class body, 138

class variables, 117

sharing by all instances, 118

__class__ attribute

of instances, 50, 131

of methods, 49

classes, 21

__del__() method and garbage collection, 221-222

__init__() method, 118

__init__() method and inheritance, 120

__slots__ attribute, 132

abstract base class, 136, 257

access control specifiers, lack of, 127

accessing in modules, 144

and metaclasses, 138

as callable, 50

as namespaces, 117

attribute binding rules, 118

class method, 203

creation of instances, 22, 55, 118

customizing attribute access, 57-58

decorators applied to, 102, 141

defining methods, 21

descriptor attributes, 58, 126

difference from C++ or Java, 119

inheritance, 21, 119

inheriting from built-in types, 22

memory management, 128

mixin, 122

multiple inheritance, 120-121

object base class, 119

old-style, 139

operating overloading, 54

optimization of, 195

optimization of inheritance, 233

performance of __slots__, 196

pickling of, 228

private members, 26

redefining attribute binding, 132

scoping rules within, 118

self parameter of methods, 119

special methods, 54

static methods, 22

super() function in methods, 120

supporting pickle module, 228

type of, 47

uniform access principle, 125

versus dicts for storing data, 195

@classmethod decorator, 48, 123, 125, 203

ClassType type, old-style classes, 139

cleandoc() function, inspect module, 222

clear() method

of Element objects, 576

of Event objects, 440

of deque objects, 262

of dicts, 45

of sets, 46

clear_flags() method, of Context objects, 247

clear_memo() method, of Pickler objects, 228

_clear_type_cache() function, sys module, 233

clearing a dictionary, 45

clearing last exception, 233

Client class, multiprocessing module, 433

client program, 449

TCP example, 451

UDP example, 486

client_address attribute

of BaseHTTPRequestHandler objects, 509

of BaseRequestHandler objects, 490

clock() function, time module, 191, 405

cloneNode() method, of DOM Node objects, 571

close() function, os module, 381

close() method

of Connection objects, 297, 421

of Cursor objects, 298

of FTP objects, 498

of HTMLParser objects, 561

of HTTPConnection objects, 503

of Handler objects, 364

of IOBase objects, 349

of Listener objects, 434

of Pool objects, 424

of Queue objects, 418

of TarFile objects, 320

of TreeBuilder objects, 577

of ZipFile objects, 325

of dbm-style database objects, 310

of dispatcher objects, 456

of files, 159

of generators, 20, 53, 103, 105

of generators and synchronization, 104

of mmap objects, 371

of shelve objects, 311

of socket objects, 478

of urlopen objects, 515

close_when_done() method, of asynchat objects, 452

closed attribute

of IOBase objects, 349

of files, 161

closefd attribute, of FileIO objects, 350

closefd parameter, to open() function, 159

CloseKey() function, winreg module, 408

closerange() function, os module, 382

closing() function, contextlib module, 268

__closure__ attribute, of functions, 48, 100

closures, 98-99

and decorators, 101

and nested functions, 99

and wrappers, 100

speedup over classes, 100

cmath module, 251

cmd module, 588

cmp() function, 203

filecmp module, 314

cmpfiles() function, filecmp module, 314

co_* attributes, of code objects, 51-52

code execution, in modules, 143-144

code migration

Python 2 to 3, 634

practical strategy for, 637

code module, 585

code objects, 51

attributes of, 51

creating with compile() function, 115

code point, Unicode, 28

__code__ attribute, of functions, 48

code, executing strings, 115

CodecInfo class, codecs module, 277

codecs module, 167, 277

removal of compression codecs, 280

use of byte strings, 280

coded_value attribute, of Morsel objects, 512

codeop module, 585

CodeType type, 51, 237

__coerce__() method, deprecation of, 134

coercion of numeric types, 66-67

collect function, gc module, 179

collect() function, gc module, 220

collect_incoming_data() method, of asynchat objects, 452

collection, definition of, 33

collections module, 138, 262

colorsys module, 588

combinations() function, itertools module, 271

combine() method, of datetime class, 339

combining() function, unicodedata module, 294

command attribute, of BaseHTTPRequestHandler objects, 509

command line options, 13, 157

Python 3, 633

detecting settings in a program, 230

for interpreter, 173

parsing with optparse, 374

commands debugger command, pdb module, 188

commands module, 331

comment attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

Comment() function, xml.etree.ElementTree module, 575

comments, 6, 26

commit() method, of Connection objects, 298

common attribute, of dircmp objects, 315

common_dirs attribute, of dircmp objects, 315

common_files attribute, of dircmp objects, 315

common_funny attribute, of dircmp objects, 315

commonprefix() function, os.path module, 396

communicate() method, of Popen objects, 403

comparison operators, 56

comparison, 66

Python 3, 633

chained, 66

of incompatible objects, 78

of objects, 34

of sequences, 70

of weak references, 242

compilation into bytecode, 148

compile() function, 115, 203

re module, 283-284

compileall module, 585

compiler, lack of, 181

complete_statement() function, sqlite3 module, 305

Complex abstract base class, 253

complex numbers, 27, 39

cmath library module, 251

comparison of, 66

complex type, 38

complex() function, 76, 203

__complex__() method, 61-62

and type coercion, 134

composing email messages, 555

composite string formatting, 8, 42, 72

and __format__(), 56

and lookups, 42

compress() function

bz2 module, 314

zlib module, 328

compress() method

of BZ2Compressor objects, 313

of compressobj objects, 328

compress_size attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

compress_type attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327


of files, 313, 317

zlib compression, 328

CompressionError exception, tarfile module, 322

compressobj() function, zlib module, 328

computed attributes and properties, 124

concat() function, operator module, 274


of adjacent string literals, 27

of lists, 12

of strings, 11

concurrency, 413

advice on multiprocessing, 435

and Python programs, 414

and side effects, 96

coroutines, 446

global interpreter lock, 414

limitations on multicore, 414

message passing, 413-415

multitasking with generators, 447

scaling issues, 415

synchronization problems, 414

concurrent programming, 413

Condition object

multiprocessing module, 427

threading module, 441

condition debugger command, pdb module, 188

condition variable, 441

Condition() method, of Manager objects, 429

conditional expressions, 79

conditionals, 9, 81

ConfigParser class, configparser module, 332

configparser module, 332

configuration files, 332

difference from Python script, 334-335

for logging module, 368

variable substitution, 335

confstr() function, os module, 395

conjugate() method

of complex numbers, 39

of floating point, 39

connect() function

database API, 297

sqlite3 module, 304

connect() method

of BaseManager objects, 431

of FTP objects, 498

of HTTPConnection objects, 503

of SMTP objects, 514

of dispatcher objects, 456

of socket objects, 478

connect_ex() method, of socket objects, 478

connecting processes, multiprocessing module, 433

Connection class

database API, 297

sqlite3 module, 305

ConnectRegistry() function, winreg module, 408

console window, Windows, 176

Container abstract base class, 265

container objects, 29

and reference counting, 34

definition of, 33

containment test, in operator, 9

contains() function, operator module, 274

__contains__() method, 58

ContentHandler class, xml.sax module, 581

ContentTooShort exception, urllib.error module, 523

Context class, decimal module, 244

context management protocol, 62

context managers, 62, 89

decimal module, 248

defining with generator, 267

locking, 442

nested, 267

__context__ attribute, of Exception objects, 213, 627

contextlib module, 90, 267

@contextmanager decorator, 90

continue statement, 83-84

control characters, stripping from a string, 42

conversion of strings to numbers, 11

conversion operations, 76

convert_field() method, of Formatter objects, 289

converting Python types to C, 611

converting dictionaries to a list, 16

converting sequences to a list, 77

converting sequences to a set, 15

converting sequences to a tuple, 77

converting types from C to Python, 602

converting types from Python to C, 597

Cookie module, see http.cookies, 511

CookieError exception, http.cookies module, 513

CookieJar class, http.cookiejar module, 513

cookielib module, see http.cookiejar, 513


HTTP, 511

fetching URLs with cookie support, 519

copy module, 36, 67, 219

limitations of, 220

copy() function

copy module, 219

shutil module, 318

copy() method

of Context objects, 247

of dicts, 45

of digest objects, 559

of hmac objects, 560

of sets, 46

copy2() function, shutil module, 318

__copy__() method, 220

copy_reg module, 585

copyfile() function, shutil module, 318

copyfileobj() function, shutil module, 318

copying directories, 318

copying files, 318


and reference counting, 35

deep copy, 36

dictionary, 45

of mutable objects, 35

shallow copy, 36

copymode() function, shutil module, 318

copyright variable, sys module, 230

copysign() function, math module, 251

copystat() function, shutil module, 318

copytree() function, shutil module, 318

@coroutine decorator example, 105

coroutines, 20, 104

advanced example, 460

asynchronous I/O handling, 460

building a call stack of, 463

concurrency, 108

concurrent programming, 446

example of, 20

execution behavior, 105

message passing, 108, 415

multitasking example, 447

practical use of, 107

recursion, 112

sending and returning values, 106

task scheduler with select(), 460

transferring control to another coroutine, 463

use of next() method, 104

use with network programming, 467

cos() function, math module, 251

cosh() function, math module, 251

count() function, itertools module, 271

count() method

of array objects, 260

of lists, 40

of strings, 42

counting, in loops, 83

countOf() function, operator module, 274

cp1252 encoding, description of, 169

cp437 encoding, description of, 169

cPickle module, 229

cProfile module, 190

CPU time, obtaining, 191, 405

CPU, obtaining number on system, 434

CPU-bound tasks and threads, 444

cpu_count() function, multiprocessing module, 434

CRC attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

crc32() function

binascii module, 548

zlib module, 328

crc_hqx() function, binascii module, 548

create_aggregate() method, of Connection objects, 305

create_collation() method, of Connection objects, 306

create_connection() function, socket module, 473

create_decimal() method, of Context objects, 247

create_function() method, of Connection objects, 305

create_socket() method, of dispatcher objects, 456

create_string_buffer() function, ctypes module, 617

create_system attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

create_unicode_buffer() function, ctypes module, 617

create_version attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

created attribute, of Record objects, 359

CreateKey() function, winreg module, 408

creating a Windows installer, 153

creating a binary distribution, 153

creating a source distribution, 153

creating custom string formatters, 288

creating programs, 6

creating random numbers, 254

creating user-defined instances, 22

creation of instances, 118

steps involved, 129

creation of .pyc and .pyo files, 148

critical sections, locking of, 414

critical() method, of Logger objects, 357

crypt module, 586

crytographic hashing functions, 559

CSV data, example of reading, 14

CSV files

parsing, 548

type conversion of columns, 37

csv module, 548

ctermid() function, os module, 379

ctime() function, time module, 405

ctime() method, of date objects, 337

Ctrl-C, keyboard interrupt, 162

ctypes module, 612

array types, 614

available datatypes, 614

casting datatypes, 617

creating byte strings, 617

creating objects from buffers, 616

example of, 618

finding library modules, 612

loading shared libraries, 612

memory copying, 617

passing pointers and references, 615

pointer types, 614

setting function prototypes, 613

shared data with multiprocessing, 426

structure types, 615

cunifvariate() function, random module, 255

curdir variable, os module, 386

curly braces, and dictionary, 16

current time, obtaining, 405

_current_frames() function, sys module, 233

current_process() function, multiprocessing module, 434

current_thread() function, threading module, 443

currentframe() function, inspect module, 222

currying, and partial function evaluation, 76

curses module, 586

Cursor class, database API, 298

cursor() method, of Connection objects, 298

cwd() method, of FTP objects, 498

cycle() function, itertools module, 271

cycles, and garbage collection, 35

cyclic data structures, and __del__() method, 129


d(own) debugger command, pdb module, 188

daemon attribute

of Process objects, 416

of Thread objects, 436

daemonic process, 415

daemonic thread, 436

dangling comma

and print statement, 10

and tuples, 14

print statement, 162

data attribute, of DOM Text objects, 572

data encapsulation, 127

data structures

and dictionaries, 16

lists and tuples, 14

named tuples, 264

data() method, of TreeBuilder objects, 577

data-flow processing, and coroutines, 107

database API, 297

database interface, 297

and threads, 302

database results, converting into dictionaries, 303


and CGI script, 538

persistent dictionary, 171

DatabaseError exception, database API, 302

databases, DBM-style, 310

DataError exception, database API, 302

DatagramHandler class, logging module, 362

DatagramRequestHandler class, SocketServer module, 491

datagrams, 470

date and time manipulation, 336

date class, datetime module, 336

date parsing, 343, 407

Date() function, database API, 301

date() method, of datetime objects, 340

date_time attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

DateFromTicks() function, database API, 301

datetime class, datetime module, 339

datetime module, 336

DateTime() function, xmlrpc.client module, 526

day attribute, of date objects, 337

daylight variable, time module, 405

dbhash module, 310

dbm module, 310

DBM-style databases, 310

deadlock, source with locking, 442

debug attribute

of TarFile objects, 320

of ZipFile objects, 325

of sys.flags, 230

__debug__ variable, 91, 369

debug() method, of Logger objects, 357


CGI scripts, 539

after an uncaught exception, 186

checking for memory leaks, 221

configuring the debugger, 190

entire programs from command shell, 189

manually setting a breakpoint, 186

pdb module, 186

running a function, 186

specifying a breakpoint, 187

use of logging module, 355

Decimal class, decimal module, 243

Decimal object, converting to a fraction, 250

decimal module, 39, 243

and sum() function, 69

and threads, 249

rounding behavior, 245

decimal() function, unicodedata module, 295

declarative programming, 110

decode() function

base64 module, 547

quopri module, 568

decode() method

in Python 3, 629

of CodecInfo objects, 277

of IncrementalDecoder objects, 279

of JSONDecoder objects, 565

of strings, 29, 42, 165-166

proper use of, 166

decodestring() function

base64 module, 547

quopri module, 568

decomposition() function, unicodedata module, 295

decompress() function

bz2 module, 314

zlib module, 328

decompress() method

of BZ2Decompressor objects, 314

of decompressobj objects, 328

decompressobj() function, zlib module, 328

decorators, 22, 101

applied to class definitions, 102, 141

copying function attributes, 269

documentation strings, 102, 113

example of, 101

multiple, 31

performance benefits, 197

placement of, 30, 101

recursive functions, 102, 113

user-defined function attributes, 102, 114

with arguments, 102

deep copy, 36

deepcopy() function, copy module, 219

__deepcopy__() method, 220

def statement, 18, 48, 93

default Unicode encoding, 166, 177

default Unicode error handling policy, 167

default arguments, 18, 93

and mutable values, 94

binding of values, 93

default() method, of JSONEncoder objects, 566

default_factory attribute, of defaultdict objects, 263

DefaultContext variable, decimal module, 248

defaultdict() function, collections module, 263

__defaults__ attribute, of functions, 48

defaults() method, of ConfigParser objects, 333

defects attribute, of Message objects, 554

defining functions, 18

defining multiple instance creation methods, 123

defining new exceptions, 88

degrees() function, math module, 251

del operator, on dictionaries, 16, 74

del statement, 35, 69

and __del__() method, 129

and slices, 40

deleting mapping items, 45

__del__() method, 55, 129

and program termination, 179

danger of defining, 129

garbage collection, 129, 221-222

uses of, 55

del_param() method, of Message objects, 556

delattr() function, 203

and private attributes, 128

__delattr__() method, 57-58, 131

delayed evaluation, 99

delayed execution, using threads, 437

delete() method, of FTP objects, 498

__delete__() method, of descriptors, 58, 126

DeleteKey() function, winreg module, 409

@deleter decorator of properties, 126

DeleteValue() function, winreg module, 409

deleting items from a dictionary, 16

deleting sequence items, 40

deleting slices, 40, 69

deletion of instance attributes, 131

delimiters, 30

delitem() function, operator module, 274

__delitem__() method, 58-59

and slices, 59

delslice() function, operator module, 274

demo_app() function, wsgiref.simple_server module, 542

denominator attribute

of Fraction objects, 250

of integers, 39

DeprecationWarning warning, 216, 238

deque object

collections module, 194

versus list, 194

deque() function, collections module, 262

DER_cert_to_PEM_cert() function, ssl module, 488

dereference attribute, of TarFile objects, 320

derived class, 119

description attribute, of Cursor objects, 299

descriptors, 58, 126

and metaclasses, 140

detecting end of file (EOF), 160

detecting the settings of interpreter command line options, 230

devnull variable, os module, 386

Dialect class, csv module, 551

dict type, 38

__dict__ attribute

of classes, 131

of functions, 48, 114

of instances, 50, 131

of modules, 51, 144

of types, 50

of user-defined objects, 63

dict() function, 16, 77, 204

performance properties, 195

dict() method, of Manager objects, 429

dictionary comprehension, Python 3, 623

dictionary, 16, 44

acceptable key types, 16

accessing items, 16

and Python 3 caution, 45

and __hash__() method, 56

and string formatting, 70, 72

automatic creation of initial values, 263

clearing, 45

compared to defaultdict objects, 263

converting to a list, 16

copying, 45

creating from database results, 303

creation with dict() function, 204

defining empty, 16

deleting items, 16, 45

equality of, 78

indexing operator, 74

inserting items, 16

item assignment, 74

item deletion, 74

iterating over keys, 17

key values, 44, 74

list of items, 45

lookup in composite string formatting, 42, 72

lookup with default value, 16

obtaining keys, 45-46

obtaining values, 45

performance of, 16

performance of in operator, 197

persistent with shelve module, 171

removing items, 16

shared by multiple processes, 429

tuples as keys, 74

updating, 45

use as a data structure, 16

use as a lookup table, 16

using functions as values, 37

using to pass keyword function arguments, 95

view objects in Python 3, 632

DictReader() function, csv module, 550

dicts, versus classes for storing data, 195

DictWriter() function, csv module, 550

diff_files attribute, of dircmp objects, 315

difference operator -, of sets, 15

difference() method, of sets, 46

difference_update() method, of sets, 46

difflib module, 586

dig attribute, of sys.float_info, 231

digest() method

of digest objects, 559

of hmac objects, 560

digest_size attribute, of digest objects, 559

digit() function, unicodedata module, 295

digits variable, string module, 287

dir() function, 21, 24, 204

hiding attribute names in classes, 128, 204

dir() method, of FTP objects, 498

__dir__() method, 63, 128, 204

dircmp() function, filecmp module, 314


comparing, 314

copying, 318

reading files with shell wildcards, 317

recursive traversal, 390

system functions for accessing, 386

temporary, 323

testing filenames for, 397

dirname() function, os.path module, 396

dis module, 585

dis(), dis module, 193

disable debugger command, pdb module, 188

disable() function

gc module, 220

logging module, 366

disable_interspersed_args() method, of OptionParser objects, 376

disabling garbage collection, 220

disabling newline translation, 159

disassembly, 193

discard() method, of sets, 47

discard_buffers() method, of asynchat objects, 452

dispatcher class, asyncore module, 455

__displayhook__ variable, sys module, 230

displayhook() function, sys module, 176, 233

disposition attribute, of FieldStorage objects, 535

disposition_options attribute, of FieldStorage objects, 535

distributed computing, and multiprocessing module, 435

distributing programs, 152

distutils module, 152-153, 585, 596

and extension modules, 596

creating binary distributions, 153

creating extensions with SWIG, 620

div() function, operator module, 273

__div__() method, 60

division of integers, Python 3, 633

division operator /, 65

division operator, Python 2 versus Python 3, 61

division, truncation of integers, 61-62, 65

division_new attribute, of sys.flags, 230

division_warning attribute, of sys.flags, 230

divmod() function, 66, 204

__divmod__() method, 60

dllhandle variable, sys module, 230


creating with distutils, 596

extension modules, 148

loading with ctypes, 612

do_handshake() method, of ssl objects, 487

__doc__ attribute

of built-in functions, 49

of functions, 24, 48, 113

of methods, 49

of modules, 51

of objects, 30

of types, 50

DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler class, xmlrpc.server module, 528

doctest module, 181-182

verbose option, 182

Document class, xml.dom.minidom module, 571

documentation string, copying to decorator, 269

documentation strings, 24, 30, 48, 113

and XML-RPC, 527

and decorators, 102, 113

and indentation, 30

doctest module, 181

in extension modules, 595

stripping with -OO option, 148

testing, 181

documentElement attribute, of DOM Document objects, 571

DocXMLRPCServer class, xmlrpc.server module, 527

DocXMLRPCServer module, 527

dollar-variable substitution, 163

DOM interface

XML parsing, 568

example of, 573

dont_write_bytecode attribute, of sys.flags, 230

dont_write_bytecode variable, sys module, 230

double precision floating point, 38

double-clicking on .py files, 6

double-underscores, use in identifiers, 26

dropwhile() function, itertools module, 271

dst() method

of time objects, 338

of tzinfo objects, 342

duck typing, 122

dumbdbm module, 310

dump() function

json module, 564

marshal module, 226

pickle module, 171, 227

xml.etree.ElementTree module, 578

dump() method, of Pickler objects, 228

dumps() function

json module, 564

marshal module, 226

pickle module, 227

xmlrpc.client module, 526

dup() function, os module, 382

dup2() function, os module, 382

dynamic binding, of object attributes, 122

dynamic loading, of modules, 144

dynamic scope, lack of, 97

dynamic typing of variables, 7


-E command line option, 173

e variable, math module, 252

EAI_* constants, socket module, 485

east_asian_width() function, unicodedata module, 296

easy_install command, setuptools package, 155

.egg files, 154

and modules, 147

and site configuration, 177

structure of, 147

Element class, xml.dom.minidom module, 572

Element() function, xml.etree.ElementTree module, 575

ElementTree class, xml.etree.ElementTree module, 573

ElementTree interface, XML parsing, 569

ElementTree, examples of, 578

elif statement, 9, 81

Ellipsis, 30, 51, 54

expression in Python 3, 626

type of, 51

use in extended slicing, 59

use in indexing methods, 54

else clause

of try statement, 86

of while and for loops, 84

else statement, 9, 81

email messages

composing, 555

example of composing and sending, 558

example of sending, 514

parsing, 552

email package, 552

Emax attribute, of Context objects, 247

embedding Unicode characters in web pages, 167

embedding the interpreter in C programs, 591, 608


calling functions from C, 610

converting Python types to C, 611

Emin attribute, of Context objects, 247

Empty exception, Queue module, 418, 445

empty dictionary, 16

empty list, 12

empty() method, of Queue objects, 418, 445

enable debugger command, pdb module, 188

enable() function

cgitb module, 539

gc module, 220

enable_callback_tracebacks() function, sqlite3 module, 305

enable_interspersed_args() method, of OptionParser objects, 376

enabling the print() function in Python 2.6, 163

encapsulation, 127

encode() function

base64 module, 547

quopri module, 568

encode() method

in Python 3, 629

of CodecInfo objects, 277

of IncrementalEncoder objects, 278

of JSONEncoder objects, 566

of strings, 42, 165-166

proper use of, 166

EncodedFile class, codecs module, 279

EncodedFile object, codecs module, 167

encodestring() function

base64 module, 547

quopri module, 568

encoding argument to open() function, 159

encoding attribute

of TextIOWrapper objects, 353

of files, 161

encoding issues with network programming, 452

encoding, of source code, 31

end attribute, of slices, 54

end keyword argument, to print() function, 163

end() method

of MatchObject objects, 286

of TreeBuilder objects, 577

end_headers() method, of BaseHTTPRequestHandler objects, 509

endDocument() method, of ContentHandler objects, 581

endElement() method, of ContentHandler objects, 581

endElementNS() method, of ContentHandler objects, 581

endheaders() method, of HTTPConnection objects, 503

endpos attribute, of MatchObject objects, 286

endPrefixMapping() method, of ContentHandler objects, 581

endswith() method, of strings, 42

__enter__() method, of context managers, 62, 89

enumerate() function, 83, 204

threading module, 443

EnumKey() function, winreg module, 409

EnumValue() function, winreg module, 409

environ variable, os module, 158

environ variable, os module, 379

environment variables, 158, 379

Python 3, 633

WSGI, 540

expanding in filenames, 397

in CGI script, 533

unsetting, 381

used by interpreter, 174

EnvironmentError exception, 87, 212

EOF character, interactive mode, 7

EOF indication, file I/O, 160

EOFError exception, 87, 213

epilogue attribute, of Message objects, 554

epoll interface, Linux, 460

epsilon attribute, of sys.float_info, 231

eq() function, operator module, 274

__eq__() method, 57

equal to operator ==, 66, 78

equality comparison of objects, 34

errcheck attribute, of ctypes function objects, 613

errno module, 343

error codes, list of system errors, 344

error exception, 396

socket module, 485

error messages, 157

error() method, of Logger objects, 357

error_message_format attribute, of BaseHTTPRequestHandler class, 508

errorcode variable, errno module, 344

errorlevel attribute, of TarFile objects, 320

errors attribute, of TextIOWrapper objects, 353

errors parameter

of encoding functions, 166

to open() function, 159

escape codes

disabling in a string literal, 29

in string literals, 27

non-printing characters, 28

escape() function

cgi module, 536

re module, 283

xml.sax.saxutils module, 583

escaping characters for use in HTML, 536

eval() function, 55, 77, 115, 204, 206

and repr(), 55


of function arguments, 76

operator precedence and associativity, 78

order of, 78

Event object

multiprocessing module, 427

threading module, 440

event loop

and asyncore module, 455

coroutines, 108

Event() method, of Manager objects, 429

event-driven I/O, 415

polling for signals, 399

when to consider, 467

EX_* exit code constants, 391

exc_clear() function, sys module, 233

exc_info attribute, of Record objects, 359

exc_info() function, sys module, 53, 89, 233

except statement, 22, 84-85

change of syntax, 85

__excepthook__ variable, sys module, 230

excepthook() function, sys module, 85, 233

Exception class, 212

Exception exception, 87

exception handling, in extension modules, 605

exception() method, of Logger objects, 358

exceptions, 22, 84-85

and locks, 23

attributes of, 212

catching all, 85

catching multiple types, 85

caution with catching all exceptions, 86

chained in Python 3, 626

clearing last exception, 233

defining new, 88

difference from warnings, 216

error codes for system errors, 344

finally statement, 86

handling of, 22-23

hierarchy of, 88

ignoring, 85

list of built-in, 87

matching rules, 85

optimization strategies, 196

performance of, 197

propagation of, 85

reraising the last exception, 84

value of, 23, 85

.exe file, creating with distutils, 153

exec statement, caution with legacy code, 115

exec() function, 115, 204

Python 3, 631

exec_prefix variable, sys module, 177, 230

execl() function, os module, 390

execle() function, os module, 390

execlp() function, os module, 390

executable variable, sys module, 230

execute() method

of Connection objects, 306

of Cursor objects, 298

executemany() method

of Connection objects, 306

of Cursor objects, 298

executescript() method, of Connection objects, 306

executing programs, 6

executing strings as code, 115

executing system commands, 331

popen() function, 392

subprocess module, 402

system() function, 393

execution model, 81

execution of files, 150

execution of class bodies, 117, 138

execv() function, os module, 390

execve() function, os module, 391

execvp() function, os module, 391

execvpe() function, os module, 391

exists() function, os.path module, 396

_exit() function, os module, 179, 391

exit() function, sys module, 179, 233

__exit__() method, 63

of context managers, 62, 89

exitcode attribute, of Process objects, 417

exp() function, math module, 251

exp() method, of Decimal objects, 243

expand() method, of MatchObject objects, 285

ExpandEnvironmentStrings() function, winreg module, 409

expandtabs() method, of strings, 41-42

expanduser() function, os.path module, 397

expandvars() function, os.path module, 397

exponents, range on floating point, 38

expovariate() function, random module, 255

expressions, 7

extend() method

of array objects, 260

of deque objects, 262

of lists, 40

extended slices, 39, 59

assignment to, 40, 69

deletion of, 40, 69

on sequences, 68

extended slicing operator [::], 67

extended unpacking of iterables, Python 3, 623

ExtendedContext, decimal module, 248

extending with C, 591

extendleft() method, of deque objects, 262

extensible code, with modules, 144

extension modules, 591

compilation with distutils, 596

converting types from C to Python, 602

converting types from Python to C, 597

ctypes module, 612

difference in Python 3, 595

documentation strings, 595

exception handling, 605

global interpreter lock, 607

hand-written, 593

manual compilation, 597

naming of, 595

reference counting, 607

threads, 607

wrapper functions, 594

Extension() function, distutils module, 596

extensions_map attribute, of HTTPRequestHandler class, 508

external_attr attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

extra attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

extract() method

of TarFile objects, 320

of ZipFile objects, 325

extract_stack() function, traceback module, 236

extract_tb() function, traceback module, 236

extract_version attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

extractall() method, of ZipFile objects, 325

ExtractError exception, tarfile module, 322

extractfile() method, of TarFile objects, 320

extsep variable, os module, 386


F_* constants, fcntl() function, 347

f_* attributes

of frame objects, 52

of statvfs objects, 389

fabs() function, math module, 251

factorial() function, math module, 251

fail() method, of TestCase objects, 185

failIf() method, of TestCase objects, 185

failIfAlmostEqual() method, of TestCase objects, 185

failIfEqual() method, of TestCase objects, 185

failUnless() method, of TestCase objects, 185

failUnlessAlmostEqual() method, of TestCase objects, 185

failUnlessEqual() method, of TestCase objects, 185

failUnlessRaises() method, of TestCase objects, 185

failureException attribute, of TestCase objects, 185

False value, 9, 27, 38

family attribute, of socket objects, 484

Fault exception, xmlrpc.client module, 527

fchdir() function, os module, 379

fchmod() function, os module, 382

fchown() function, os module, 382

fcntl module, 347

fcntl() function, fcntl module, 347

fdatasync() function, os module, 382

fdopen() function, os module, 382

feed() method, of HTMLParser objects, 561

fetchall() method, of Cursor objects, 299

fetching URLs

example of, 514

example with authentication, 519

example with cookies, 519

fetchmany() method, of Cursor objects, 299

fetchone() method, of Cursor objects, 298

FieldStorage() function, cgi module, 534

file I/O, 10

file attribute, of FieldStorage objects, 535

file descriptors, 347

functions for manipulation, 382

file keyword argument, to print() function, 10, 163

file locking, 348

Windows, 373

by sqlite3 module, 303

file modes, use with open() function, 159

file upload, in CGI scripts, 536

__file__ attribute, of modules, 51

file-like objects, 122

file_offset attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

file_size attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

filecmp module, 314

fileConfig() function, logging module, 367

FileCookieJar class, http.cookiejar module, 513

FileHandler class

logging module, 362

urllib.request module, 518

FileIO class, io module, 350

filename attribute

of FieldStorage objects, 535

of Record objects, 359

of ZipInfo objects, 327


Windows drive letters, 399

absolute path of, 396

in Python 3, 633

matching with shell wildcards, 316

portable manipulation of, 396

splitting into directory and base name, 398

testing for existence, 396

testing if directory, 397

testing if link, 397

fileno() method

of Connection objects, 421

of IOBase objects, 349

of SocketServer objects, 491

of files, 160-161

of files and sockets, 459

of socket objects, 478

of urlopen objects, 515

files, 10

absolute path of, 396

and Python 3, 160

attributes of, 161

buffer size, 159

buffered binary I/O, 351

bz2 compression, 313

comparing, 314

copying, 318

creation time, 397

decoding as Unicode, 167

description of file modes, 159

detecting end of file (EOF), 160

file pointer, 161, 352

finding on the filesystem, 390

functions for manipulating metadata, 386

gzip compression, 317

iterating over lines, 17-18

last modification time, 397

locking on Windows, 373

low-level control, 347

low-level system calls, 382

memory mapped, 370

methods on, 159

opening, 10, 158-159

opening with Unicode decoding, 167

parsing CSV, 548

problems with io library module, 354

raw binary I/O, 350

reading line by line, 10

seeking, 161

size of, 397

softspace attribute and print statement, 162

temporary, 323

testing for existence, 396

types of, 159

writing to, 159

fill characters in string format specifiers, 73

Filter class, logging module, 359

filter() function, 205

and Python 3, 205

and optimization, 197

fnmatch module, 316

future_builtins module, 217

filterwarnings() function, warnings module, 239

finally statement, 86

and locks, 442

find() method

of Element objects, 576

of ElementTree objects, 574

of mmap objects, 371

of strings, 41-42

find_library() function, ctypes module, 612

findall() function, re module, 283

findall() method

of Element objects, 576

of ElementTree objects, 574

of Regex objects, 285

findCaller() method, of Logger objects, 358

finding all loaded modules, 144

finding files, 390

finditer() function, re module, 284

finditer() method, of Regex objects, 285

findtext() method

of Element objects, 576

of ElementTree objects, 574

finish() method, of BaseRequestHandler objects, 490

first-class objects, 36

use of, 37

firstChild attribute, of DOM Node objects, 570

flag_bits attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

flags attribute

of Context objects, 247

of Regex objects, 284

flags variable, sys module, 230

flaming death, in extension modules, 595

float type, 38

float() function, 13, 62, 76, 205

__float__() method, 61-62

and type coercion, 134

float_info variable, sys module, 231

floating point, 27

as dictionary key, 16

binary representation, 39

compared to decimal numbers, 243

converting to a fraction, 39, 250

defining NaN and Inf, 213, 252

inexact representation, 12, 243

low-level properties of, 231

mixing with complex numbers, 39

precision of, 38

random number distributions, 255

representation of, 38

FloatingPointError exception, 87, 213

flock() function, fcntl module, 348

floor division, 65

floor() function, math module, 251

floordiv() function, operator module, 273

__floordiv__() method, 60

flush() method

of BZ2Compressor objects, 314

of BufferWriter objects, 352

of Handler objects, 364

of IOBase objects, 349

of compressobj objects, 328

of decompressobj objects, 329

of files, 160

of mmap objects, 371

FlushKey() function, winreg module, 409

fma() method, of Decimal objects, 243

fmod() function, math module, 251

fnmatch module, 316

fnmatch() function, fnmatch module, 316

fnmatchcase() function, fnmatch module, 316

foot, how to shoot, 36, 86, 442, 617

for statement, 10, 17, 59, 69, 82

and files, 10, 160

and generators, 19

and tuple unpacking, 15

forcing garbage collection, 220

foreign function interface, ctypes module, 612

fork() function, os module, 391

ForkingMixIn class, SocketServer module, 493

ForkingTCPServer class, SocketServer module, 494

ForkingUDPServer class, SocketServer module, 494

forkpty() function, os module, 392

format attribute, of Struct objects, 291

format codes

for dates and times, 406

for string formatting operator %, 70-71

format specifiers

alignment characters, 73

customized, 74

fill character, 73

format() method of strings, 72-74

nesting of fields, 74

format() function, 8, 11-12, 56, 77, 205

format() method

format specifier codes, 72

of Formatter objects, 288

of strings, 8, 42-43, 56, 72-73, 162

of strings and variable interpolation, 164

__format__() method, 55-56, 74

format_exc() function, traceback module, 236

format_exception() function, traceback module, 236

format_exception_only() function, traceback module, 236

format_list() function, traceback module, 236

format_stack() function, traceback module, 236

format_tb() function, traceback module, 236

format_value() method, of Formatter objects, 289

formatargspec() function, inspect module, 222

formatargvalues() function, inspect module, 222

formatted printing, 8, 70-71, 162

formatted strings, 42, 71-72

Formatter class

logging module, 365

string module, 288

formatter module, 587

formatting, of log messages, 358, 365

formatwarning() function, warnings module, 239

Fortran common blocks, lack of, 146

found_terminator() method, of asynchat objects, 453

fpathconf() function, os module, 382

fpectl module, 585

fpformat module, 586

Fraction class, fractions module, 250

fractions module, 39, 250

fragment attribute

of urlparse objects, 520

of urlsplit objects, 521

frame objects, 51-52

attributes of, 52

FrameType type, 51, 237

free variables, in functions, 98

freeze_support() function, multiprocessing module, 434

frexp() function, math module, 251

from __future__ import, 178

from module import *, 24, 145

global variables, 146

identifiers with underscores, 26

__all__ variable, 145

from statement

and import statement, 24

module imports, 145

from_address() method, of ctypes type objects, 616

from_buffer() method, of ctypes type objects, 616

from_buffer_copy() method, of ctypes type objects, 616

from_decimal() method, of Fraction class, 250

from_float() method, of Fraction class, 250

from_iterable() method, of objects, 270

from_param() method, of ctypes type objects, 616

fromfd() function, socket module, 473

fromfile() method, of array objects, 260

fromhex() method, of floating point, 39

fromkeys() method, of dicts, 45

fromlist() method, of array objects, 260

fromordinal() method

of date class, 336

of datetime class, 339

fromstring() function, xml.etree.ElementTree module, 575

fromstring() method, of array objects, 260

fromtimestamp() method

of date class, 336

of datetime class, 339

fromutc() method, of tzinfo objects, 342

frozenset type, 38, 46, 75

frozenset() function, 77, 205

fstat() function, os module, 383

fstatvfs() function, os module, 383

fsum() function, math module, 251

fsync() function, os module, 383

FTP server, uploading files to, 500

FTP() function, ftplib module, 497

FTPHandler class, urllib.request module, 518

ftplib module, 497

ftruncate() function, os module, 383

Full exception, Queue module, 418, 445

full() method, of Queue objects, 418, 445

func attribute, of partial objects, 268

__func__ attribute, of methods, 49

funcName attribute, of Record objects, 359

function call operator (), 47, 76

functions, 18

__doc__ attribute, 24

and coroutines, 20

and generators, 19

annotations in Python 3, 624

anonymous, 112

as closures, 98

as dictionary values, 37

as objects, 98

attributes and decorators, 102

attributes of, 48

binding of default values, 93

built-in, 201

callback, 98

calling, 18, 93

change in func_* attribute names, 48

changing recursion limit, 112, 235

copying attributes to decorator, 269

creating wrappers for, 100

decorators, 101

decorators and attributes, 114

default arguments, 18, 93

defining, 93

delayed execution with threads, 437

documentation strings, 48, 113

evaluation of arguments, 76

example of taking any number of arguments, 95

free variables, 98

keyword arguments, 18, 94

lambda operator, 112

modifying global variables, 18

mutable parameters, 95

nested, 97, 99

optional arguments and None, 38

parameter passing, 95

partial evaluation, 76, 268

pickling of, 228

recursion, 112

returning multiple values from, 18, 96

running in the debugger, 186

scoping rules, 18, 96

side effects, 95

termination functions, 219

type of built-in, 49

type of user-defined, 47

user-defined, 48

user-defined attributes, 114

variable arguments, 94

variable number of keyword arguments, 95

FunctionType type, 47, 237

functools module, 76, 114, 268

functor, 62

funny_files attribute, of dircmp objects, 315

future features, enabling, 178

__future__ module, 178

and division, 62

list of features, 178

future_builtins module, 217

FutureWarning warning, 216, 238

fuzzy date and time parsing, 343


gaierror exception, socket module, 485

gammavariate() function, random module, 255

garbage collection, 34-35, 220

and __del__() method, 129

and cycles, 35

and program termination, 179

description of process, 221

observer pattern example, 130

problem with __del__() method, 221

garbage variable, gc module, 220

gauss() function, random module, 255

gc module, 35, 179, 220

gcd() function, fractions module, 251

gdbm module, 310

ge() function, operator module, 274

__ge__() method, 56

generator expressions, 109-110

conditional expressions, 79

converting into a list, 110

difference from list comprehension, 110

generator function, and context managers, 90

generator objects, 51, 53

attributes of, 53

GeneratorExit exception, 87, 104, 213

generators, 19, 102-103

and break statement in iteration, 103

and memory efficiency, 107

and processing pipelines, 19

closing, 53

concurrent programming, 446

execution model, 19

handling of GeneratorExit exception, 213

multitasking example, 447

practical use of, 106

recursion, 112

throwing exception in, 53

use with I/O, 164-165

use with WSGI, 165

GeneratorType type, 51, 237

get() function, webbrowser module, 544

get() method

of AsyncResult objects, 425

of ConfigParser objects, 333

of Element objects, 576

of Message objects, 552

of Queue objects, 418, 445

of dicts, 16, 45

__get__() method, of descriptors, 58, 126

get_all() method, of Message objects, 552

get_boundary() method, of Message objects, 552

get_charset() method, of Message objects, 553

get_charsets() method, of Message objects, 553

get_content_charset() method, of Message objects, 553

get_content_maintype() method, of Message objects, 553

get_content_subtype() method, of Message objects, 553

get_content_type() method, of Message objects, 553

get_count() function, gc module, 221

get_data() method, of Request objects, 517

get_debug() function, gc module, 221

get_default_type() method, of Message objects, 553

get_dialect() function, csv module, 551

get_errno() function, ctypes module, 617

get_field() method, of Formatter objects, 288

get_filename() method, of Message objects, 553

get_full_url() method, of Request objects, 517

get_host() method, of Request objects, 517

get_last_error() function, ctypes module, 617

get_logger() function, multiprocessing module, 435

get_method() method, of Request objects, 517

get_nowait() method, of Queue objects, 418, 445

get_objects() function, gc module, 221

get_origin_req_host() method, of Request objects, 517

get_osfhandle() function, msvcrt module, 372

get_param() method, of Message objects, 553

get_params() method, of Message objects, 553

get_payload() method, of Message objects, 554

get_referents() function, gc module, 221

get_referrers() function, gc module, 221

get_selector() method, of Request objects, 517

get_server_certificate() function, ssl module, 488

get_starttag_text() method, of HTMLParser objects, 561

get_terminator() method, of asynchat objects, 453

get_threshold() function, gc module, 221

get_type() method, of Request objects, 517

get_unixfrom() method, of Message objects, 554

get_value() method, of Formatter objects, 289

getaddrinfo() function, socket module, 473

getargspec() function, inspect module, 222

getargvalues() function, inspect module, 222

getatime() function, os.path module, 397

getattr() function, 205

and private attributes, 128

__getattr__() method, 57

and __slots__, 133

getAttribute() method, of DOM Element objects, 572

__getattribute__() method, 57-58, 132

and __slots__, 133

getAttributeNS() method, of DOM Element objects, 572

getboolean() method, of ConfigParser objects, 333

getch() function, msvcrt module, 372

getche() function, msvcrt module, 372

getcheckinterval() function, sys module, 234

getchildren() method, of Element objects, 577

getclasstree() function, inspect module, 222

getcode() method, of urlopen objects, 515

getcomments() function, inspect module, 223

getcontext() function, decimal module, 247

getctime() function, os.path module, 397

getcwd() function, os module, 379

getcwdu() function, os module, 379

getdefaultencoding() function, sys module, 166, 234

getdefaulttimeout() function, socket module, 474

getdlopenflags() function, sys module, 234

getdoc() function, inspect module, 223

getEffectiveLevel() method, of Logger objects, 360

getegid() function, os module, 379

getElementsByTagName() method

of DOM Document objects, 571

of DOM Element objects, 572

getElementsByTagNameNS() method

of DOM Document objects, 571

of DOM Element objects, 572

geteuid() function, os module, 380

getfile() function, inspect module, 223

getfilesystemencoding() function, sys module, 234

getfirst() method, of FieldStorage objects, 535

getfloat() method, of ConfigParser objects, 333

getfqdn() function, socket module, 474

_getframe() function, sys module, 234

getframeinfo() function, inspect module, 223

getgid() function, os module, 380

getgroups() function, os module, 380

getheader() method, of HTTPResponse objects, 504

getheaders() method, of HTTPResponse objects, 504

gethostbyaddr() function, socket module, 474

gethostbyname() function, socket module, 474

gethostbyname_ex() function, socket module, 474

gethostname() function, socket module, 474

getinfo() method, of ZipFile objects, 326

getinnerframes() function, inspect module, 223

getint() method, of ConfigParser objects, 333

getitem() function, operator module, 274

__getitem__() method, 58-59

and slices, 59

getiterator() method

of Element objects, 577

of ElementTree objects, 574

getitimer() function, signal module, 399

getLength() method, of SAX attributes objects, 582

getLevelName() function, logging module, 366

getlist() method, of FieldStorage objects, 535

getloadavg() function, os module, 395

getLogger() function, logging module, 356

getlogin() function, os module, 380

getmember() method, of TarFile objects, 320

getmembers() function, inspect module, 223

getmembers() method, of TarFile objects, 321

getmodule() function, inspect module, 223

getmoduleinfo() function, inspect module, 223

getmodulename() function, inspect module, 224

getmro() function, inspect module, 224

getmtime() function, os.path module, 397

getName() method, of Thread objects, 436

getNameByQName() method, of SAX attributes objects, 582

getnameinfo() function, socket module, 474

getNames() method, of SAX attributes objects, 582

getnames() method, of TarFile objects, 321

getopt module, 378

getouterframes() function, inspect module, 224

getoutput() function, commands module, 331

getpeercert() method, of ssl objects, 488

getpeername() method, of socket objects, 478

getpgid() function, os module, 380

getpgrp() function, os module, 380

getpid() function, os module, 380

getpos() method, of HTMLParser objects, 561

getppid() function, os module, 380

getprofile() function, sys module, 234

getprotobyname() function, socket module, 475

getQNameByName() method, of SAX attributes objects, 582

getQNames() method, of SAX attributes objects, 582

getrandbits() function, random module, 254

getrecursionlimit() function, sys module, 112, 234

getrefcount() function, sys module, 35, 234

getresponse() method, of HTTPConnection objects, 503

getroot() method, of ElementTree objects, 574

getservbyname() function, socket module, 475

getservbyport() function, socket module, 475

GetSetDescriptorType type, 237

getsid() function, os module, 380

getsignal() function, signal module, 399

getsize() function, os.path module, 397

getsizeof() function, sys module, 192, 234

getslice() function, operator module, 274

getsockname() method, of socket objects, 478

getsockopt() method, of socket objects, 478

getsource() function, inspect module, 224

getsourcefile() function, inspect module, 224

getsourcelines() function, inspect module, 224

getstate() function, random module, 254

__getstate__() method, 228

and copying, 220

and pickle module, 172

getstatusoutput() function, commands module, 332

gettarinfo() method, of TarFile objects, 321

gettempdir() function, tempfile module, 323

gettempprefix() function, tempfile module, 323

gettext module, 587

gettimeout() method, of socket objects, 482

getting help, help() function, 24

getting the current working directory, 379

gettrace() function, sys module, 234

getType() method, of SAX attributes objects, 582

getuid() function, os module, 380

geturl() method, of urlopen objects, 515

_getvalue() method, of BaseProxy objects, 433

getValue() method, of SAX attributes objects, 582

getvalue() method

of BytesIO objects, 352

of FieldStorage objects, 535

of StringIO objects, 354

getValueByQName() method, of SAX attributes objects, 582

getwch() function, msvcrt module, 372

getwche() function, msvcrt module, 372

getweakrefcount() function, weakref module, 241

getweakrefs() function, weakref module, 241

getwindowsversion() function, sys module, 234

gi_* attributes, of generator objects, 53

gid attribute, of TarInfo objects, 321

glob module, 317

glob() function, glob module, 317

global interpreter lock, 414, 444

and multiprocessing module, 444

releasing in extensions, 607

global statement, 18, 96

and modules, 143

global variables, 96

and eval(), 115

and modules, 146

difference from C and Fortran, 146

modifying in a function, 18

storage of in stack frames, 52

__globals__ attribute, of functions, 48, 99

globals() function, 205

gmtime() function, time module, 406

gname attribute, of TarInfo objects, 321

goto statement, lack of, 84

gray-bearded hacker, 622

greater than operator >, 66

greater than or equal to operator >=, 66

green threads, 446

greenlets, 446

group() method, of MatchObject objects, 285

groupby() function, itertools module, 271

groupdict() method, of MatchObject objects, 286

groupindex attribute, of Regex objects, 284

groups() method, of MatchObject objects, 285

grp module, 586

gt() function, operator module, 274

__gt__() method, 56

guess_all_extensions() function, mimetypes module, 567

guess_extension() function, mimetypes module, 567

guess_type() function, mimetypes module, 566

GUI programming, use of partial function evaluation, 268

GUIs, and network programming, 467

gzip module, 317

GzipFile() function, gzip module, 317


-h command line option, 173

h(elp) debugger command, pdb module, 188

handle() function, cgitb module, 539

handle() method, of BaseRequestHandler objects, 490

handle_accept() method, of dispatcher objects, 455

handle_charref() method, of HTMLParser objects, 561

handle_close() method, of dispatcher objects, 455

handle_comment() method, of HTMLParser objects, 561

handle_connect() method, of dispatcher objects, 455

handle_data() method, of HTMLParser objects, 561

handle_decl() method, of HTMLParser objects, 561

handle_endtag() method, of HTMLParser objects, 562

handle_entityref() method, of HTMLParser objects, 562

handle_error() method

of SocketServer class, 493

of dispatcher objects, 455

handle_expt() method, of dispatcher objects, 456

handle_pi() method, of HTMLParser objects, 562

handle_read() method, of dispatcher objects, 456

handle_startendtag() method, of HTMLParser objects, 562

handle_starttag() method, of HTMLParser objects, 562

handle_timeout() method, of SocketServer class, 493

handle_write() method, of dispatcher objects, 456

has_data() method, of Request objects, 517

has_header() method

of Request objects, 517

of Sniffer objects, 550

has_ipv6 variable, socket module, 475

has_key() method, of dicts, 45

has_option() method, of ConfigParser objects, 333

has_section() method, of ConfigParser objects, 333

hasattr() function, 205

and private attributes, 128

hasAttribute() method, of DOM Element objects, 572

hasAttributeNS() method, of DOM Element objects, 572

hasAttributes() method, of DOM Node objects, 571

hasChildNodes() method, of DOM Node objects, 571

hash table, 16, 44

hash table based databases, 310

hash() function, 205

__hash__() method, 56

Hashable abstract base class, 265

hashlib module, 559

example of, 425

header_offset attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

headers attribute

of BaseHTTPRequestHandler objects, 509

of FieldStorage objects, 535

heap, 269

heapify() function, heapq module, 269

heapmin() function, msvcrt module, 372

heappop() function, heapq module, 269

heappush() function, heapq module, 269

heappushpop() function, heapq module, 270

heapq module, 269

heapreplace() function, heapq module, 270

hello world program, 5

help() function, 24, 206

bizarre output with decorators, 113

herror exception, socket module, 485

hex() function, 77, 206

future_builtins module, 217

hex() method, of floating point, 39


creating strings from integers, 77

integer literals, 27

hexdigest() method

of digest objects, 559

of hmac objects, 560

hexdigits variable, string module, 287

hexversion variable, sys module, 231

hiding attribute names from dir() function, 128

hierarchical locking, 442

hierarchical logging, logging module, 360

hierarchy of exceptions, 87-88

hierarchy of objects, 137

HIGHEST_PROTOCOL constant, pickle module, 172

HKEY_* constants, winreg module, 408

HMAC authentication, 559

hmac module, 559

hostname attribute

of urlparse objects, 520

of urlsplit objects, 521

hostname, obtaining for host machine, 474

hour attribute, of time objects, 338

HTML forms

example of, 531

uploading with urllib package, 515

HTML parsing, 561

html.parser module, 561

HTMLParser class, html.parser module, 561

HTMLParser module, see html.parser, 561

HTMLParserError exception, html.parser module, 562

htonl() function, socket module, 475

htons() function, socket module, 475

HTTP cookies, 511

HTTP protocol

description of, 500

request methods, 501

response codes, 501

HTTP server

custom handling of requests, 510

example with asynchat module, 453

example with asyncore module, 457

example with coroutines, 466

example with firewall, 507

standalone example, 508

uploading files in POST request, 505

http package, 500

http.client module, 502

http.cookiejar module, 513

http.cookies module, 511

http.server module, 506

HTTPBasicAuthHandler class, urllib.request module, 518-519

HTTPConnection() function, http.client module, 502

HTTPCookieProcessor class, urllib.request module, 518-519

HTTPDefaultErrorHandler class, urllib.request module, 518

HTTPDigestAuthHandler class, urllib.request module, 518-519

HTTPError exception, urllib.error module, 523

HTTPException exception, http.client module, 504

HTTPHandler class

logging module, 362

urllib.request module, 518

httplib module, see http.client, 502

HTTPRedirectHandler class, urllib.request module, 518

HTTPResponse objects, http.client module, 504

HTTPSConnection() function, http.client module, 502

HTTPServer class, http.server module, 506

HTTPSHandler class, urllib.request module, 518

hypot() function, math module, 251


-i command line option, 173-174

I/O buffering, and generators, 165

I/O multiplexing, 459

__iadd__() method, 61

__iand__() method, 61

IBM General Decimal Arithmetic Standard, 243

id() function, 33, 206

ident attribute, of Thread objects, 436

identifiers, 26

and first-class data, 36

case sensitivity, 26

reserved words, 26

usage of underscores, 26

use of Unicode in Python 3, 622

identity comparison of objects, 34

identity of objects, 33

identity operator is, 78

__idiv__() method, 61

__idivmod__() method, 61

IDLE, 5-6

and standard I/O streams, 162

IEEE 754, 243

if statement, 9, 81

and __debug__ variable, 91

ifilter() function, itertools module, 271

ifilterfalse() function, itertools module, 271

__ifloordiv__() method, 61

iglob() function, glob module, 317

ignorableWhitespace() method, of ContentHandler objects, 581

ignore debugger command, pdb module, 188

‘ignore’ error handling, Unicode encoding, 166

ignore_environment attribute, of sys.flags, 230

ignore_pattern() function, shutil module, 318

ignore_zeros attribute, of TarFile objects, 321

ignored NameError exception in __del__, 179

ignoring exceptions, 85

__ilshift__() method, 61

imag attribute

of complex numbers, 39

of floating point, 39

imap() function, itertools module, 272

imap() method, of Pool objects, 424

imap_unordered() method, of Pool objects, 424

imaplib module, 587

imghdr module, 588

immutability, of tuples, 14

immutable types, inheriting from, 55

immutable, definition of, 33

__imod__() method, 61

imp module, 224, 585

implicit type conversion, lack of, 62

import statement, 13, 23-24, 50, 143-144

Python 3, 151

absolute imports in packages, 151

and main program, 146

and sys.modules, 144

and sys.path variable, 147

as qualifier, 144

case sensitivity, 148

compilation of .pyc files, 148

execution of modules, 143

module search path, 147

multiple modules, 144

one-time execution of modules, 144

packages, 150

placement within a program, 144

relative package imports, 150-151

scoping rules of loaded code, 145

types of modules, 148

ImportError exception, 87, 148, 214

importing selected symbols from a module, 145

ImproperConnectionState exception, http.client module, 504

__imul__() method, 61

in operator, 9

and __contains__ method, 58

and checking for substrings, 69

on dicts, 16, 45, 74

on sequences, 67, 69

in-place assignment operators, 75

in-place file updates, 159

in-place mathematical operators, 61

in-place modification

of lists, 40

of sets, 47

in_dll() method, of ctypes type objects, 616

INADDR_* constants, socket module, 478

IncompleteRead exception, http.client module, 504

IncrementalDecoder class, codecs module, 279

incrementaldecoder() method, of CodecInfo objects, 279

IncrementalEncoder class, codecs module, 278

incrementalencoder() method, of CodecInfo objects, 278

indentation, 8, 25

and documentation strings, 30

and line continuation character , 9

and tabs, 26

preferred style, 8

putting statements on the same line, 25

IndentationError exception, 87, 214

index() method

of array objects, 260

of lists, 40-41

of strings, 41, 43

IndexError exception, 69, 87, 214

indexing operator [], 39, 67

on lists, 12

on sequences, 68

on strings, 11

on tuples, 14

indexing, 0-based, 11

indexOf() function, operator module, 274

indices() method, of slices, 54

inet_aton() function, socket module, 475

inet_ntoa() function, socket module, 476

inet_ntop() function, socket module, 476

inet_pton() function, socket module, 476

inexact representation of floating point, 12

Inf variable, decimal module, 248


decimal module, 244

infinity, 213

info() method

of Logger objects, 357

of urlopen objects, 515

infolist() method, of ZipFile objects, 326

inheritance, 21, 119

__mro__ attribute of classes, 121

abstract base classes, 137

attribute binding, 119

calling methods in superclasses, 120

from built-in types, 22

from immutable types, 55

initialization of superclasses, 120

interaction with__slots__, 133

internal optimization of, 233

isinstance() function, 34

issubclass() function, 135

metaclasses, 139

method resolution order, 121

multiple inheritance, 121

preventing redefinition of methods, 128

private methods, 128

use with exceptions, 88

.ini files

configuring logging with, 368

reading from Python, 332

init() function, mimetypes module, 567

__init__() method, 50, 54-55

and exceptions, 88

and inheritance, 120

and instance creation, 129

and metaclasses, 139

and pickle, 228

defining multiple instance creation methods, 123

of classes, 22, 118 files in packages, 149

input() function, 162, 206

Python 3, 11

insert() method

of Element objects, 577

of array objects, 260

of lists, 12, 41

insertBefore() method, of DOM Node objects, 571

inserting items into a dictionary, 16

inserting items into a list, 41

insort() function, bisect module, 261

insort_left() function, bisect module, 261

insort_right() function, bisect module, 261

inspect attribute, of sys.flags, 230

inspect module, 222

inspecting objects, with dir(), 63

install command, of files, 154

install_opener() function, urllib.request module, 518

installation of third-party packages, 154

in user directory, 154

installing a package, 153

instance methods, 48, 118

__instancecheck__() method, 57, 136

instances, 117

as callable, 50

attribute assignment, 131

attribute deletion, 131

creation of, 55, 118, 129

definition of, 33

pickling of, 228

type of, 50

instantiation of abstract base class, 137

int type, 38

int() function, 11, 62, 76, 206

__int__() method, 61-62

and type coercion, 134

integer division, Python 3, 633

integers, 27

2’s complement representation, 66

as dictionary key, 16

automatic promotion to long, 27

conversion to longs, 38

creating hexadecimal strings, 77

creating random, 254

overflow behavior, 66

range of, 38

specifying as hex, octal, or binary, 27

Integral abstract base class, 253

IntegrityError exception, database API, 302

interactive attribute, of sys.flags, 230

interactive mode, 6, 175

and blank lines, 26

display of results, 55, 176

interactive terminal, 174

InterfaceError exception, database API, 302

internal_attr attribute, of ZipInfo objects, 327

InternalError exception, database API, 302

international characters

and string comparison, 70

in source code, 31

interpolation, of values in strings, 72

interpreter, 5

interpreter command line options, 173

interpreter environment variables, 174

interpreter prompts, 175

interpreter, -t and -tt options, 26

interprocess communication (IPC), 413

interrupt() method, of Connection objects, 306

intersection operator &, of sets, 15

intersection() method, of sets, 46

intersection_update() method, of sets, 47

interval timer, 399

introspection of objects, 222

inv() function, operator module, 273

InvalidURL exception, http.client module, 504

invert() function, operator module, 274

__invert__() method, 61

io module, 349

Python 3, 631

problems associated with, 354

IOBase abstract base class, 354

IOBase class, io module, 349

ioctl() function, fcntl module, 348

ioctl() method, of socket objects, 482

IOError exception, 87, 214

__ior__() method, 61

IP_* socket options, socket module, 480

__ipow__() method, 61

IPPROTO_* constants, socket module, 476

IPv4 protocol, 470

address format, 471

IPv6 protocol, 470

address format, 471

IPV6_* socket options, socket module, 480-481

IronPython, 5

example of, 620

__irshift__() method, 61

is operator, object identity, 34, 78

is_() function, operator module, 274

is_alive() method

of Process objects, 416

of Thread objects, 436

is_multipart() method, of Message objects, 554

is_not() function, operator module, 274

is_set() method, of Event objects, 440

is_tarfile() function, tarfile module, 319

is_unverifiable() method, of Request objects, 517

is_zipfile() function, zipfile module, 325

isabs() function, os.path module, 397

isabstract() function, inspect module, 224

isAlive() method, of Thread objects, 436

isalnum() method, of strings, 41, 43

isalpha() method, of strings, 43

isatty() function, os module, 383

isatty() method

of IOBase objects, 349

of files, 160

isblk() method, of TarInfo objects, 321

isbuiltin() function, inspect module, 224

ischr() method, of TarInfo objects, 321

isclass() function, inspect module, 224

iscode() function, inspect module, 225

isDaemon() method, of Thread objects, 437

isdatadescriptor() function, inspect module, 225

isdev() method, of TarInfo objects, 321

isdigit() method, of strings, 43

isdir() function, os.path module, 397

isdir() method, of TarInfo objects, 321

isdisjoint() method, of sets, 46

iselement() function, xml.etree.ElementTree module, 578

isenabled() function, gc module, 221

isEnabledFor() method, of Logger objects, 359

isfifo() method, of TarInfo objects, 321

isfile() function, os.path module, 397

isfile() method, of TarInfo objects, 321

isframe() function, inspect module, 225

isfunction() function, inspect module, 225

isgenerator() function, inspect module, 225

isgeneratorfunction() function, inspect module, 225

isinf() function, math module, 252

isinstance() function, 34, 37, 135, 206-207

and inheritance, 134

and proxy objects, 135

redefining behavior of, 136

islice() function, itertools module, 272

islink() function, os.path module, 397

islnk() method, of TarInfo objects, 321

islower() method, of strings, 43

ismethod() function, inspect module, 225

ismethoddescriptor() function, inspect module, 225

ismodule() function, inspect module, 225

ismount() function, os.path module, 397

isnan() function, math module, 252

iso-8859-1 encoding, description of, 169

isocalendar() method, of date objects, 337

isoformat() method

of date objects, 337

of time objects, 338

isoweekday() method, of date objects, 337

isreg() method, of TarInfo objects, 321

isReservedKey() method, of Morsel objects, 512

isroutine() function, inspect module, 225

isSameNode() method, of DOM Node objects, 571

isspace() method, of strings, 43

issubclass() function, 135, 206

redefining behavior of, 136

issubset() method, of sets, 46

issuperset() method, of sets, 46

issym() method, of TarInfo objects, 322

istitle() method, of strings, 43

istraceback() function, inspect module, 225

__isub__() method, 61

isupper() method, of strings, 41, 43

itemgetter() function, operator module, 275

items() method

of ConfigParser objects, 333

of Element objects, 577

of Message objects, 552

of dicts, 45

of dicts in Python 3, 632

itemsize attribute, of array objects, 259

ItemsView abstract base class, 266

iter() function, 206

__iter__() method, 59, 82

Iterable abstract base class, 265

iteration, 10, 17, 59, 82

breaking out of a loop, 83

iteration variable, 82

over a sequence, 39, 69

over dictionary keys, 17

over dictionary values, 45

over multiple sequences, 83

portable function for next() operation, 207

protocol change in Python 3, 633

protocol of, 60, 82

scope of iteration variable, 82

supported objects, 17

unpacking of tuples, 82

Iterator abstract base class, 265

iterators, use in Python 3, 632

iterdecode() function, codecs module, 279

iterdump() method, of Connection objects, 306

iterencode() function, codecs module, 279

iterencode() method, of JSONEncoder objects, 566

iterkeyrefs() method, of WeakKeyDictionary objects, 241

iterparse() function, xml.etree.ElementTree module, 578

itertools module, 83, 270

itervaluerefs() method, of WeakValueDictionary objects, 241

__itruediv__() method, 61

__ixor__() method, 61

izip() function, itertools module, 83, 212, 272

izip_longest() function, itertools module, 272


J character, on complex number literals, 27

j(ump) debugger command, pdb module, 188

Java, 620

difference in class system, 119

Javascript, pop-up window example, 531

join() function, os.path module, 397

join() method

of JoinableQueue objects, 419

of Pool objects, 424

of Process objects, 416

of Queue objects, 445

of Thread objects, 436

of strings, 43

join_thread() method, of Queue objects, 418

JoinableQueue() function, multiprocessing module, 419

js_output() method

of Morsel objects, 512

of SimpleCookie objects, 512

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 563

json module, 563

difference from pickle and marshal, 565

JSONDecoder class, json module, 565

JSONEncoder class, json module, 566

jumpahead() function, random module, 254

Jython, 5

example of, 620


kbhit() function, msvcrt module, 373

key attribute, of Morsel objects, 512

key index operator [], 44

of dicts, 16

key keyword argument, to sort(), 40

KEY_* constants, winreg module, 410

keyboard interrupts, 162

KeyboardInterrupt class, 214

KeyboardInterrupt exception, 87-88, 162

KeyError exception, 44, 87, 214

keyrefs() method, of WeakKeyDictionary objects, 241

keys() method

of Element objects, 577

of Message objects, 552

of dicts, 45

of dicts in Python 3, 632


acceptable types for dictionaries, 16

of dicts, 44

KeysView abstract base class, 266

keyword arguments, 18, 94

mixing with positional arguments, 94

keyword module, 585

keyword-only arguments, Python 3, 625

keywords attribute, of partial objects, 268

kill() function, os module, 392

kill() method, of Popen objects, 403

killpg() function, os module, 392

kqueue, BSD, 460

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