Figure 15.24 Page Setup Window Displaying Paper Tab
specifies the size of paper to use by setting the PAPERSIZE option. Paper sizes
include Letter, Legal, A4, and so on.
specifies the type of paper to use. Examples of choices include Standard, Glossy,
and Transparency. This sets the PAPERTYPE option.
designates which input paper tray is to be used. This sets the PAPERSOURCE
specifies the bin or output paper tray that is to be used for the resulting output.
This sets the PAPERDEST option.
Note: Page settings are stored in the SAS registry. Although your page settings should
remain in effect from one SAS session to another, changing default printers could
lose, change, or disable some of the settings. If you change printers during a SAS
session, check the Page Setup window to ensure that all of your settings are valid for
your new default printer.
System Options That Control Universal Printing
The following system options control Universal Printing.
Table 15.8 System Options That Control Universal Printing
System Option Description
BINDING= Specifies the binding edge for the printer.
BOTTOMMARGIN= Specifies the size of the margin at the bottom of the page
for printing.
274 Chapter 15 Printing with SAS
System Option Description
COLLATE Specifies the collation of multiple copies for output for the
COLORPRINTING Specifies color printing, if it is supported.
COPIES= Specifies the number of copies to make when printing.
DUPLEX Specifies double-sided printing, if it is supported.
LEFTMARGIN= Specifies the size of the margin on the left side of the
ORIENTATION= Specifies the paper orientation to use (either portrait,
landscape, reverse-portrait, or reverse-landscape) for the
whole document or for changing the orientation of
individual pages in a document.
PAPERDEST= Specifies the bin or output paper tray to receive printed
PAPERSIZE= Specifies the paper size to use when printing.
PAPERSOURCE= Specifies the input paper tray to use for printing.
PAPERTYPE= Specifies the type of paper to use for printing.
PRINTERPATH= Specifies a printer for Universal Printing print jobs.
RIGHTMARGIN= Specifies the size of the margin on the right side of the
SYSPRINTFONT= Specifies the default font to use when printing.
TOPMARGIN= Specifies the size of the margin at the top of the page.
Note: The PRINTERPATH= system option specifies which printer is used.
If the PRINTERPATH= system option is blank, then the default printer is used.
If the PRINTERPATH= system option is not blank, then Universal Printing is
Note: In the Windows environment, the default printer is the current Windows system
printer or the printer specified by the SYSPRINT system option. Therefore,
Universal Printing is not used.
System Options That Control Universal Printing 275
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