Technical requirements

The sample data you'll need is available from this book's GitHub repository at If you want to use the code examples as they are written, then you will need to make sure that this data is in a sub-directory of whatever your working directory is.

Here are the R packages that you'll need. Most of these will install with install.packages(); others are a little more complicated:

  • ape 
  •  Bioconductor
    • dada2 
    • phyloseq
  • corrplot
  • cowplot
  • dplyr
  • kmer
  • magrittr
  • metacoder
  • RColorBrewer
  • vegan

Bioconductor is huge and has its own installation manager. You can install it with the following code:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager"))
 Further information is available at the following link:

Normally, in R, a user will load a library and use the functions directly by name. This is great in interactive sessions but it can cause confusion when many packages are loaded. To clarify which package and function I'm using at a given moment, I will occasionally use the packageName::functionName() convention. 

Sometimes, in the middle of a recipe, I'll interrupt the code so you can see some intermediate output or the structure of an object that's important to understand. Whenever that happens, you'll see a code block where each line begins with ## (double hash) symbols. Consider the following command:


This will give us the following output:

## a b c d e

 Note that the output lines are prefixed with ##.

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