Getting ready

For this recipe, we need the datasets/ch3/simple_motif.txt and datasets/ch3/promoters.fa files, a simple matrix describing a simple motif in a Position Specific Weight Matrix (PSWM) format (see Appendix for a brief description), and a set of sequences from upstream of transcriptional start sites.

This recipe also requires a working copy of MEME on your system. MEME is a program for finding statistically overrepresented sequence motifs in sets of sequences. When used on promoter or upstream gene regions, these motifs can represent transcription factor-binding sites. The web page for MEME is at and if you have conda installed, you can install it with conda install -c bioconda meme. The MEME package isn't available for Windows systems. If you wish to run it on Windows, then you should look at running it under Cygwin—a Linux emulation layer ( You may need to install a new version of R under Cygwin as well. 

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