How to do it...

Finding DNA motifs with universalmotif can be done using the following steps:

  1. First, load the libraries and a motif of interest:

motif <- read_matrix(file.path(getwd(), "datasets", "ch3","simple_motif.txt"))
  1. Then, load in sequences to scan with the motif:
sequences <- readDNAStringSet(file.path(getwd(), "datasets", "ch3", "promoters.fa"))
  1. Perform a scan of the sequences:
motif_hits <- scan_sequences(motif, sequences = sequences)
Note that motif_hits contains information about the position of the motif in each of the target sequences.
  1. Calculate whether the motif is enriched in the sequences:
motif_info <- enrich_motifs(motif, sequences, shuffle.k = 3, verbose = 0, progress = FALSE, RC = TRUE)
Note that motif info contains information about statistical enrichment in a set of sequences.
  1. Run MEME to find novel motifs:
meme_path = "/Users/macleand/miniconda2/bin/meme"
meme_run <- run_meme(sequences, bin = meme_path, output = "meme_out", overwrite.dir = TRUE)
motifs <- read_meme("meme_out/meme.txt")
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